Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Jenni Bishop

Five Tries to Get It RightFive Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book it is as heartbreaking as it is heartwarming. The characters are well developed and yet complex. Broken hearts and reunited friendships that lead to traveling together to try to heal but will it be enough. Some heart breaks are tough to get over. Just when all seems hopeless a bright and shining star finds a way to break down all the walls.
Five Tries to Get It Right is a beautiful and haunting tale. A story of beautiful friendships, sisterhood, heartbreaking loss, love, betrayal, grief and mental illness just to name a few. It was easy to relate to Kate having dealings with mental health myself. It is a story that shows how resilient and strong women can be when all is said and done even if they don’t feel like it. Letting go of the past is sometimes easier said than done.
The story is vividly rich in its telling and well written. It is one that should not be missed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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