Kingdom of the Oceans (Relic Hunters Series) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Shannen Kern

Kingdom of the OceansKingdom of the Oceans by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the sixth book in the Relics Hunters series, and I am so sad to see it end! This has been one of my favorite series I’ve read in such a long time. The author has a brilliant way of creating a flawless story flow and just pulls you right in from the start. I absolutely recommend reading these in order as there are five books worth of backstory, character development, and crucial plot twists that you’ll need to appreciate fully. As always, I love the multiple points of view as you get to experience the story from different perspectives. The author creates such vivid imagery with their words, I can’t recommend picking this series up enough! Even though YA is a genre I tend to lean to, I believe this would be a great fit for anyone looking for thrilling adventures as this group goes treasure hunting with quite a bit of mystery and intrigue involved. As sad as I am to see this series end, I will be recommending to everyone I can!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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