Finding Love (The Oath Series) by Lacey Furr – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Finding Love (The Oath Series)Finding Love by Lacey Furr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding love was a good book. Both main characters know what it feels like to lose someone close to them. Loch is in a band and has been having problems writing any new music since the devastating loss of his sister. His manager decides to rent out an entire B&B to give Loch privacy and time to grieve which will hopefully get him back where he was before tragically losing his sister.
Hailey has one guest at her B&B and devotes all her time to him. They become friendly and spend some afternoons together. She knows how it feels to lose someone close to her and she tries to help him with his grief. The two of them start to have a mutual attraction to eachother which cannot be avoided. Right away I thought they acted much closer then two complete strangers but, this is a book so anything is possible. Will Loch and Hailey be able to be together or is this just a stepping stone in Loch’s healing? Hailey knows she will end up broken hearted when Loch leaves but she decides to take a chance anyway and enjoy the time they have.
I thought this was a very emotional read with some heat and healing. After everything that happens will Loch and Hailey remain friends, lovers or just people who once knew eachother. I loved how the book ended. Just perfect! I love the friendships between the characters. Nola is a perfect best friend for Hailey. Besties always do things together and this was no different.

Review by @xchellex

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