Mission Target (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 7) by Mark Nolan – Review by Kerry Carr

Mission Target (Jake Wolfe, # 7)Mission Target by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 7th book in the Jack Wolfe series. I have loved everyone of these books and I am amazed at how the author keeps creating stories that are different with different threats but still gripping, full of twists and turns and danger.

Jack is an amazing character and over the series I have really fallen for him and his ex- war dog Cody. Together they have faced some dangerous situations and this one is no different.

When a dangerous drug starts making its presents felt in the form of dead bodies, Jake is contact to put a stop to it. All he needs to do is eliminate the big boss, which will stop the supply and elimate the drug. Should be simple right.
However, that is never the case with Jake’s missions and as he tries to destroy this new enemy harming the American people he also puts himself in a position with a target on his back yet again.
This is a story of corruption, greed, danger, and a serial killer who is very deranged which leads to fast paced, action packed story where it is a race against time for Jake to destroy the enemy before the enemy destroys him.
This book is an edge of your seat read that you will not be able to put down. I actually read it in one sitting as I couldn’t stop turning pages.
I love this author’s work and am always left gasping for air at the end of the books and this one left me feeling exactly the same.

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