Kris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of Kris by Art Blegen- Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Kris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of KrisKris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kris is a girl who can do anything that a boy can, and better, but she hates it when anyone calls her a Princess, she sees herself as more of a knight, but thats not when she is engrossed in her books. One day, Kris’s dad tells her that he has to go away for work, but that she will be staying with her grandmother at her farm and she will be there for a whole month!

As she gets into a routine, she decides to explore the woods she has been looking at, they look dark and scary, but knights aren’t scared of anything, so her mind is made up and she goes in.

Instead of fear, she finds an adventure, she meets an elf called Gregory who needs her help to find the missing Prince and the Mayor of the forest, but can Kris help to free them from the evil gnome Gnarlath and make her way back home, or will she be lost in the woods forever? This is an adventure book which is full of heart, where imagination and friendship abound and can make everything seem possible.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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