Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Series) by Stephanie R. Caffrey – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Book 1)Mistaken Identity by Stephanie R. Caffrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mistaken Identity By: Stephanie R. Caffrey
4 Star Review
Mistaken Identity was action packed from the start and never a dull moment. Stephanie R. Caffrey kept me captivated throughout the whole book.

Evie aka Evelyn found herself in a situation at the airport that kept her from her next destination to Greece. When she bumped into someone accidently and they switched identical bags she was on a race to get hers back. While running to track down her bag Evie ran into Patrick Miller P.I who mistook her for the girl he was looking for that was running from a Crime Family. Both eventually work together with the help of James, Patrick’s roommate and Business partner so that Evie can go home. There was some betrayal throughout the book with people Patrick thought they could trust.
Again, Action packed with a romance that had them back and forth with a uncertainty that had me rooting for the both of them to win in this whole situation. Loved how the story was written and the characters were introduced and brought together. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.


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