Touched: Elemental Passions Book One by Skye Turner, Sloane Nicole, April D. Berry, C.J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Darlene Tallman, Julie Morgan, Livell James, Machelle Hanleigh, and Melissa MacKinnon – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Touched (Elemental Passions #1)Touched by Skye Turner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The book is book one of a new series. A few authors are writing together. I honestly saw the author and had to read it not realizing what it was about. I’m not a fan of paranormal books so it took me quite a while to finish. That being said, I thought the book was well written. Callum is a detective on his way to make a huge bust. When someone walks into him. That someone is Aeris. She’s a fairy or a fae which visits earth. Up until now, no one has been able to see her but, Callum can. However, they zinged…He is her Kindred…her mate. Together they encounter all different things. This book has sylph, fae, trolls, rougarou…you name it. Anything magical or mythical with spells.
I thought the book was pretty good.

Review by @xchellex

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