Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Santana Hicks

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Louise is just finishing up her shift at the emergency department at the hospital when the body of one of her dearest friends shows up DOA. Gennifer Drake washed up on shore and was found in the early morning. Louise is instantly devastated and knows she will have to call their other close friend Marnie.

Marnie, still getting over the death of her husband, takes the news of Gens death weirdly okay. She feels like she has to investigate her death and hops on a plane to Texas to help Louise solve this case. Both girls suspect foul play. The question is why? Could it be because Gen was transgender or could it have something to do with her research pertaining to health concerns caused by mosquitoes and global warming?

They team up with Chris, a news reporter (and Marnies potential new love interest) and a detective by the name of Iliana Sudhan to get to the bottom of this mystery. With multiple motives and suspects, they have a hard time narrowing it down. As time goes on, a target is drawn on them next. They will have to figure it out soon before someone else gets hurt.

I really enjoyed the 2 main characters, Louise is calm, sweet and intelligent. Marnie is also intelligent but she is more sassy and excitable comparatively. They balanced each other out nicely. My only issue with the book is the amount of people being introduced. There were a lot of different characters’ background stories plus their families background stories and in my opinion it was unnecessary. It made the book drag on in some places making it hard to keep engaged and to keep track of who’s who.

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