A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Tausha Treadway

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin. This is somewhat sad, young adult, Paranormal read. It’s the story of Corisande who is a special type of siren that this supposed to use her song to kill sailors but she hates the thought of killing anyone. Corisande has attended Magwitch Academy trying to learn to control her song and she has to come extent but when she accidentally causes Noah to wreck his boat and he is injured which devastates Coriande. Trying to nurse him back to health they are both drawn to each other and feelings do occur. Can she keep that part of herself hidden from Noah and can he be the one person to help her control it. She loves to sing and its so hard to lose that part of herself. This is such a fun, Paranormal read. Even though this is the 2nd book it can be read as a standalone. I really enjoyed it.

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