
Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through #2) by James Talisman-Review by Amanda Kimble

Journeys Through TimeSpaceJourneys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through #2) by James Talisman

Mr. Talisman has done it again. The Journeys Through Series is now one of my favorite series. I absolutely love how he works his characters in.

Once again there were so many characters I could choose to get quotes from. These amazing characters are hard to choose from.

The first character is Captain Critosson. Captain Critosson from the Elipsson galaxy. They are heading to the mountain to get an ancient artifact. The quote I chose for Captain Critosson is: “I promise, Your Majesty. I will not let you down.”

Jennifer is Matt’s mom. She is worried about her son. There was a close call when she thought she would’ve lost her son. When the Director calls them together she needs the reassurance. The quote I chose for Jennifer is: “Thank you, Andrew. I just get a sense that young man has a very dark side. Almost like he is possessed somehow. With his resources, I wouldn’t want him to find out about those three.”

Highly recommended for Sci-fi Fantasy lovers.

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Forbidden Mate (The Shadow Chronicles #2) by CR Robertson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Forbidden MateForbidden Mate by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Forbidden Mate (The Shadow Chronicles #2) by CR Robertson

Another fantastic read by Robertson. Levi and Tasha’s story continues with Forbidden Mate. Things get interesting and you really have to read it to see what I mean.

Tasha is still mated to Levi. She’s still being hunted by the Hellspawn Master. And her Coven leader wants her as well. Will she be able to escape the troubles that haunt her? The quote I chose for Tasha is: “What if it isn’t anything to do with the vampire brother but who he mated with? The vampire side gives immortality, but if Mum is right, and there is witch blood combined with it, then they could want access to that.”

Levi still has the desire to protect Tasha at all costs. He will put his own life in danger before risking her life. When she is taken he about loses himself to his wolf. Tasha being the only one able to bring him back. The quote I chose for Levi is: “I needed to become an alpha fast in the military and the only way to do that during my initial conscription term was to fight. So, I embraced my wolf and we took command of a base.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Vampire lovers.

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Ride For Me (Northshore Crew #1) by VI Summers-Review by Amanda Kimble

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew #1) by Vi Summers

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Summers sure knows how to captivate the reader’s attention. I was hooked from the beginning.

Lil is the twin of Mickey(Josh). When she meets Gage she isn’t sure what to make of him. He kisses her one second, but pushes her away the next second. As time passes on things get better between them. The quote I chose for Lil is: “F*** you, Jono, you sicko. They’ll find me soon, then you’ll be sorry you set your hands on me.”

Gage moved up from his hometown to get away from the past. When he meets Lil and falls hard for her he doesn’t know what to do. The quote I chose for Gage is: “Just over three years ago, I was in a relationship that…ended…very abruptly. It wasn’t expected, and some days I feel like I haven’t gotten over it at all. But what you need to know is that I haven’t been in a relationship of any sort since then. Even the mere thought used to make me physically sick. I never wanted to have a relationship again. Ever again. I just, I don’t know what it is about you, but you…F***. For whatever reason, I’m drawn to you no matter how much I don’t want to be. You’re like the dawn of a new day after a thousand years spent in darkness; the very place I’ve become accustomed to living in. You would never be ‘just another notch on my belt’, as you put it, and it’s hard to ignore what naturally seems to be between us. Plus, it’s baffling the hell out of me. What’s even more confusing is that I’m not even sure I want to ignore it. I just don’t f***ing know.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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The God (Her Three Immortals #2) by Hazel Storm-Review by Amanda Kimble

The God (Her Three Immortals, #2)The God by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The God (Her Three Immortals #2) by Hazel Storm

This is another great read by Storm. The author had me hooked from the beginning. I had a hard time putting it down. This is the second book in the Her Three Immortals Series.

Vanessa is dead and now living in the Underworld. She has made a couple of friends. She has also brought color back to it. Grey has kept it grey for way too long. The quote I chose for Vanessa is: “I’m here because I’m dead and got lucky not to be voted to go to the middle ground, or worse, the hot-pit haven. I am not that important, Gorgonita. Go ask Charles A**hole Radcliffe in there, and he’ll tell you just how insignificant I am.”

