
Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling (Historical Fantasy Fairytale Retellings #1) by Bryd Nash – Review by Amanda Kimble

Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling (Historical Fantasy Fairytale Retellings Book 1)Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling (Historical Fantasy Fairytale Retellings #1) by Bryd Nash

This is the first book I’ve read by Nash. The author knows how to capture a reader’s attention. I absolutely loved this retell.

Melinda is now living like Cinderella. She is working for the family that has moved into her home. When she finds that her friend from when she was a kid is coming home things change. The quote I chose for Melinda is: “Perhaps it would be best to keep your finery a secret? Thus the gentlemen can be amazed and delighted when they see you?”

Kaye is coming back to visit after his great uncle left him the house. He is coming back after all this time and he’s hoping to find a wife. The quote I chose for Kaye is: “They don’t know me or what I look like . Never wrote me letters until last month. I only agreed in coming here as I thought it might be a change from town. We couldn’t visit Birch Hall. The roof is still being replaced.”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Romance lovers.

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Thunder on the Moor (Thunder on the Moor #1) by Andrea Matthews-Review by Amanda Kimble

Thunder On The Moor (Thunder On The Moor, #1)Thunder On The Moor by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Thunder on the Moor (Thunder On The Moor #1) by Andrea Matthews

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. It was a great book and I’m looking forward to the next one. This is the first book in the Thunder On The Moor Series.

Maggie is the daughter of a 16th century man who was brought to the future. She’s heard what she thought were stories. Only to find out that they’re not just stories. The quote I chose for Maggie is: “Regardless, it would do us all good to get away.”

Robert is from the 16th century and from Scotland. He’s brought from the past to the future. There four hundred years into the future he meets his wife and had a kid. The quote I chose for Robert is: “Have nae fear, laddie, if I’d wanted to kill ye, ye’d be long since gone. Me kin, on the other hand, mightna take so kindly to such as you, so ye’d best be watching yerself. Now I see ye’ve already secured yer own jack, but the rest of what ye’ll be needing is in the car. Get yerself dressed, aye. We have some work to do.”

Highly recommended for Historical Romance lovers.

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Ride with the Moonlight (Thunder on the Moor #2) by Andrea Matthews-Review by Amanda Kimble

Ride with he Moonlight (Thunder On The Moor, #2)Ride with he Moonlight by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Ride with the Moonlight (Thunder On The Moor #2) by Andrea Matthews

This is the second book I’ve read by Matthews. The second book in the Thunder On The Moor Series. Better than the first and easier to read.

Maggie has saved Will from her family. She soon finds herself in quite some trouble. Having to go back to Ian isn’t something she wants to do. Losing her family is also something she doesn’t want to do. The quote I chose for Maggie is: “But don’t you see? You’ll be condemning me to far worse. My life’s already spent, my very heart hanging from a gibbet for the crows to . . . Please don’t let Geordie hand me over to Ian. I’m begging you.”

Will has fallen for Maggie. He doesn’t know how things are going to go considering that her family is after him. He soon finds that things aren’t going well. The quote I chose for Will is: “Ye canna blame yerself for believing Ian Rutherford’s lies. He’s a wicked creature, that one, with a silver tongue. Ye werena the only one to be deceived. Even yer Uncle Geordie believed him, and he’s a canny auld fox, or so me brother Walt says.”

Highly recommended for Historical Romance lovers.

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Crave (Clark Family Series) by Evelyn Sola – Review by Amanda Kimble

Crave (Clark Family Series Book 1)Crave by Evelyn Sola
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Crave : An Instant Attraction Romantic Comedy (Clark Family Series) by Evelyn Sola

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Sola. Crave is a great book and I can’t wait for more. She has a certain way of writing her stories that make you fall in love.

Sandy is filling in for her cousin at her mom’s bakery when she has to deliver something last minute. When she gets there she’s invited to stay. Family conflict happens and it leaves Sandy confused. The quote I chose for Sandy is: “Oh, please. I did not promise, and if he wanted a date with me, he wouldn’t have left me standing in the middle of the dance floor.”

