Song of Earth and Claws (Faelands Series) by Lena Abram – Review by Sharon Funkhouser

Song of Earth and ClawsSong of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by Lena Abram and wasn’t sure what to expect. The early parts of the story were almost a bit confusing as I tried to learn the character names and roles in the world Abram crafted, but after awhile it all came together and I was IN. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next, when and if betrayal would come, from who and how… the intricacies of Abram’s Fae world were well thought out and with plenty of room to continue the story. Plenty of sexual tension as well.
Fantastic storytelling, world building and character development. Can’t wait for book two.

View all my reviews

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