Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Crain

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story is a captivating prequel that sets the stage for the Crown of Stones trilogy. The story follows Ian Troy, a young Shinree slave born with magical abilities, as he navigates the treacherous world of war, politics, and prejudice.

The author masterfully weaves a complex tale of intrigue, exploring themes of identity, power, and the struggle for recognition. Troy’s character is expertly crafted, with a rich backstory that slowly unfolds as he faces challenges and setbacks. His struggles to prove himself as more than just a “witch” are relatable and heart-wrenching, making it easy to become invested in his journey.

The world-building is impressive, with a deep history and mythology that adds depth to the story. The magical system is well-defined, and the author’s use of descriptive language brings the fantastical elements to life. The setting of Rella and the neighboring kingdoms is vividly portrayed andI felt immersed in a richly detailed world.

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