4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Shannen Kern

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I had picked up by this author, and it was absolutely incredible! Don’t let the higher number of pages put you off because this is a collection of four books altogether. The stories all flow so well in their own way and felt like I breezed right through them all. Each book is focused on a different couple, and each has their own tropes so there’s really something for everyone! I enjoyed all of the characters as their development felt natural and well built. I don’t think I can pick a favorite out of all four because I truly plan on coming back to read them again in the not-so-distant future! There are strong female characters throughout and men to make you swoon (and sometimes yell). This author has left me with such a pleasant book hangover. I can’t wait to see what other amazing books they have! I highly recommend picking this up as it really seems to have something for everyone in the romance world.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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