Jake shows up to his mom’s birthday party only to meet the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. He follows her around trying to get her attention after she blows him off. Will he get the chance to explain before it’s too late? The quote I chose for Jake is: “Are you saying you’ve never been in love before, Sandy?”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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Happily Ever After: Don’t Worry, I Still Hate You by Marie Skye-Review by Amanda Kimble

Happily Ever AfterHappily Ever After by Piper Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Happily Ever After: Don’t Worry, I Still Hate You by Marie Skye

This isn’t the first read by Skye, but for the new year it’s a great way to start. Skye knows how to keeps her readers around.

Perdue is heading to Vegas for a party. Little does she know that she’ll run into an ex-fling. She needs a roommate and needs one fast. Doing podcasts is her life, but things don’t go as planned. The quote I chose for Perdue is: “My father died. I had no one, and I went to you, and you treated me like I was exactly that. Like I was no one. Like I didn’t mean shit to you. I didn’t ask for much, I just asked for a family. I don’t understand how you can sit here and say how bad your family is when you are literally exactly like them. You gave me up for a status. And yet I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you never once apologized. You didn’t care. You didn’t ever care about me.”

Ash was once upon a time a married man. His family didn’t like his fling and he left her for them. When he answered an ad he got the shock of a lifetime. He wants the girl and he will get her. The quote I chose for Ash is: “Sir, raisins in a potato salad is an absolute abomination and anyone that says otherwise should be tarred and feathered.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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Stone of Destiny (Juniper Samoni Trilogy Book 1) by Nadine Travers – Review by Amanda Kimble

Stone of DestinyStone of Destiny by Nadine Travers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Stone of Destiny (Juniper Samoni Trilogy Book 1) by Nadine Travers

This is the first read by the author. Travers has captured the attention of readers. The writing and style make you want more.

Juniper is a Witch Warrior and she loves what she does. Going on missions helps her overcome her past. This mission causes her to find something, to lose something, and more missions. The quote I chose for Juniper is: “Come on, if you want a piece of me.”

Drake is a shifter who hasn’t been awake for centuries. He isn’t the last of his kind, but is the only one awake. He finds his mate in a Witch Warrior and can’t leave her alone. The quote I chose for Drake is: “Of course. Not only did I kiss her, but she has my ring, and she’s starting to have mating dreams. If I don’t join her, those dreams will get worse. I have to be there the moment she’s ready to join with me.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal lovers.

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Broken Circle: A Gray Ghost Novel, Book 1 AUDIO BOOK by Amy McKinley – Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Broken Circle: A Gray Ghost Novel, Book 1 by Amy McKinley AUDIOBOOK


Another amazing read by McKinley. Broken Circle is an amazing book especially when you listen to the audio. McKinley knows how to write and she knows how to capture her readers. Regan Brown had me wanting more.


Olivia aka Liv is the wife of the NYPD Detective and soon to be politician. Hiding something from him is killing her, but it’s the right thing to do. The quote I chose for Liv is: “I hope you’re right.”


Alex is a NYPD Detective and heading into politics. He doesn’t want to have kids to be used against him. He is hiding his past from Olivia and she doesn’t know the extent. The quote I chose for Alex is: “I’m sorry babe. I have no intentions of hiding anything, other than a job, from you. There are no mistresses and never will be. You’re it for me.”


Highly recommended for Romance lovers.

Isle of Wings by E.A. Burnett – Review by Amanda Kimble

Isle of Wings: A Silverglen Companion NovelIsle of Wings: A Silverglen Companion Novel by E.A. Burnett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Isle of Wings: A Silverglen Companion Novel by E.A. Burnett

This is the first book I’ve read by Burnett. She has a way with the words and I love it. Burnett knows how to capture our, the readers, attention and keep it.

Roana is the only one left in her family. Her dad being a Rain Mage and the last one heard of is now gone. Her sister was training to be a Rain Mage. Now everyone blames her for their death. The quote I chose for Roana is: “I’m sure we’ll find it.”

Iniko isn’t sure how to move on with his life. With his father taken during a horrible storm. One that didn’t seem natural. After meeting Roana he knows things weren’t as they seemed. The quote I chose for Iniko is: “We need to get you to a healer. We have to walk to Taragona. Do you think you can walk that far?”

Highly recommended for YA Fantasy lovers.

