Touched: Elemental Passions Book One by Skye Turner, Sloane Nicole, April D. Berry, C.J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Darlene Tallman, Julie Morgan, Livell James, Machelle Hanleigh, and Melissa MacKinnon – Review by Dr. Anya Schultz

Touched (Elemental Passions #1)Touched by Skye Turner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Touched: Elemental Passions is a fantasy story about a fairy named Aeris. Aeris is adventurous and loves pushing boundaries to be in the human world. While she knows it is not always safe, she is fascinated by the human world. One day, while she snuck out, a human ends up being able to see through her glamour. This human is a detective named Callum. Callum and Aeris are immediately drawn to each other but don’t understand how or why. Callum is on a big case and things are getting weird, and not just because he can’t stop thinking about Aeris and what she is. The two of them realize that they are destined to be together and try to figure out what all this means. However, simultaneously, the two worlds are in danger and there is a batter brewing. The only people thought to be able to stop this is Aeris and Callum, but how? Will they be able to fight together, figure out what is going on, and also be allowed to be together?
This was a good book. I thought both characters were interesting. The storyline itself was fast-moving. I enjoyed how the fantasy world and the human world collided together. This is only the first book in the series, so I am sure I will go on to read the others to find out what will happen with this couple and their story.

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