Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings was a great read. I loved reading about Ben / Banks and Kaitlyn.
Those two met at an airport
about 10 years ago and had no idea who the other person was. They were both attracted to eachother but Kaitlyn has a one track mind and her job is the most important thing on her life. Meeting a hot guy and learning he’s a hockey player, makes her angry. They did alot of flirting at the airport and on the plane but, Kaitlyn is a different person in
Work mode. Banks and Kaitlyn grow to dislike eachother more then you would think even though they secretly have some hidden feelings.
Now 10 years later, Kaitlyn is asked by Roman to
Be Ben’s agent. Both Ben and Kaitlyn are against it
But, Ben needs the best of the best and that’s her. But what will happen when they start spending alot of time together? Can Kaitlyn stay strong and deflect the blue eyed, gorgeous guy she has spent 10 years avoiding? Or is it inevitable ? These two are both such strong characters but, Ben is willing to put everything aside for a chance with Kaitlyn to see what happens. Kaitlyn knows it will
Be career suicide being she’s a hockey agent, he’s a hockey player and the cherry on top is…..he’s her client !

Review by @xchellex

View all my reviews

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