Scotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret: A Guide to Hidden Scotland (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Scotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret: A Guide to Hidden Scotland (The Hidden Gems Series)Scotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret: A Guide to Hidden Scotland by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting and informative guide to ‘Hidden Scotland’ which I found to be an enjoyable read. I enjoyed discovering about a country bursting with history and beauty, the ‘land of whisky and tartans’. The author is an obvious seasoned traveler who not only knows about Scotland’s legendary landscapes but is also knowledgeable about the many stories and myths surrounding it. I particularly enjoyed the information on Scotland’s geographic phenomena and the many historical sites to visit. This was a fascinating guide with a difference, and it definitely gave me greater knowledge about both the hidden places, and the more well known ones. The guide also includes practical information including budgeting advice and detailed plans of places to visit, and how to explore whilst avoiding the crowds. The narrative is written in a knowledgeable, friendly, conversational style which is easy to read, understand and navigate. I would have liked a few more maps to have been included as I feel these would have been helpful when planning itinerary’s. This really is an invaluable resource for anyone visiting Scotland and those just interested in learning more about this magical place.

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