Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate: A Youth Sleuths Chapter Books Series (A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book Series) by MJ Murray and Amanda Letcher – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate (A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book Series, #2)Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate by M.J. Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book sees the return of Detective Dylan, his sister Emily and dog Theodore and this time, they are off to the local park to practice playing ball, it is a Saturday and a lot of the local kids go there to practice, however, when they get there, the coach can’t find the home plate and without this and the other plates, they can’t practice.

Fortunately, Dylan has brought his detective kit from the Youth Sleuths and so Dylan, Emily and Theodore head out into the park to investigate where the plate has gone and who had taken it, but as with all investigations, the answer is not as straightforward as it seems.

Will the trio be able to fund the plates and save the day, or will practice just have to be postponed until they are returned another day? This is a wonderful way to show the importance of communities, collaboration, fun and of course, investigating where you will follow along on the hunt and discover lots of other things along the way.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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