Master Oradea (Masters of Consulate Book 10) by Sylvia Black Review by Heidi Woodring

Master Oradea by Sylvia Black is the tenth book in the Master of the Consulate series. This is the first book that I read in the series and not my normal read bur I do have to say that I now want to read it all. I was taken by the characters, the world created by the author, and I could not put it down. The book was filled with so much from chemistry, twists, and betrayal. In this book you will find witches, vampires, shifters, and humans.
Master Oradea needs to protect Natalia from the rogues are captured. Right away there is an attraction between them. He wants to keep her safe and she knows she will one day need to use what her grandmother taught her. Can everyone work together? Can everyone stay safe?
A must read that I highly recommend!

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