Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Julie Johnson

Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series, #2)Divinely Dramatic by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Marcy is called in to help out her friend Justine as a costume designer for an upcoming production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” when Justine is called away to other duties. Marcy shows up and the director comes across as very brash and condescending after Marcy was told that he was a big teddy bear and very sweet. First impressions matter! As Marcy is attending rehearsals to gather the needed information to fit everyone for costumes, she suddenly finds herself reading lines for the female star of the show. The actress casted for this part has never shown up for any rehearsals and no one knows where she is or if she’s ok. Marcy fits in great with the cast and soon finds herself not only as the costume designer but also as a lead actress.

There are some very strange occurrences in the costume loft. Weird flashes of lights, sounds of chains rattling, and bats just to name a few things. Marcy is able to see auras and along with her friend, Tess, they are able to see into the supernatural world. Marcy and Tess “meet” Ellen, the original female lead from 50 years ago who mysteriously died during the production of the show. Can Marcy and Tess figure out this mystery and put Ellen to rest?

This book is very enjoyable, as was the first book in this series. This book can be read as a stand alone but why would you want to miss out on all the fun of vintage dresses and historical sightings? I’m hoping there will be more stories in this series to come!

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