The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Shannen Kern

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I would have a lesser experience due to my mistake of reading this book second, but I actually thought it was incredible that way! This author has quickly made her way to the top of my watch list because the way she writes is captivating. It only took a few pages for me to lose track of time and dive into the magical world right alongside our Muse, Bianca. I found the length of the story to be sublime as the author did an amazing job crafting a marvelous storyline as well as developing the characters to perfection. Just like A Song of Salt and Secrets, this includes a unique take on folklore that I hadn’t experienced anywhere else. I’ve already started searching out other books by this author because I cannot sing her praises enough. This was an incredible YA/Paranormal read, and I highly recommend picking it up and diving straight in!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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