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Finders Reapers: A Paranormal Romantic Comedy (New Orleans Nocturnes Book 4) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Amanda Kimble

Finders Reapers (New Orleans Nocturnes, #4)Finders Reapers by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Finders Reapers: A Paranormal Romantic Comedy (New Orleans Nocturnes #4) by Carrie Pulkinen

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Pulkinen is a fantastic writer and I can’t wait for more of her work.

Jasmine is an necromancer and can do things others find odd. She isn’t normal nor has she ever been normal. She doesn’t scare easily and is waiting to face a challenge. The quote I chose for Jasmine is: “Don’t get all alpha male on me now, mister. We’re a team. We’ll do it together… after we do something else.”

Asher is a reaper and afraid of his feelings for Jasmine. What he doesn’t know is his fate is already set in stone. His boss is helping out making sure Asher gets where he’s supposed to. The quote I chose for Asher is: “And I’ll listen to you. From now on, we work together. Deal?”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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The Singer and Her Song (Empire at Twilight Book 2) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Amanda Kimble

The Singer and Her SongThe Singer and Her Song by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Singer and Her Song (Empire at Twilight #2) by N.L. Holmes

Another great read by Holmes. I’ve read many of her other books and to say this one tops my favorite list is an understatement.

Uqnitum comes from a long lineage of musical performance. There is bad things going on outside of the town’s gates and it’s not looking promising. Having lost a son-in-law and now worrying about losing her husband and youngest son. The quote I chose for Uqnitum is: “You’re expecting humanity from those people? Gods protect us all. I’ll collect the dishes. Tatasshe may or may not snap out of her snit…”

Highly recommended for Historical lovers.

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Faida (Heartstrings Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Amanda Kimble

FaidaFaida by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Faida (Heartstrings #2) by Brooke May

This is the second book of May’s that I’ve read. Fadia is part of the Heartstrings Series, but they are standalones. May can write and she knows how to do it well.

Fadia is a Cupid and helps Cupid with his work. Akio is her sister and she isn’t sure why there is a celebration when Akio matched a couple. A new job makes her see how things are. The quote I chose for Fadia is: “Hi, I’m Faida. Like Alice said, I’m her new nanny. I’m new to town actually.”

Robert is a single dad and cold hearted. He doesn’t let his guard down unless it’s to his daughter. He does want a relationship, but doesn’t know how. The quote I chose for Robert is: “Faida, I can’t deal with this right now. My VP is coming and I have a meeting to prepare for. Just … leave.”

Mika works for Robert and has been a good friend of his since his divorce. She likes working with him and she does like him. The quote I chose for Mika is: “I’ve never wanted to go anywhere. I’m happy with where I’m at and what I do. Robert is a great boss and I get raises when it is fair. I don’t get bored and Robert values my opinion. I worked for one other man before him and that man treated me horribly. Robert is nothing like the icy man most think he is.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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A KISS UNDER A BLUE CHRISTMAS MOON (Daydreams & Dragonflies Rock ‘N Sweet Romance Book 4) by Tamara Ferguson – Review by Amanda Kimble

A KISS UNDER A BLUE CHRISTMAS MOON (Daydreams & Dragonflies Rock 'N Sweet Romance Book 4)A KISS UNDER A BLUE CHRISTMAS MOON by Tamara Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

A KISS UNDER A BLUE CHRISTMAS MOON (Daydreams & Dragonflies Rock ‘N Sweet Romance Book 4) by Tamara Ferguson

Another amazing read by Tamara Ferguson! We get to see characters from other series. We get to see the town in different views.

Mia is a junior in high school and is looking to make a career out of music. Teaching music or dance is her preference. She catches the eye of the cool guy the first day of school. When her father destroyed it by blackmail. The quote I chose for Mia is: “That should be easy. With all the stuff that Bree packed for an overnight stay, I’m sure she must have brought something appropriate I can borrow.”

Noah is a senior getting ready to graduate. Heading to the Air Force has always been a dream and now it’s happening. He didn’t think things could get worse, but it does. The quote I chose for Noah is: “You might be right about her being shy. I just happened to hear her singing when I was looking for some music I left in the next classroom one day after school. I peeked inside, and she was sitting by herself playing the piano. She’s not half bad at that either.”

