Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery by María Elena Alonso-Sierra – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral MysteryRhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elena del Carral is a prima ballerina and an up-and-coming choreographer who is based in Monaco with the company Ballet Études, however, she has been invited to dance in a Gala Performance by the one and only Derek Micheals, the renowned owner of Terpsichore Ballet in New York City.

It is a great opportunity for Elena and so she jumps at the chance to perform, especially when it includes an audition for Black Rhapsody at the same time, it is a piece which was choreographed by René Fauchier, an outstanding choreographer who is known worldwide for his complex, yet beautiful creations.

The only problem is that Elena holds a secret close to her chest which involves the elusive and unfinished Black Rhapsody, so when she arrives, it is in the midst of a bit of trouble. When Elena drops her bombshell of a revelation however, things take a turn towards violence, and Elena has a mystery on her hands, but nobody can believe that she is not involved when one of their own is viciously attacked and Elena just happens to be the one to find them.

Will Elena be believed as she proclaims her innocence in the heinous act, or will the escalations continue and put more than just reputations on the line? This is a wonderfully choreographed mystery where secrets, lies, revelations and dance combine to create a story well worth reading.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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