Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate Book 10) by Sylvia Black – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate #10)Master Oradea by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Master Oradea is the 10th book in the Masters of the Consulate series, but you don’t have to read them all. I have only read book 9 and this one, so far. This book does pickup where book 9 leaves off, and has the same characters for the most part. However, I jumped right into the story and caught on quick. There is about to be a big war between the underworld …factions? Not sure that’s the right word- The vampires, witches, shifters and humans. The vampires don’t know who they can trust and its weighing on everyone. Natalia is human (or so we think…..), the only daughter of a powerful family. She is strongly protected by her 4 brothers, but they enter in to business with the vampires and quickly learn they may not be able to keep her safe. So, she is sent off with Master Ordea to be her guard until the Rogue vampires are captured. But, like any good vampire story, there is a quick attraction between the 2. I think this book is much like the previous, and it is a perfect balance of steamy and suspense. I look forward to back reading in the series, I love the characters and their strength and connections.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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