Highly recommended for Clean Romance lovers.

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Moonlit Whisper: An Irish Romance (Moonlit Destination Series) by Amy McKinley – Review by Amanda Kimble

Moonlit Whisper (An Irish Romance)Moonlit Whisper by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Moonlit Whisper : An Irish Romance (Moonlit Destination Series) by Amy McKinley

This is another great read by Amy McKinley. McKinley knows how to draw readers in and keep them wanting more.

Fiona is a fourth year college student and is happy. At least she thinks she is. When the boy from next door moves back things change. The quote I chose for Fiona is: “I’m glad you’re back, Connor, but I’m not yours anymore. I’m engaged to Lachlan.”

Connor left his hometown to get away from his abusive dad. When he comes back he finds that things have changed. When Fiona ends her engagement he gets another chance. The quote I chose for Conner is: “It’s our turn, Fio, like we were always meant to be. I’m never leaving you again.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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The Kissing Bough (Forbidden Loves, #1) by Madelynne Ellis – Review by Amanda Kimble

The Kissing Bough (Forbidden Loves, #1)The Kissing Bough by Madelynne Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Kissing Bough (Forbidden Loves) by Madelynne Ellis

This is the first book I’ve read by the author and it’s a great short read. It does have MMF so if you don’t like that sort of thing this isn’t for you.

Viola has left a mark on her family name. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time can do that to a person. The quote I chose for Viola is: “You both… You both wish to kiss me?”

Percy wants someone who will love both him and his cousin. He wants someone to accept both of them. He doesn’t care about anyone else. The quote I chose for Percy is: “I’m not much for singing.”

Will the Lord and the one who has to find a wife. He wants a wife that will accept him and Percy. He doesn’t want a normal wife. The quote I chose for Will is: “All sorts of tongues will be wagging if you don’t stop staring at her.”

Highly recommended for Erotica Historical Romance lovers.

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Irresistible Christmas-Pets to the Rescue by Tamara Ferguson – Review by Amanda Kimble

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars


Two Hearts Christmas Rescue (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance #17) by Tamara Ferguson

Two Hearts Christmas Rescue is another great read by Tamara Ferguson. We get to meet Amanda’s friend, Kinley, and Jeff’s friend, Jake. Two Hearts Christmas Rescue tops my charts already this year.

Kinley runs the Animal Shelter in town. When the Holidays are around the corner she’s starting to feel lonely. The quote I chose for Kinley is: “You’ll have to come by sometime. Maybe I’ll have a little get together before Christmas when I’m more settled in. I’m really looking forward to Christmas this year since I’ve had the cabin built. I decided to put aside the past because that’s what my parents would want. It will be the first time I’ve celebrated the holidays since they’ve passed away.”

Jake is back in town on a mission. When he runs into a girl from his past things change. He finds himself thinking her often and he likes it. The quote I chose for Jake is: “He did. But he had some injuries which prevented him from continuing, so he’s retired now with one of my former unit members, who’s a wounded warrior. I would have kept him myself if I didn’t have to travel so much. It wouldn’t have been fair.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Stars Fall from the Sky: Reigning Hearts #2 by KG Fletcher AUDIO BOOK – Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Stars Fall from the Sky: Reigning Hearts #2 by K.G. Fletcher AUDIO BOOK


Book 2 of The Reigning Hearts series. This can be read as a stand alone. If you’ve read book 1 then you’ll know Emeline and Thomas. KG Fletcher is amazing and I can’t wait for the next one.


Ginger works with Emeline and has been invited to their wedding. After losing her husband she isn’t sure what to do. The quote I chose for Ginger is: “I’m fine right here. What is it? What’s going on?”


Jonathon is a doctor and loves his work. Losing his wife due to cancer things go downhill. A Grief meeting leading to him and Ginger meeting again. The quote I chose for Jonathon is: “We made it.”


Highly recommended for romance lovers.

Unbroken Vow by Bree M. Lewandowski-Review by Amanda Kimble

Unbroken VowUnbroken Vow by Bree M. Lewandowski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Unbroken Vow by Bree M. Lewandowski

This is the first book I’ve read by Lewandowski. From the beginning to the end I was amazed. The way she wrote this is just amazing.