Grey doesn’t usually make deals, but Vanessa wormed her way in. Not only to his world, but in his heart. He isn’t sure what to make of her. The quote I chose for Grey is: “Where do you suggest she hid my brother’s soul? I searched every square inch of the Underworld for him myself.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Master Tuscano: A Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate #2) by Sylvia Black-Review by Amanda Kimble

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate #2) by Sylvia Black

This is the second book I’ve read by Black. This is also the second book in the Master of the Consulate Series. It does need to be read in order, although it’s about a different master.

Christian is one of the Masters and he is getting his revenge for his mate. When she needs to be turned because she is injured he does it. They go through more than enough challenges. The quote I chose for Christian is: “Very well, but the next time you feel that need is so great, you are going to harness it, and I am going to teach you how to do exactly that.”

Delilah wasn’t exactly ready to become a vampire. Or so she thought. Once it happens she finds that people who took her in may be the reason she got kidnapped. The quote I chose for Delilah is: “Traitor shifters! The vampires have never done anything but respect your place in the universe, and for this, you repay us this way?”

Highly recommended for Dark Vampire lovers.

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Her Dark Love (Dark Spells Series #4) by Isra Sravenheart-Review by Amanda Kimble

Her Dark Love (Dark Spell #4)Her Dark Love by Isra Sravenheart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Her Dark Love (Dark Spell Series #4) by Isra Sravenheart

This is another great read by Sravenheart. Dark Spell Series can be read as standalone. This is the fourth book in the Series.

Isra is at school for Magic. She’s known for being dark and using dark magic. Can she be saved before it’s too late? She finds a friend and a lover only to be betrayed. The quote I chose for Isra is: “I came here to hone my craft, to excel in what I was born with. Let’s face it. I can’t escape my fate even if I attempted to. Magic will always be in my blood. I will always be a witch.”

Jonathan has taken a liking of Isra. His girlfriend gets jealous and casts a spell. Now in order for Jonathan to be with Isra she has to break the spell. The quote I chose for Jonathan is: “I am sorry, but this is what I cannot give you. Everilda has me bound to her will and until you break her spell, I am forever cursed to be hers.”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Witch lovers.

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The Girl and the Gargoyle (The Girl and the Raven #2) by Pauline Gruber-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Girl and the Gargoyle (The Girl and the Raven, #2)The Girl and the Gargoyle by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Girl and the Gargoyle: YA Paranormal Romance (The Girl and the Raven #2) by Pauline Gruber

This is the second book by Gruber that I’ve read. The Girl and the Gargoyle is the second book in The Girl and the Raven Series. It does need to be read in order.

Lucy has spent almost a year with her uncles. Life keeps getting worse. Now it’s her turn to help Marcus deal with his family problems. Not only does she have Seamus after her, but Garrett as well. The quote I chose for Lucy is: “I trust my gut and my gut says Garret has a team of soldiers at Jude’s house. We have to get to Lake Forest. Now!”

Marcus hasn’t seen his mother in several years. Now he’s got his family to deal with. Keeping Lucy safe last time almost killed him. What will happen to him this time? What of Lucy? The quote I chose for Marcus is: “Save… my… mother. Get out of here! Leave Garret to me.”

Highly recommended for YA Paranormal lovers.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds #1) by Tee Smith-Review by Amanda Kimble

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith

This is the first book I’ve read by Smith. Unbreakable had me hooked from the first line. Ripper and Erin’s story will have you wanting more.

Erin loves working at the free clinic. After losing her mom she threw herself into work. She tends to Ripper and can’t stop thinking about him. The quote I chose for Erin is: “No, it’s not okay. No one could ever beat me up about what happened to Salinda as much as I beat myself up. You went to prison for what you did and lost your whole family. My family loved me, supported and protected me. You were just a scared little boy. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for you.”

