Before I Let You Go by Kellie Wallace – Review by Jenni Bishop

Before I Let You GoBefore I Let You Go by Kellie Wallace
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4-5 star
I noticed Kellie was an author from Australia and wondered what a home-grown girl had to offer and let me tell you I was pleasantly surprised. I found myself eagerly turning the pages for more and putting it down was not on the cards because I had to know how it all ended.
Before I Let You Go is a fast-paced romance tale that is mysterious, with a dash of darkness, a little suspense and intrigue. I love paranormal/supernatural/fantasy.
The characters were really well written and there were a few twists and turns that surprised me but there is also some humour.
Elsbeth is in need of a change and her newly inherited a remote French island home will give her that and much more. What she hadn’t counted on was the three men who have come into her life and the turmoil and secrets that she finds herself in. What dark mysteries do the island and her home hold?
I look forward to reading more from Kellie.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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