Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Megan Rea

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely adore this book! This is the second installment in the Hot Flash Hookups series and my favorite so far. I loved Kaitlyn and Banks’s characters independently and together. Their banter, their stubbornness, and their chemistry…OMG their chemistry. Ray and Stewart had my hooked from the beginning and I couldn’t put this one down! They way they do a slow burn is phenomenal! And this book is a slow, slow burn in the best of ways. I love the other tropes as well: forced proximity, forbidden love (agent & player), he falls first (a personal fav), and many more. The character development is *chef’s kiss* as is the plot line. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next installment! I highly recommend grabbing this book…it’s a fantastic sports romance with just a bit of spice. A great pallet cleanser if you are looking for something a bit lighter in-between the darker readings 😉
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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