
Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jules Herbert

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow wow wow!!! Yet again this amazing author brought us a totally captivating story that had me on the edge of my seat from the first word to the very last!!! I read this so fast simply because I had to know what was going to happen next. Nico and Mia come together as a way to not only protect Mia but to also bring down her father and step brother. What starts out as an agreement and blood oath between the two soon develops into so much more. With constant danger seeming to come at them at every turn can they survive it all to find true happiness? This is book 7 in this amazing series and you can read it and enjoy it without having read the previous books BUT I highly recommend reading the whole series from the start not only because they are so worth it but also because it will give you valuable knowledge of all the characters and the series of events that lead to this point.

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Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm – Review by Shelly Kittell

Scandalously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #5)Scandalously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Me too, however, I heard the Chief of Staff is a real dick.” This has to be my favorite line in the book. We can all relate to Ale talking to Kris about what she’s heard about the Chief of Staff at her new job. Little does she know, he’s the hot guy she’s talking too. Oh, this opens the door to so much drama and challenge. Prior to finishing medical school, Ale was a surrogate to one of the Titan couples. This was an experience that affected her tremendously. I really enjoyed this story because it is so relatable. You can practically feel the emotions in the story. The characters are so well-written and developed that you feel they are part of your group. Ale needed a tribe of women friends and if anything, I do wish she could have more of that in the story. That ex-wife of Kris, so well-written, I felt like I should watch over my shoulder. Scary mother/wife, that’s a large plot to deal with. The challenges they deal with would try the patience of a saint. I did miss a little more interaction with some of the Titans. It’s another knockout of the park.

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Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Scandalously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #5)Scandalously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book….wow!!! I know most of these books has some suspense but this book was nothing short of amazing. I have loved every book in this series but, I think this one just might be my favorite.
The Titans are like a whole other breed of men. They know what they want and they know how to get it.

Alessia Johnston just finished her residency and is in the Bahamas for a few days at a medical conference where she runs into Kristopher Simon. If you have read the previous books, you will know of Kris. He’s unhappily married and separated from his crazy wife who thinks she can win him back.
Kris and Alessia meet in the Bahamas and have one steamy passionate night before they leave to return home. Kris is the chief of the hospital Alessia is working at so things can be tricky.
Kris tries to be professional but the electric spark between them is just to much to avoid.
Kris wants to say forget it with the legal separation and just head for divorce but his soon to be ex tried everything to keep that from happening. The lengths that she goes to is unbelievable. This definitely is a great read that you do not want to miss out on. I was able to finish the book in two sittings. This book has it all, romance, suspense, and plenty of heat!

review by @xchellex

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Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Scandalously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #5)Scandalously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can never get enough of this series truly! Every time there is a installment in this series, I can not wait to get my hands on it to read it. Each book has characters that are full of life, and have so much depth to them! I can never not love the books I devour by this wonderful author! Especially loved this one!

Alessia and Kristopher are two souls that really had he hooked, there was simply no doubt on that front. I loved their chemistry, but what I loved most was who and what defined them as themselves. Their past made them who they are in the present, but was it what would set them on course for their future lives? The writing was sensational, the author really knows how to draw you in and make you feel things in your mind, heart, and body as you read. I could not get enough of this book specifically! Loved it!

I always know each book by this author will be freaking wonderful, but this one really blew my mind in what I thought I would be devouring! Highly recommend this book, series, and author! Must read!

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Remember to Forget Me (Too Lost to Love Book 1) by Hazel Storm Review By Lorrene Huisman

Remember to Forget Me (Too Lost To Love, #1)Remember to Forget Me by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved this author and their works for quite some time now. I always love the books and characters that they create. I was truly sucked into this book. It is a start of a new series, which I know for a fact I will be anxiously awaiting each installment for! This book as a 1st book has already offered a lot on the table!

