A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Amber Howard

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin is the second novella in the Mythic Academy Collection. This story is about a Siren, Corisande, who accidentally hurts a sailor and a series of events that unfold. In this re-imagined telling, Sirens are sent to a special school in order to learn to conceal their powers and keep the knowledge of their existence a secret. On an outing with her best friend Sera, Bianca accidentally cause Noah to crash his boat. Feeling terrible the two Sirens save him. This action would be the start of turning the world they know upside down. Secrets will be revealed, bonds will be formed and something so powerful and simple may just be what they need to fix everything.

The characters are very sweet. Corisande and Noah are bonded by her curse but the feelings may be real. They both protect each other in their own ways. Sera is actually my fave character. The way she is there for Corisande is beautiful. She’s a shoulder to cry on, a voice of reason, and a defender. Again, like the first story, the ending is complete. I don’t have numerous questions. I love the tie in to mythology.

This story is marketed towards young adults but I enjoyed it a lot. It’s nice to read feel good wholesome books that don’t have a lot of adult content in them every now and then. You get romance, fantasy/paranormal, and a bit of mystery in this one. 4.5 ⭐️

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