Ada is the widow of Markus and is now in hiding. Not expecting anything to come of her arrangements. When she finds herself falling for Glaive. The quote I chose for Ada is: “Are you really so strong, Paladin, that rumor of me being yours is enough?”

Glaive isn’t expecting his best friend and brother-in-arms to die. He also isn’t expecting to learn that his friend is married. Being forbidden by the King, Markus asks Glaive to protect Ada. The quote I chose for Glaive is: “What did you hear?”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Romance lovers.

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The Last Christmas by Seelie Kay – Review by Amanda Kimble

The Last ChristmasThe Last Christmas by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Last Christmas by Seelie Kay

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Kay is a great author and to see a short story have so much meaning is amazing. This story goes along with the Holidays.

Joan is mourning the loss of her husband even with him not dead. She isn’t sure he’ll live, but when Santa visits her things change. The quote I chose for Joan is: “I do love him. He knows that. I have been with him every step of the way.”

David is dying and he isn’t quite ready to go. When his old friend Santa jumps in to help him out. Santa gets his wife to see what is really going on. The quote I chose for David is: “Oh, for crying out loud. Would you stop all babbling, you monkeys. I need to talk to your mother. Pipe down. We don’t have a minute to waste.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Run to the Sea by KG Fletcher Audio Book – Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Run to the Sea: Reigning Hearts, Book 1 by K.G. Fletcher AUDIO BOOK


This is the first book I’ve listened to by KG Fletcher. I thought she was a fantastic author, but she knows what she’s doing. As the narrator of her own story just makes me love her more.


Emeline works multiple jobs to be sure her dream comes true. Running into an old friend changes everything. She sees the changes in Thomas and feels horrible. The quote I chose for Emeline is: “I’m so sorry for your loss Cappie. I know you must miss him. He was a great man.”


Thomas comes back into his hometown only to find that his old friend is still there. He’s surprised when he found out that she went to his grandfather’s funeral. He has always been in love with her and doesn’t know what to do about it. The quote I chose for Thomas is: “Yes, he was. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it until now. It’s been rough.”


Highly recommended for romance lovers.

Unwrapping Noel by Jennifer Theriot AUDIO BOOK – Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Unwrapping Noel by Jennifer Theriot AUDIO BOOK


This is the first book I’ve heard by the Author. Sara Gordon is a fantastic narrator and she had me laughing.


Noel is a great PR lady and knows what she’s doing. When California calls she heads down thinking she’s helping a friend. When she finds that she is falling in love. The quote I chose for Noel is: “Yes, of course, it’s me, Dave. Who else would’ve fallen on her a** in the driveway? Why aren’t the damn lights working? I thought you said you were getting them fixed.”


Leon is in town from New York to help his friend out. When he meets a female he becomes forward. After finding Noel in the arms of another man he leaves. The quote I chose for Leon: “Ouch. Very nice. Or not so nice, I mean. I actually felt that. So what am I supposed to do now? I gotta make a living you know.”


Highly recommended for romance lovers.

Jordan’s Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan #2) by T. Christensen – Review by Amanda Kimble

Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)Jordan’s Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Jordan’s Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) by T. Christensen

Christensen is a fantastic author. Jordan’s Justice is a fantastic read and I can’t wait for more.

Tessa is a single mom and she hasn’t had contact with the father in four years. Seeing him again brings back everything she was running from. Jordis is Tessa’s life and Jordan wants to take her. The quote I chose for Tessa is: “You are only allowed to see my daughter when someone else is present, Christina, and it is only because I think she should know her grandparents, even her coldhearted, manipulative one. If I ever get even an inkling of you being anything other than a doting grandma, we will disappear so fast it will make your head spin. You wanted me to abort the granddaughter you pretend to care so much about. You will never have a say in how I raise her.”

Jordan is a huge NBA player. Becoming an ambassador to the Community Center Tessa works is one way to get under her skin. When he finds that he’s got a daughter things blow up. The quote I chose for Jordan is: “What she told me is true? You found her at the pool house door? She didn’t come to see you specifically? Did you give her the check, or did she ask for it?”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Sport Romance lovers.

