Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Darla Yocom

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Selene, the main character, immediately finds herself in a position where she has no place to live and no job. She thinks she always puts 100% effort into her jobs, yet she continuously finds herself let go. So much so, the local job finding business refuses to help her. This doesn’t stop her from asking for something, anything they can offer. Thankfully someone takes pity on her and conveniently walks away so she can preview any job listings their office received. This is when her life forever changes.

Selene thinks she’s found a cushy job in paradise and after speaking with one of the owners, finds that her room and board would be covered if she takes the position to live on the island while completing her job. The details were a bit sketchy, but she rolls with it. When she first arrives, she isn’t bothered by the fact that she will be the only employee who stays overnight on the island other than the owners and the visitors staying at the establishment. Then she is informed that if she ventures outside after dusk, she must wear a mask at all times.

She immediately finds the mysterious island exciting, intriguing and a tiny bit dangerous.

The author created yet another paranormal romance plot that is a bit outlandish, but still satisfying for those who enjoy a bit of steaminess. Selene is a bit annoying at first, but you will soon grow to love her. While the book is a quick read, I felt it was missing a bit more details to fully reach its potential. I think overall readers will enjoy it, but it leaves you wanting to know more. Maybe a good start to a series for this character/location? Either way, I cannot wait to read the author’s next book.

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