Stop that Lion (Kingdom of Mir Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Anantha Rusum

Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace (Kingdom of Mir)Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I was a kid, my grand mom used to tell me story about a sher, which wanted to eat a cow. But the cow said it has to tend to it’s calf and she will come back the next day. That was a story about trust. When I read this book, it reminded me of that childhood story. In this book, there is a lion which keeps crossing the border to eat the sheep. The king announces a reward to anyone who finds the solution to the problem. But when a little girl comes up with a solution, she is disregarded at first. But later the king allows her to try. This book is a reminder to everyone that we should not rush to judgement and anyone can make a difference no matter how little they are.

A wonderful story for the little ones. Loved it.

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