Ripper is part of the Diamonds. They built their town and now it’s being threatened. When he goes to the clinic to get stitched up he meets Erin. The quote I chose for Ripper is: “I’ve done my time, Erin. It will never be enough. I will always have to live with what I’ve done. Ten years in prison was only the beginning of the punishment. I get it. I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything. I’m sorry, darlin’. You’ve got to believe me; I’m so sorry.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through #1) by James Talisman-Review by Amanda Kimble

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Mr. Talisman has me hooked. I can’t wait to read the next book.

There are so many characters so it was hard to choose the quotes. Two that stuck out were characters from different worlds. Or different parts of the MultiVerse.

The first quote comes from Matt. He’s a college student in Colorado. The quote I chose for Matt is: “Doubt that, buddy. You seemed to be the one taking a beating earlier.”

The other quote comes from Queen Neferities. Part of another part of The MultiVerse. The quote I chose for Queen Neferities is: “I would like some time to think about your request. I will ask Aderan to arrange accommodations for you and Thoran while I spend a few days pondering your entreaty.”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Sci-fi lovers.

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Hold Me Forever (Heron Harbor #3) by Lea Nolan-Review by Amanda Kimble

Hold Me ForeverHold Me Forever by Lea Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Hold Me Forever (Heron Harbor Book 3) by Lea Nolan

This is the third book I’ve read by Nolan. This is the third book in the Heron Harbor series. Nolan has kept me interested in these books since the first one.

Lark wasn’t exactly wanting to see her ex on the first day in town. She also didn’t want her RV to break down. Spending more time with Hunter isn’t exactly what she wants but it’s what she gets. The quote I chose for Lark is: “I don’t run out of gas. And before you ask, it’s not my battery or the fuses, either. There must be something wrong with the electrical system. I need a mechanic, preferably someone cheap, one who knows how to fix RVs.”

Hunter is Chief of Police and on bis way home he sees a stranded person. Being the nice guy he is, he stops. The one person he was hoping to see later in the week is the stranded person. The quote I chose for Hunter is: “Lark. It’s nice to see you, though I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Fury of Conviction (“Villains” of the Dragonfury Series Book 2) by Coreen Callahan-Review by Amanda Kimble

Fury of Conviction (Dragonfury Short Story Collection, #2)Fury of Conviction by Coreene Callahan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Fury of Conviction (“Villains” of the Dragonfury Series Book 2) by Coreene Callahan

This is the first book I’ve read by Callahan. Needless to say that it won’t be my last. This short read will have you wanting more. Callahan knows how to draw her readers in.

Sveld is half-human half-Dragon. He thinks he can’t have kids, but he doesn’t want anyone to have what he’s claimed. When the female he claims takes off it forces him to do something he normally wouldn’t do. The quote I chose for Sveld is: “Couldn’t help myself. You look beautiful in my ropes, Natalie. Had to see it for myself, just once before…”

Natalie wants nothing to do with Sveld at first. Then she learns everything about him and it changes her mind. When she learns that she can’t stay it hurts to leave him. The quote I chose for Natalie is: “At least five hundred miles, right? As long as I stay that far away, you can’t track me.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Bared.: A Green St Girls Novel #1 by N.D. Jackson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Bared. (Green St. Girls #1)Bared. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Bared.: A Green St. Girls Romance by N.D. Jackson

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Jackson and it certainly won’t be my last. Bared is such a great read and I had a hard time putting it down. These characters had me hooked from the moment I started reading.

Athena isn’t one to open up to people. When she meets Tru he gets under her skin. She wants to push him away, but her friends convince her to take a chance. The quote I chose for Athena is: “No. Trevor wasn’t that kind of guy. He was pretty damn sweet, actually, at least until I called it quits. Threatened to kill himself unless I took him back, if you can believe it. I thought that was something that happened in the movies. Well I told him it wasn’t gonna happen and he called my bluff. Killed himself, which somehow turned me into a pariah and that caused great embarrassment for my parents.”

