Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Jenni Bishop

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light, #2)Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet Dreams is an enchanting tale that takes us to the mysterious and magical Emerald Isle. Just reading the story transported me back to my wonderful holiday many years ago. I really enjoyed the writing style the attention to detail Nanette put in because I could feel, smell and taste it all as though I was standing right there.
This love story is engaging, and I loved the sense of humour in the writing it has all the makings of a good Hall Mark movie.
The characters really are charming the character development is spot on. We get to catch up with characters from previous books to.
This feel-good story has dramatic turns, pre-wedding dilemmas, ancient legends, secrets, magical gifts, dreams, hopes, wants and unexpected love. What more could you hope for, and Nanette has delivered.
It was a quick read but an enjoyable read. I only wish it was a little longer.
To find out what happens grab it today and discover what makes it such a magical tale.

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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