An Ember of Hope (War of Destiny Series) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Audrie Harrington

An Ember of Hope: War of DestinyAn Ember of Hope: War of Destiny by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Matthew was a part of the main family of vampires in the last book, but after the death of his soulmate he retreats from those he is closest with and lives in the mountains by himself. He was struggling with his fire element and can only use it when he already has a fire going. He has become friends with some mortals, the Medici brothers, and has started working for them. He is able to hide that he is a vampire and helps when there is trouble in Rome. Valentino is trying to take control of more cities and Matthew becomes a protector. He saves a new vampire, Leo, and sends him to live with a vampire acquaintance. Matthew needs to keep using his powers and pulling from his former group for power to keep him safe. He starts to realize that he is not alone and he does have humans and vampires in the Resistance who are wanting to help him, he just needs to start trusting others. I liked that this book was similar in the series but focused on a new character.

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