Tru has had plenty of women over the time, but Athena is different. He wants to know everything about her. He is afraid that she’s just like every other rich girl. The quote I chose for Tru is: “Then I’d say this is a great intro into picnics because we have booze and barbecue. Not to mention a living breathing goddess.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven Series Book 4) by AJ Renee-Review by Amanda Kimble

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven, #4)Cursed Touch by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven Book 4) by AJ Renee

Another fantastic read by Renee. I come back to this author and this series every time there’s a new book. The Broderick Coven Series is an amazing one at that. This is the fourth book in the series.

Vanessa is a normal human, but she’s not like the rest of them in town. She knows something is off with people in town, but doesn’t want to make herself sound crazy. Then she finds herself attracted to Carter. The quote I chose for Vanessa is: “Wait? How does it work? Like, are we talking we can communicate telepathically, or you’re going to know I secretly hated Georgia for six months when she dated my crush?”

Carter hasn’t found his soulmate yet and he’s not sure if he wants to. He’s seen what his siblings have gone through with theirs and he isn’t sure he can handle all that. When Ethan confirms it Carter gets scared. The quote I chose for Carter is: “I care about you more than I have any other woman. It’s absurd, considering how little time we’ve known each other. I may not be able to explain what’s brought us together, and I can admit it used to terrify me, but I don’t want to lose you. If you decide all of this is too much, I’ll respect your decision. But know this now, I won’t walk away until I know you are safe.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Witch Romance lovers.

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Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells – Review by Amanda Kimble

Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow, #5)Dark Bastard by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Dark Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel by India Kells

This is another great read by Kells. Dark Bastard was an amazing read and I can’t wait for the next one. It’s part of A Dark Sparrow Series, but can be read as a standalone.

Ellie is trying to live one day at a time, but being a 911 dispatcher is hard. Especially when she thinks she can save someone’s life. The quote I chose for Ellie is: “And you know nothing about me, Sam. And yet, you stopped that final jump because of me. We’re strangers who have lost their way yet found each other. I see honor in you, a protector of your brothers. You may have reached the end of your rope that night, but I believe your strength is still greater than your pain. I don’t care that I don’t know everything about you. I think that for the moment, staying alive is the only solution we have.”

Sam is feeling lost and ready to give up on life. He decides to call his brother only to get a wrong number. When he does hear the person’s voice it changes everything for him. The quote I chose for Sam is: “I couldn’t forget the sadness in your voice when you hung up on me. It’s the only reason I persisted. I want nothing from you, just the reassurance that you’re all right.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Sinful Daughter: A Mafia Romance by Emily Bowie-Review by Amanda Kimble

Sinful DaughterSinful Daughter by Emily Bowie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5y5 Stars

Sinful Daughter: A mafia Romance by Emily Bowie

This is the first book I’ve read by Bowie. This book had me hanging on the edge of my seat the entire time. Theo and Aria had me falling in love.

Aria is the oldest of the girls. Not wanting to be in the family business she gets caught up in it. When Theo enters her life it’s turned upside down. The quote I chose for Aria is: “I thought it would be exciting. I envisioned saving my family, showing I can be as good at this life as them. I was petrified that I put my family’s lives in danger. I was scared I would never see you, to tell you how big of an a**hole you are—”

Theo is a cop and isn’t a dirty one. His only reason for being a good guy is to find who killed his dad. Once he finds out who it is, things change. He thought he could use Aria, but didn’t think he’d fall in love. The quote I chose for Theo is: “I know I let you down by us losing the case with Marco. But I have evidence, hard proof, that Nicoli Rossi killed my father. This evidence will put him away. This is the break we’ve been looking for.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Flirting with my Enemy: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Love is a Mystery #1) by Laura Burton-Review by Amanda Kimble

Flirting with my Enemy: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Love is a Mystery #1)Flirting with my Enemy: A Sweet Romantic Comedy by Laura Burton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Flirting with my Enemy: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Love is a Mystery Book 1) by Laura Burton

This is the first book I’ve read by Burton. I loved every minute of reading this. This short, funny, page-turning story will have you hanging on the edge of your seat.

