Make Me Want to Love You (Love in Emerald Creek) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Kerry Carr

Make Me Want To Love You: Love in Emerald CreekMake Me Want To Love You: Love in Emerald Creek by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Love in Emerald Creek Series. The author has always wrote stories that are emotional and have a very unique talent which allows the reader to connect with the characters. This is a story of second chance romance. Of two people who are perfect for each other but both come into it with baggage and issues which means their romance isn’t straight forward and easy but then what relationship in life is?
I loved how Burke’s relationship progressed with Shayna’s children as well as with Shayna. You could feel him wanting to be a part of their lives as much as their mum’s which was nice to read.

Shayna is a single mum. After escaping an abusive ex she is moving forward and focusing on herself and the kids. The last thing she is looking for is love. But sometimes it comes when we least expect it.

Burke is best friend to Shayna’s best friend. When Burke meet Shayna they have chemistry and he is attracted to her because unlike other women she doesn’t seem interested in what he can give her. As much as he wants to be with her he knows he has to take things slowly for all of their sakes.

As things progress their connection grows but trouble is ok the horizon in the form of the past coming back. Can Burke and Shayna overcome the obstacles and finally get their happy ever after.

View all my reviews

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