Master Botosoni (Masters of the Consulate Book 9) by Sylvia Black – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Master Botosoni (Masters of the Consulate #9)Master Botosoni by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Master Botosoni is the 9th book in the Masters of the Consulate series, but the only one I’ve read. I really liked the book, and got sucked in almost instantly. I felt the bdsm aspect was unnecessary and one that is over done. Rich powerful male, youth virgin girl… same old, same old. Once I was done rolling my eyes on that part, I got back to the story, which is well written and developed. There are a lot of characters, but they are supporting roles and focuses on Botosoni and Catina. I assume they are from the other 8 books I have yet to read- so reading as a series would probably make you more invested in their roles. The ending is a total cliff hanger which is frustrating, but the author was successful in guaranteeing a reader for the next book.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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