Elle believes that her next door neighbor is trying to sabotage her company. Moving a big name brand cupcake store next to hers is bad news. Then she comes up with a plan that shouldnt have her falling for him. The quote I chose for Elle is: “Everyone has an angle, Zane. I’m curious to know why you want to get to know me. I’m the enemy after all.”

Zane is trying to get to know Elle. Only she thinks he’s out for her business. He’s wanting to merge their businesses for the both of them. The quote I chose for Zane is: “Annie and I were together for many years, and I thought she broke my heart. I thought I could never get over her. But it turns out she’s nothing but a ghost in my head. Seeing her the other night made me see the light.”

Highly recommended for Clean Romance lovers.

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Lyon Tamer: Nerdy Romcon Adventure by Jen Luersson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Lyon TamerLyon Tamer by Jen Luerssen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Lyon Tamer: Nerdy Romcom Adventure by Jen Luerssen

This is the first book I’ve read by Luerssen and it won’t be my last. This was a funny read and a page turner. I had a hard time putting it down.

Simone works with freeing tigers and lions. She runs into someone who then finds out that he’s the vet. Not one to be in a relationship she plays hard to get. The quote I chose for Simone is: “I am Simone Lyon and I’m head of PR and marketing for Freedom Roar. Mainly I deal with reporters like yourself, and look for opportunities to promote our rescue to get more support. When here at camp, I jump in and help with all manner of things. Dr. Locke can tell you about a recent exciting rescue we made.”

Sheldon is the new vet for Freedom Roar. When he runs into a fiery red head he thought he’d get her into his bed. He then finds that she also works at Freedom Roar. The quote I chose for Sheldon is: “Well, it’s mixed but generally good. Unfortunately, many of these lions and tigers have been overbred, malnourished, and abused. My job has been to make sure they are as comfortable as possible especially for the epic plane ride to South Africa.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Hawke (Men of Syn #1) by Anise Storm-Review by Amanda Kimble

Hawke (Men of Syn, #1)Hawke by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Hawke (Men of Syn Book 1) by Anise Storm

This is the first book I’ve read by Storm. Hawke had me hooked from the beginning. Hawke is the first book in the Men of Syn Series.

Hawke is opening a club in Denver. He has a party planning company plan his grand opening. When he realizes who she is, things change drastically. The quote I chose for Hawke is: “I don’t want you, Charlotte. I never did, but it doesn’t change anything. You’re ingrained so deep under my skin that no matter what I do to you, I can’t get you out from beneath it.”

Charlotte goes to meet her new client and thinks he looks familiar. When she realizes who he is she has to decide if she wants to work with him or not. The quote I chose for Charlotte is: “Have you ever met someone who could push all of your buttons? If so, that would be Haeke. He’s so damn arrogant. I just want to knock the smirk right off his face. The problem is he has the uncanny ability to neutralize me with a single kiss.”

Highly recommended for Dark Romance lovers.

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Master Descallia (Masters of the Consulate #1) by Sylvia Black-Review by Amanda Kimble

Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 1)Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Master Descallia : Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 1) by Sylvia Black

This is the first book I’ve read by Black. Although it won’t be my last. This is the first book in the Masters of Consulate Series. It follows Luce and Salvatore through their story.

Lucianna works on the police force and has powers. Dealing with missing women is what she is working on. Then something happens to her and she is forced to resign. The quote I chose for Lucianna is: “I have to go. They were both dueling with too many powers, Salvatore. They needed time to recharge before they went after Embry, and we don’t know that it’s not a trap. Nothing has been as it seems. I have to go. She needs me.”

