Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series) by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada – Review by Donya Pedigo

Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid's Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series)Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog by Giselle Nevada
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this book and this whole series! This story, like the rest in the series, has a fun rhyming story line, beautifully rendered illustrations, and well-thought-out activities that both your child and yourself can do to learn about the responsibilities of getting a puppy or dog. This will be a great resource for any parent to give to their child who wants a new puppy or dog! It shows that it takes not days or weeks but months to learn about puppy care and that they need to form a care plan for their pet! So, if your child or anyone in your life wants a new puppy or dog, you should definitely pick this up, so they can form a care plan before they get their new furry friend.

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