Productivity is Power II: For Creative, Business, and Other Professionals by Hillary Rettig

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Productivity is Power II: For Creative, Business, and Other Professionals by Hillary Rettig
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Self Help
Page Count – 246
Cover Designer – Lee Busch
From the author of the bestselling The 7 Secrets of the Prolific.��Can’t finish your work?��Can’t start it?��Feel like your outcomes don’t reflect your potential?��Productivity is Power 2 can help! In it, you’ll learn how “laziness,” “lack of discipline,” and other barriers are symptoms of a deeper problem: disempowerment. That disempowerment is often caused by perfectionism, unmanaged time, an ineffective work process, traumatic rejections, and other factors. Locate and remedy the disempowering factors in your life and work, and watch yourself get more and more productive.��More specifically, Productivity is Power 2 will help you:
Locate, understand, and overcome your barriers to productivity and success so that you can become immediately more productive, successful, and happy.
Start your work on time, work steadily on it, and hand it on time. (Or early!)
Work through problems and obstacles. (No procrastination or derailments!)
Handle mistakes, failures, and other setbacks.
Manage your time well, so that you can succeed professionally while also living a healthy, happy, and balanced life. And,
Work more effectively with others.
And much more! Productivity is Power 2 also offers many unique, and uniquely effective, solutions, including:
Re-Empowerment. How to locate and remedy the specific forms of disempowerment that keep you from doing your work.
Compassionate Objectivity. The mindset that neutralizes perfectionism while maintaining accountability and a success orientation.
Timed Work Intervals, Randomization, Dialoguing with Your Inner Critic, and other solutions to perfectionism.
The Joyful Dance, a highly effective work method founded on principles of personal empowerment and compassionate objectivity.
Values-Based Time Management, which helps you achieve not just maximum empowerment and productivity in the short term, but maximum success and happiness over the course of your career.
Many solutions for common writing and work problems including not finishing, not submitting, over-researching, constantly starting over, and avoidance (of difficult parts of the project). Also, for efficient decision-making both within and around projects.
Solutions for coping with criticism, rejection, and perceived failures. And,
Solutions for “digital distraction,” online harassment, and other 21st Century obstacles to work and success.
…all of which will help you succeed and thrive.
Productivity is Power 2 can help anyone improve their productivity in a healthy, humane, and sustainable way. Get it for yourself, and for the author, artist, performer, entrepreneur, scholar, or community organizer in your life.
Don’t procrastinate on achieving your full potential! Get your copy of Productivity is Power 2 now!


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C.L. Schneider is an award-winning author of immersive fantasy fiction, including The Crown of Stones Trilogy and the Nite Fire Series. While fantasy is her main focus, she also pens the occasional horror or apocalyptic tale. Born in a small Kansas town, Schneider resides in New York’s scenic Hudson Valley Region with her husband and two sons. To learn more about the worlds she creates, please visit her website or connect with C. L. Schneider on social media, where she is an active part of the indie author community.



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