Salvatore isn’t looking for a mate because he lost his mate a long time ago. When Lucianna comes into his life she turns it upside down. Dealing with missing women and dealing with Luce turns out to be a trip. The quote I chose for Salvatore is: “Look at me! This is not on you but the piece of human trash who hates us because we’re different. Hates us because we have rules and don’t condone the mistreatment and slavery of women, even humans. He has been at odds with us since we put controls on the syndicate business. You were caught in the middle because Morgan told you and he knew you were coming to work for me. He wanted you taken out before you had a chance to learn any more, or work with me.”

Highly recommended forVampire Paranormal lovers.

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The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jacks-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jacks

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Jacks. Each book seems to get better. The more I read the more I fall in love with the author. I highly recommend you read any of her books.

Jody has gotten fired from another job. Now her sister is mad at her because she can’t keep a job. Her grandmother is now hurt and her sister can’t make it down to help. Going down herself might be what’s best for everyone. The quote I chose for Jody is: “Don’t call me that, you’re not my mother. I was on a trial. The probation period has come to an end which means I’m free to go. I didn’t do anything.”

Adam has always kept his head down when it comes to new people in town. But when Mrs. Evans needs help, he’s there to help out. He keeps calling Hannah hoping to get her to come down, but he wasn’t expecting Jody to be the one to show up. The quote I chose for Adam is: “I need to get a move on if I want to finish my round before teatime. I’ll check in with you tomorrow morning unless you need anything else.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Avenging Devil Part 2: Satans Devils MC San Diego by Amanda Kimble-Review by Amanda Kimble

Avenging Devil Part 2: Satan's Devils MC San DiegoAvenging Devil Part 2: Satan’s Devils MC San Diego by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Avenging Devil Part 2: Satan’s Devils MC San Diego by Manda Mellett

This isn’t the first book by Mellett but it is my first part 2 by her. This is Part 2 of Avenging Devil. You will need to read the first part.

Niran is trying to protect Saffie, but things don’t end so well. Duke finds them and catches Niran off guard. Now Niran has to get them both off the hook. The quote I chose for Niran is: “Your ol’ lady ran away. F***in’ obvious you’d want her back. Heard her f***in’ sob story, and knew the Crazy Wolves were a club to whom I could relate. I kinda hoped you’d return a favour for a favour.”

Saffie is sick to her stomach listening to Niran talk to Duke. The only hope she has is that he’s trying to keep her from dying. When she wakes up she finds that the compound dogs are with her. The quote I chose for Saffie is: “Grumbler, they’ve got Niran.”

Highly recommended for MC Romance lovers.

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Snowflakes and Holly: A Small Town Christmas Romance (A Hartwood Holiday Romance) by Jae Dawson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Snowflakes and Holly: A Small Town Christmas Romance (A Hartwood Holiday Romance)Snowflakes and Holly: A Small Town Christmas Romance by Jae Dawson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Snowflakes and Holly: A Small Town Christmas Romance (A Hartwood Holiday Romance) by Jae Dawson

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Dawson, but I will say each book just gets better and better. Snowflakes and Holly had me hooked from the get go.

Holly is a physical therapist and when she sees an injured patient her instincts flare up. She hasn’t done anything reckless since her father passed away. When she is ran into on her first day at the slopes after five years she meets Blake. The quote I chose for Holly is: “It’s weird. Don’t get me wrong, the physical attraction is intense. But yesterday, at the tree farm, we bonded on an emotional level I’ve never experienced with a man before. It felt…. It felt like I’ve known him forever.”

Blake moved to Hartwood six months ago and has been working with Hannah since his injuries require him to do so. When Hannah has to leave he’s left with the woman he ran into on the slopes. He soon finds himself falling for her, but then he does something stupid. The quote I chose for Blake is: “Careful falling like that. Next thing you know, you’ll be falling for me. And I’ll let you. Even though we both know you’re only after my awesome playlist . . .”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Taking Flight (Code of Honor #2) by Brooke May-Review by Amanda Kimble

Taking Flight (Code of Honor Book 2)Taking Flight by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Taking Flight (Code of Honor Book 2) by Brooke May

Another read by May. Brooke knows what to do to keep her readers coming back. Taking Flight is the second book in the Code of Honor Series.

