Kris & The Pirates (The Adventures of Kris) by Art Blegen – Review by Carrie Reed

Kris & The Pirates: The Adventures of KrisKris & The Pirates: The Adventures of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wonderful book! I was so entranced in the story that I thought Kris was really a part of the ship’s crew. Kris meets Stevie the Sloth, Tammy the Turtle, Sammy the Snake and Michael the Monkey along her way through the jungle, trying to hide from the pirates while also figuring out a way to save her crew. It was fun to watch her problem solve and plan for the rescue and she was pretty cleaver in getting them free. I enjoyed reading the descriptions of the pirates she came in contact with as well as her never give up attitude. I look forward to more adventures with Kris.

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