The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1)The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia Costa is a young Portuguese woman who is a widow, and she has a passion for wine and winemaking, it has been instilled in her since she was a child and she loves it, so when she married, she knew how to both work and manage the vineyard, however, after her husband died, she took on the roll full time, not that the suppliers know that. Griffin Maxwell is a young man who has made a deal with a large wine salesperson, the unfortunate thing is that he now has to chase a debtor in a small town in Portugal, it is the last thing he wants to do, however, he reluctantly agrees and goes to another vineyard nearby.

Griffin is not used to travelling when not doing it on horseback, so when he becomes stuck behind a local mail cart, he cannot take the cramped space any longer and decides to forge ahead on horseback, however, this does not go to plan when he encounters a boar and a woman working on the vines, in the most inappropriate mens clothing, but destiny brings them together to escape the boar, then part ways. This, however, is not the last he will see of this intriguing young woman as he meets her again at the local villages celebration and this is where he also cannot resist a taste, no matter how scandalised she feels after the kiss, but he is adamant he wants nothing else to do with the Portuguese or their temptations.

Julia does her best to ignore the attraction between herself and the Englishman, however, when the past comes to visit, she knows she needs to make another hard choice. Soon, Julia and Griffin begin to work together learning about each other’s skills and when Griffin discovers Julia is the debtor he is supposed to chase and is torn between his heart and his business dealings, but things are not to be within control, or Julia’s when tragedy strikes, and a pestilence begins to rip its way through the local vineyards.

Will Julia and Griffin be able to work together to find a cure for the vines, or will their livelihoods come crashing down before they can take a chance to invest in them? This is a historical romance set in beautiful country with a fascinating culture and the trials and tribulations they face, all while weaving a tale of romance and danger throughout, a tantalising glimpse into a world into which you will want to dive deeper.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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