Jody has signed away her life because her sister always gets what she wants. While on tour she meets a handsome pilot who she falls for. The quote I chose for Jody is: “Since when is sex ever supposed to be pretty?”

Holt has had a long life in the Air Force as a pilot. Going to Germany was supposed to be a night filled with beer and women. German women, but life doesn’t always work like that. The quote I chose for Holt is: “If there is a nice woman out there, I haven’t found her yet.”

Highly recommended for Military Romance lovers.

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Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read (Naughty Neighbors #1) by Ashley Bostock-Review by Amanda Kimble

Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read (Naughty Neighbor Book 1)Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read by Ashley Bostock
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read (Naughty Neighbor Book 1) by Ashley Bostock

This is the first book I’ve read by Bostock. It certainly won’t be my last. Sex on Fire is the first book in the Naughty Neighbors Series. This is a very short sexy story.

Turner moved into the neighborhood and has his eyes set on his next door neighbor. Befriending her was step one and now he’s got to convince her that he likes her. Hell he’s falling for her. The quote I chose for Turner is: “Stop trying to talk me out of being into you. Do you have even a little bit of attraction to me? You’re, like, the only woman on the block who’s attention I can’t seem to get.”

Poppy is a video game designer and player. She loves her job and is nuts over her neighbor. Often fantasizing about him being with her sexually. So when he shows up saying he can’t lift his shoulder she helps out. The quote I chose for Poppy is: “I think I still have some of your clothes. Well, you can’t have these back. But I think I have some of your shorts, too, from the other day.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Bad Man on Campus: a Second Chance College Romance (Big Men on Campus #3) by Stephanie Queen-Review by Amanda Kimble

Bad Man on Campus (Big Men on Campus #3)Bad Man on Campus by Stephanie Queen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Bad Man on Campus: a Second Chance College Romance (Big Men on Campus Book 3) by Stephanie Queen

This is the first book I’ve read by Queen. Bad Man on Campus is a great read. Queen is an author I will be coming back to read more of.

Kace is a big man on campus and has been for three years. When he goes home for his dad’s wedding he runs into a blast from the past. The one who got away. The quote I chose for Kace is: “No babe . We can handle this. You can get help. We’ll talk to Majik. She goes to AA and maybe she can sponsor you.”

Glory has had her life thrown upside down for three long years. All to help a friend out because she was drunk. Running into Kace helps heal her or so she’s hoping. Glory can’t stop drinking. The quote I chose for Glory is: “AA is too public . People will know. It’ll cause more problems for you . . . and your parents. I’ll handle this. I’ll stop drinking the nips. I’m not driving anymore. It’ll be okay. I’ll call my therapist. Or maybe I’ll talk to Dooley. He’s been a good friend. Thank you for introducing me, for asking him to take care of me.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions #6) by Danielle Jacks-Review by Amanda Kimble

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions, #6)Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster : Frat House Confessions by Danielle Jacks

This isn’t the first book by Jacks that I’ve read. Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster is a great story. Jacks has a way of spinning her words.

Casey has always been a wallflower. Losing her best friend in a fire has changed her all together. Sophomore year rolls around and she’s caught the eye of a jock. She thinks she can resist his charm, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The quote I chose for Casey is: “I’m not playing this game. It’s so stupid. I agreed to one evening with you so it would please my dad. We both know this isn’t going anywhere. Tomorrow, you’ll go back to being an obnoxious jock, and I’ll be back in the library researching how to raise the dead.”

Seeter is Wide Receiver for the college football team. Pulling pranks is all he can think about. Trying not to get caught he hides out in the library. There he meets someone who he can’t stop thinking of. The quote I chose for Seeter is: “I found a guy that’s been running a bar for over five years. He has a marketing degree and managed to turn a failing business into a successful one. He’s starting work here on Monday and he designed the flyers as part of his interview.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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The Girl and the Raven: a YA Paranormal Romance by Pauline Gruber-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Girl and the Raven: a YA Paranormal Romance by Pauline Gruber

This is the first book by Gruber that I’ve read. It won’t be my last as this author has a way of writing. I could easily get lost in her words.

