Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Dr. Anya Schultz

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings is an enemies-to-lovers romance. Kaitlyn is a sports agent breaking into the hockey scene. On her way to meet her first client, her flight is delayed and she ends up having a great conversation with the man at the bar. They flirt, even on the flight, and at the end they part ways with no contact. However, to her surprise, he is a hockey player on the same team as her client and she gets mad because he has “lied” about who he was. Banks “Benny” Bennet is a professional hockey player but is known as the bad boy, who cares-type of player who is getting up there in age. After his and Kaitlyn’s meet cute, they end up as enemies and now 10 years have gone by. At this point, they claim to hate each other but have some residual sexual tension from 10 years ago. Banks is now looking for a new agent and Kaitlyn is persuaded into helping him. Through this “arrangement,” they start to learn more and more about each other and see that there is more to the story. Will they be able to cross these boundaries to satisfy what has been hanging over their heads for so long? Is this possible “arrangement” worth both of their careers?
I really enjoyed this story. Kaitlyn is a badass woman rocking it in a man’s world. She is respected but also hated for her position in the league. She had many sides to her character and I enjoyed all of them. As for Banks, OMG I just fell in love with him. The way he handled all the things that came his way (especially when they were not true) was just amazing. He is misunderstood, manly, gently, and hiding a really big heart. I just really enjoyed learnig about him and seeing his character develop throughout the story. In the end, he is just a down right good man who wants to protect what he wants, but learns that consequences occur, but sometimes it is totally worth it!!

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