Relic Hunters: Betrayal of the Gods (Relic Hunters Series) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Santana Hicks

Betrayal of the Gods (Relic Hunters Book 5)Betrayal of the Gods by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After the Museum is taken over by the United Nations Security and Adam’s best friends mom, Elizabeth, who is also rumored to be a part of Winterbourne, Adam is told for the second time to investigate the Alpha team’s room.

Adam’s curiosity peaked. Once he broke into the room he was greeted with a bunch of old equipment and photos. In one of the photos is Charles, Elizabeth and their father! Turns out he was a hunter too and went down in a storm years ago. Adam and Matt right then and there quit. They no longer trust Charles and with the museum being under new management, it only makes sense to cut ties now.

Their mother and Charles give the boys the last things that their father had left for them. A letter and a journal. With that the boys decide to find out the truth about what happened to their father. Without the help from the museum, they need to do all of this secretly. After some investigating, it seems their father was looking for Atlantis.

There are flashbacks to a time when Atlantis still stood with mention of a few of the Greek Gods.

Again, Martin Ferguson shows how much research they put into their writing. The book started off with a twist, capturing my intrigue instantly. I love Greek Mythology and this was right up my alley. Will the Hunter Brothers really find Atlantis?

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