Amese of Animalis: The Borosa Legacy by MJ Murray – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Amese of Animalis (Borosa Legacy, #1)Amese of Animalis by M.J. Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amese is a young girl who lives in Animalis with her family, she is the daughter of one of the six Guardians of the land who use elemental magic to keep the balance within the world and for generations, this responsibility is passed down to the child who is marked and this generation, Amese is the next in line.

Although she has this future responsibility, Amese doesn’t want it and she struggles to see why she has been chosen, especially when her siblings seem more suitable, but it is time for her to start her training to prepare her to rule, and so she reluctantly goes along with it.

Part of her training involves attending the Gatherings of the six Guardians and even though she knows they are supposed to work together, she can sense a rift forming between them, but the most exciting part of her training is a ritual using the symbol of Animalis, the jewel toned orchid bee who choose the animal she must transform into so that she can learn the lesson she needs to help her rule.

What lessons will Amese learn during her transformations, and can she figure out who or what is causing the rift between the Guardians? This is an exciting adventure which is full of magic, balance and some suspense as you transform along with Amese as you follow along on this journey of self-discovery.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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