The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Krista Moulthrop

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laramee heads for the home she ran away from years ago when she finds out her parents are both not doing very well and are considering selling their ranch. Laramee doesn’t want to give up the ranch because it holds so many memories for her, but some of those memories are also not good. She ran from the ranch due to a tragedy in the family and holds onto a lot of guilt from things, and also has a strained relationship with her father. When she arrives back home she finds Jamie who has been hired by her father to sort out how much the property is worth. At first she wants him gone but when she gets to know him they become friends and gain an understanding of each other’s pasts. To add to her stress, her ex fiance finds out she’s back home and is trying to get her back. Jamie helps to fix up the land but ultimately determines there’s only one way to save it, and it’s the one thing Laramee didn’t want to give up. Laramee must decide if she wants to keep holding onto the ranch or let it go, while also battling her growing feelings for Jamie. This was a good clean western romance.

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