Kris & The Cowboys (The Adventures of Kris Book #3) by Art Blegen – Review by Angela Hayes

Kris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of KrisKris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Kris and the Cowboys is the third book in The Adventures of Kris series by Art Blegen. This is a fun and intriguing instalment in this children’s (beginner) chapter book series- aimed at children aged 6 – 10 years….
Mr. Blegen always manages to come up with fun, new adventures for Kris to get swept into- and this one finds her on a cattle drive that will challenge her along the way. It’s a wonderfully vivid story which is easy to understand, and easy to read. Another well written, and imaginative story which is accompanied by some small (B + W) illustrations (heading up each chapter) that also help to bring the story to life.
Kris’s love of reading, along with her very vivid imagination means that she finds an ‘adventure’ wherever she goes. This story starts with her father dropping her off at Uncle Buddy’s ranch where Kris learns to ride a horse, and learns about a ‘working’ ranch and ranch life. When Uncle Buddy sets off on a cattle drive, Kris is determined to tag along- but Uncle Buddy doesn’t think she’s experienced enough just yet. But, Kris finds her own way of getting on a cattle drive- and is soon swept into an adventure with mystery, high stakes, rustlers, a missing cow, Indians, a hungry mountain lion, a flash flood that sweeps through the canyon they are travelling through, danger, dramatic developments, challenges, thinking ‘on your feet’, overcoming obstacles, a rescue, new friendships, family, and more. What happens makes for a great little read.
Each instalment in the series could be read as a standalone, as each has its own fully contained adventure, starring Kris. So there’s absolutely no worry that you might end up feeling like you are ‘missing’ anything that occurred in the previous books which might affect this story. But, having said that, Kris finds herself in lots of interesting situations that results in fun adventures- which you will definitely want to be part of….
The series consists of (so far):
-Kris & The Missing Prince (Book #1)
-Kris & The Pirates (Book #2)
-Kris and The Cowboys (Book #3)
-Kris & The Astronauts (Book #4 – coming later this year)
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Art Blegen!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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