The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Amber Howard

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The School of Nine by Amanda Marin is a part of the Mythic Academy collection but can be read as a stand alone novella. This story follows Bianca as she embarks on a journey of self discovery, acceptance, and sacrifice. As graduation nears she is tasked with showing the new kid ( Sebastian) the ropes. She soon finds out that every one has secrets and that her gift may be just what’s needed to save them all. With the help of The nine she just might.

I really enjoyed this one. The characters are well developed, the plot is super engaging and there isn’t a lull. Right from the start you can tell there’s something about Bianca that is powerful and I don’t mean her actual powers. Although she doubts herself she has a strength that many wouldn’t have in her situation.

This is a story for young adults but can be enjoyable by anyone who likes fantasy stories. Its wholesome. Doesn’t take long to read. The story feels complete and I am not left with a million questions which is quite refreshing. I also noticed that both stories in this series have mythical references. I love mythology and am always intrigued by the way they are incorporated. 5 ⭐️ from me.

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