Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Megan Conley

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I really liked the premise of this short story and I really hope/wish/want/plead with C.A. King to do a more in-depth telling of this story. The Curse of the Forbidden Island is a paranormal/horror/reverse harem/romance that definitely has the potential to be a fantastic book. My biggest issue with it is that I felt rushed throughout and there were some plot holes and parts of the plot that I wish were more developed. I also really wanted the characters to be more developed. I felt that the information we were given was just dumped on the reader (sometimes seemingly at random) and it could have been more developed. I also recognize that this short story is only 52 pages long and there’s only so much time which is why I’d really love to see this developed into a longer story. The plot is there and I think King has the ability and wherewithal to do it. This is a super quick 20-30 minute read (depending on how many distractions you have ;)) and it’s spicy in all the right ways. Like I said, I enjoyed it but I’d just like to see more character development and some of the plot holes filled in and more plot development as well.
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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