Seraphina (Heartstrings Series) by Brooke May – Review by Brandy Rymer

SeraphinaSeraphina by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is by far my favorite book in the Heartstrings series, what a wonderful moral that we learn in this book. Not only do we learn that actions speak louder than words, but we also see that the love of mankind is far more important than anything money can buy. Seraphina also referred to as Meanie by Aiko, our first cupid that we met in book one of this series, not only helps to show why she’s developed this nickname, but she grows through the process of this latest assignment. She is working with Seth, a man that she has been tethered to two other times, both of which failed after she had left the romance to finish blooming on their own, must come back a third time to help Seth, a pro ice hockey player, to find the love of his life. Seraphina is surprised by the man that she is confronted with, as he has changed, and not for the better, allowing fame and fortune to change his entire outlook on life. He is now more focused on himself, instead of the love that he once had for his teammates and the love of the game. Her work is cut out for her, especially when Seraphina learns that the person that Seth’s heartstring leads to is a woman who works in a local place that helps kids in a low-income neighborhood to have opportunities at daycare and activities to keep them out of trouble. Seth grew up in a similar situation thanks to his grandmother taking him in at a young age and giving him the love of ice hockey. Seth has a lot to learn when it comes to wooing a woman who does not need or want all the expensive dinners and entertainment that he’s used to showing his dates but is more drawn into the love he shows the children. Will Seth be able to find his past self, and find joy in the simple things of life, or will he allow his fame and fortune to continue to blind him to the greater things in life, such as true love?
@Brandy Rymer

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