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Matching Miriam by Mya O’Malley – Review by Amanda Kimble

Matching MiriamMatching Miriam by Mya O’Malley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Matching Miriam by Mya O’Malley

This is the first book I’ve read by the author and I loved it! If you love crime with a twist then this is the book for you!

Miriam is a cop who is now looking for a decade killer. Her neighbor and good friend tells her that she had a vision ending in Miriam’s life. When an ex comes back into the picture it changes things. The quote I chose for Miriam is: “We can rest on the plane ride home tomorrow morning. Right now I want to talk to Kevin. I have a killer on my tail, the sooner we solve this case, the sooner I can relax without thinking someone will come up from behind me and stick a knife in my back.”

Jesse is back in town and he wants to see Miriam. He’s still in love with her and doesn’t want to let her go. The quote I chose for Jesse is: “We should probably start heading back. I need to get some cat food and a litter box and then get Josie over to Miriam’s place.”

Highly recommended for crime lovers.

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Moonlit Mirage: A Cook Islands Romance: Moonlit Destination Series AUDIO by Amy McKinley – Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Moonlit Mirage: A Cook Islands Romance: Moonlit Destination Series AUDIO by Amy McKinley


This is the first audio book I’ve done. Regan Brown had me captivated from the beginning. McKinley has really outdone herself in this short romance story. A great way to start a series and a definite must read. It’s short and sweet, but will leave you wanting more.


Nadia is now living on a beautiful island. When she runs into someone from her past. She doesn’t want to give him a chance but then she does. When she meets his sister again things go bad quickly. The quote I chose for Nadia is: “We haven’t known each other that long, Cade. I’d hate for you to invest so much money then find out that whatever this is between us is short term.”


Cade’s life was turned upside down five years ago after an accident that almost cost him his life. A woman, or as he finds out a girl, saves him from dying and then runs. What happens when he runs into her on the island he now calls home. The quote I chose for Cade is: “The accident. That was the start of a much bigger nightmare for my family. As much as we could, we’ve moved on. There isn’t anything holding me in New York any longer.”


Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.


Five-Alarm Christmas: A Novella by Melinda Valentine – Review by Amanda Kimble

Five-Alarm Christmas : A NovellaFive-Alarm Christmas : A Novella by Melinda Valentine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Five-Alarm Christmas: A Novella by Melinda Valentine

This was the first book I’ve read by the author and It won’t be my last. This short and sweet story will leave you wanting more from the author.

Finley sneaks out of her parents house and finds herself in the arms of a stranger. She goes to the Fire Station’s annual Christmas party only to find her one night stand playing Santa. The quote I chose for Finley is: “I was not staring at him. I was looking at tonight’s contestant of Pick Your STD.”

Garrett finds himself in a bar and finds himself staring at a cutie. When he gets to the Station and meets the Chief’s family he is floored. The cutie is the Chief’s daughter. The quote I chose for Garrett is: “I never got to tell you how cute you look in that elf suit. I like it.”

Highly recommended for Erotica Romance lovers.

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Office Mistakes by Beth Hale – Review by Amanda Kimble

Office MistakesOffice Mistakes by Beth Hale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Office Mistakes by Beth Hale

Hale has outdone herself with this fabulous book. Office Mistakes is a great way to get to know the author.

Audra is afraid of opening her heart up to co-worker Charlie because she doesn’t want it to be another office mistake. She finds herself falling hard and fast. The quote I chose for Audra is: “You won’t be imposing. I promise. Come on, Charlie, and go with me. You’ll get a fantastic meal.”

Charlie had always had a thing for Audra. When the Christmas party ends and it ends with her in his bed things couldn’t get better. The quote I chose for Charlie is: “I don’t know what to think. But I’m beginning to think you were right. We should just step away and chalk this up to an office mistake.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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Fighting for Us (Love is Worth Fighting for #1) by Bella Emy – Review by Amanda Kimble

Fighting for Us (Love is Worth Fighting For #1)Fighting for Us by Bella Emy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Fighting for Us (Love is Worth Fighting For #1) by Bella Emy

This is the first book I’ve read by the author and I’m going to be looking for more. You get a twist of romance and heartbreak.