Lucy has lost her mother and is being moved to Chicago. Once she arrives her life is turned upside down. Her uncles don’t know the family history and that she’s part of that history. The quote I chose for Lucy is: “And Seamus… He’s out there still. Part of the deal is that I have to train with Jude. I need to be able to protect myself.”

Marcus isn’t only human, but something else. Meeting Lucy has brought out the protective side of him. Saving her from danger and evil. The thought that he could lose her hurts him. The quote I chose for Marcus is: “I love you and I know you don’t want to hear this, but the thought of you going to meet with Jude on your own scares the hell out of me.” I’m about to interrupt, but he presses a finger to my lips. “Please stop being stubborn. Let me help you come up with another plan.”

Highly recommended for Ya Paranormal lovers.

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Avenging Devil Part 1: Satan’s Devils MC San Diego by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Avenging Devil Part 1: Satan's Devils MC San DiegoAvenging Devil Part 1: Satan’s Devils MC San Diego by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Avenging Devil Part 1: Satan’s Devils MC San Diego by Manda Mellett

Not the first book by Mellett that I’ve read and certainly won’t be my last. Avenging Devil Part 1 is by far the most captivating story of the Satan’s Devils MC San Diego Series.

Saffie is running from her husband and is scared to death. When she gets help things only go from bad to worse. Running from one MC straight into the arms of another. The quote I chose for Saffie is: “Me? Hell no. Niran, I might not know a lot about you, but from what I’ve seen, you’re hands down better than any man in that club. There’s no sense in judging a man by his colour. It’s just one more excuse for them to bind together and do the shit they do.”

Niran has never wanted an old lady, but when he meets Saffie things change. Seeing her at her worst made him want to see her at her best. The quote I chose for Niran is: “She thinks she needs me, but she doesn’t. Me not being there will give her a chance to stand on her own two feet, but with a safety net around her. You, though, you’ve not got anyone else. I might not be much, but while you need me, I’m all yours.”

Highly recommended for Dark MC Romance lovers.

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Georgia Clay (Southern Promises #1) by KG Fletcher-Review by Amanda Kimble

Georgia Clay (Southern Promises, #1)Georgia Clay by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Georgia Clay (Southern Promises Book 1) by KG Fletcher

This is another fantastic read by Fletcher. This story had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. You’ll fall in love with Georgia Clay and Katie.

Katie is loving her career filled life. Never one to take time off. She goes to her high school reunion and finds herself with Clay Watkins. One thing leads to another and she is falling hard. The quote I chose Katie is: “I can’t believe it’s happening. I’m finally traveling and it’s not for work.”

Clay is a big up and coming music writer. He’s penned some great songs big name artists have sung. Going to the ten year reunion was just what he needed. The quote I chose for Clay is: “I know it’s selfish of me, but I really just wanted to hang out with you for a little longer before I head back to Nashville. I’m not ready to say goodbye to you, Katie Parker.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Tangled Roots (Witches of Willow Creek: Tangled Magic #1) by Denise D. Young-Review by Amanda Kimble

Tangled Roots (Tangled Magic, #1)Tangled Roots by Denise D. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Tangled Roots (Witches of Willow Creek: Tangled Magic #1) by Denise D. Young

This is the first book I’ve read by Denise D. Young. She is a very talented author and I will be reading more of her work.

Cassie is originally from 1974. She was running from her family. Asking the Guardian for help didn’t really help her. Being a tree for 45 years isn’t as great as it seems. The quote I chose for Cassie is: “Have a nice night. Thanks for your help.”

Nick is the first person to see Cassie and learn the truth. Now that he knows his family is still alive just stuck somewhere. He finds that he is falling for Cassie. The quote I chose Nick is: “Now, I have a shot at a future. With the ones I love. With magic. With you.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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