Sweet Dreams By Claire: A Small Town Feel-Good Delicious Irish Romance (Capture The Light Book 2) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sweet Dreams by Claire: A Heartwarming Irish Romance (Capture the Light, Book 2)Sweet Dreams by Claire: A Heartwarming Irish Romance by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Claire is a woman who lives for baking sweet treats and flavour, so it is a good thing that she works in her family bakery, but her dream is to experiment more with flavours, however, the family bakery is very traditional. One day, Claire is asked to go up to the local castle and deliver some cupcakes for a clients wedding, although she thinks they are a little boring, she agrees and sets off on the long walk up the hill, unfortunately, a wayward cyclist foils that plan and squashes the box, but thankfully, Claire is given permission to use the resort kitchen to make some new ones and this leads on to a surprise invitation to the wedding itself.

As the days pass and the wedding grows closer, Claire is enveloped into the chaos that is Brigid Cleary and her family, including her dashing brother Finn, the man who is determined to take her out of her routine and explore the world around her. This completely unsettles Claire as she helps out with wedding dilemma’s, all while still working in the bakery, but when her past comes back to haunt her while spending time with her newfound friends, she has a feeling that it is going to spoil the connections she is fostering.

The only thing Claire did not plan for was a gift with some of the magic of Ireland crashing into her life as moonlight and emotion mix, but with the dawning of a new day, things come crashing down around Claire and she has to make the decision to either accept the new direction her life is going, or bow down to the traditional values she once adored, but are the consequences attached to each option too much? This is a sweet romance based in Claremore, Ireland where culture, magic, emotions and baking collide to lead you on a journey of romance, courage and creativity.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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