Carissa works at the hospital and knows ‘Guns’ from somewhere. Her sister and best friend try to get her out of the house and go drinking. At the bar she meets someone and falls in love. The quote I chose for Carissa is: “I think I should fake a headache or pretend I’m hugging the toilet from food poisoning. I should cancel.”

Lorenzo lost his wife five years ago leaving him as a single father. When his brother and sister make him go out He finds a woman who he now calls Lush. Running into her at the store and saving her from her ex makes him realize maybe she would be good for him. The quote I chose for Lorenzo is: “Wait, I’m not with her with her… you know. She’s not… We’re not—”

Highly recommended for contemporary sports romance lovers.

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Corporate Christmas by Bernadette Marie – Review by Amanda Kimble

Corporate ChristmasCorporate Christmas by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Corporate Christmas by Bernadette Marie

The first read by the author and not my last. Corporate Christmas is a fantastic read. Marie knows what she’s doing while writing. Short, sweet, and romantic.

Chloe works through Thanksgiving for a promotion she’s been working hard for. Only to have it taken out from underneath her feet. She is let go and when the man comes looking for her things change. The quote I chose for Chloe is: “No, not that. Well, maybe that. No, what I figured out was I don’t want to do any of this without you. I want you in my life, Jason. I want you around me every day.”

Jason doesn’t know he’s taking a job from someone else. When he learns that she quit he’s upset. He then learns that she didn’t quit, she was fired. The quote I chose for Jason is: “And I don’t want to be where you’re not.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance by K.G Fletcher – Review by Amanda Kimble

The Nearness of YouThe Nearness of You by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance by K.G Fletcher

Not the first book I’ve read by Fletcher, but a must read like this brought me back. She knows how to capture her readers attention and keep it.

Lauren doesn’t expect to fall in love within a couple of days, but it happens. She is living her life doing what she loves doing. When she meets the supermodel things change drastically. The quote I chose for Lauren is: “I’m just really happy in this moment with you and I don’t want it to end.”

David is used to his career being the only thing in his life. On a Friday night he meets someone who turns his world upside down. In a good way. The quote I chose for David is: “It’s chemistry. It’s adoration. It’s unexplainable, really. All I know is I want more. I don’t know what that looks like entirely, but if we stick together, I believe the two of us can explore something truly special.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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Rick: Ingram Brothers #3 by Roz Lee – Review by Amanda Kimble

Rick (Ingram Brothers #3)Rick by Roz Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Rick: Ingram Brothers #3 by Roz Lee

My first read by the author and my first M/M read. Lee has done an amazing job and I can’t wait for her next book. Loved Rick and can’t wait!

Rick is a Marine and gay. No one knows and will never know. Six years go by and he’s heartbroken. He meets his brother’s new co-worker and falls hard and fast. The quote I chose for Rick is: “It’s none of your business.”

Brent is new to town and loves life. He’s got a supportive family backing him. Growing up in a Military family he never thought about falling for a Marine. The quote I chose for Brent is: “I get it, but I hope you understand now. I’m not going back to Houston. Even if things don’t work out with Rick, I’m going to stay in Willowbrook. It feels like home.”

Highly recommended for M/M Romance lovers!

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Second Chamce ex-Mas by N.D. Jackson – Review by Amanda Kimble

Second Chance eX-masSecond Chance eX-mas by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Second Chance eX-mas by N.D. Jackson

This is the first book I’ve read by Jackson, but it won’t be my last. This book gives every second chance lover what they’re looking for. Christmas and exes coming together.

Ally is a single mom to a six year old she loves with everything in her. Lately her daughter is wanting to meet her dad and Ally isn’t sure if that’ll happen. When she learns that her ex is coming back to town things change. The quote I chose for Ally is: “Me too. My biggest worry all these years was that I didn’t have enough family to give Glory all the love and attention she deserves, but today, watching the way she lit up so easily with Finn and Stephen, I felt like crying.”

Archer walked away from the love of his life and never looked back. When he comes home he finds that things have changed. He’s got a kid He doesn’t know. The quote I chose for Archer is: “Yes, that’s how ice skating works. I’ll be right there with her. Holding her hand and cushioning her fall. This is something I can teach her, Ally.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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