Addison and Wesley were two characters that had a past, but in the present when they share moments you can feel the electric shocks and attraction that they feel together. That is truly undeniable. I enjoyed the character depth on them both, and I longed so very much to know more, and see where things would go! I loved when remembering their past, it had those memories most of us long to forget, we cant escape them in realistic, but we can grow and survive from them. There was a lot of sexual steamy moments as I read, and I could not get enough! I am already in love with this series /and characters. I can not wait to see where this goes and more character depth! I know I am in for a ride! Loved this book!

This is a stunning new start a new series, and I expect nothing but a sensational series and installments from such a gifted author! I highly recommend this book and this author! Both are must reads!

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Thief (Popov Bratva Book 4) by Leslie Georgeson – Review by April McCoy

Thief (Popov Bratva #4)Thief by Leslie Georgeson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book had incredible characters, a great story line and all the chemistry! The push and pull was to die for and all the twists and turns captured me and held me hostage! I did not read others in the series but definitely will be back tracking. This is a great series!!!

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Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Ashes of Sin and StardustAshes of Sin and Stardust by Lindsay Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book really brought everything to the table. I could not get enough at all of everything this story gave to me as I read. Deep character depth, darkness at times, as well as light. The characters were very easy to connect and level with Each had a depth of light and darkness to them, I could not put this down!

Ruben and Alice were such great characters! I loved their character depth. I loved their moments together. Both different but so very well connected in more than one way. I enjoyed learning who they were, especially what their pasts held for them! There was trauma endured, and that made these characters so much more realistic. I loved how the author did the writing with BDSM. She nailed it! I could not have expected better, the author for sure knew what was linked to BDSM and played it perfectly into the story and characters. The story was complex, vivid, and very deep with emptions at times. It heavy at moments as well. I could not have asked for a better read! It was amazing! Loved it all the way through!

This book was such an amazing and good read! I could not put it down or get enough from what I read. Highly recommend this must read book. its a rate gem, and not one to be passed up for any means!

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Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Jules Herbert

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by this author and I have to say that I will happily read more! The main characters had an instant attraction for each other ,which quickly became so much more. They lived vastly different lives but the author cleverly showed us that they had common ground in their inner strengths and the way they fought for each other and those around them that they loved. With an interesting and constantly moving storyline this book is one you will enjoy and should definitely get reading today!!

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Stitch by Stitch by Marie-Therese Hernon – Review by April McCoy

Stitch by StitchStitch by Stitch by Marie-Thérèse Hernon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was just so good! I enjoyed this cozy mystery so much and enjoyed our main character more than I have in a long while. She was so relatable and just felt so real. The story itself was so well thought out and left me reading every word in one sitting to find out what happened and if she was successful! Such a well planned out book, I really, really enjoyed!

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Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm – Review by Anna Hirsch

Scandalously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #5)Scandalously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm
5 Stars

This is another amazing book in the Titans of Manhattan series. Although it can be read as a stand-alone, each book is so good that you should read them all. This one centres around Kristopher Simon. With his promotion, he is at the top of his career. On the outside, you would think he has everything but under the façade, his world is crumbling. The divorce is going to be rough but he has no choice, he needs to protect his children.

Her whole life Alessia has focused on her studies. Before starting her new job in the emergency room, she decides to go on a medical retreat in the Bahamas. As their paths cross, a night of passion leads to love blossoming. Can their love endure the storm that his soon to be ex wife will create?

This story had it all; heartbreak, drama and love. The author has a way of pulling you in, playing with your emotions then puts you together again. Kris and Alessia go through hell and back to be together. You know Hayley is not the nicest person from the other books but after reading this one, you realize how truly crazy she is. This is a definite must read!

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Whitney Morrison

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I couldn’t wait for this book as I just loved the others in the series. It seriously did not let me down and was just as good! Mia and Nico are amazing and I just couldn’t get enough of them. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more and more. I very highly recommend this whole series if mafia romance is your thing!

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Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray
Genre – Erotica Romance
Page Count – 1134
Cover Designer – Lindsay Murray

Reuben has been searching for his mystery submissive for twenty-four years. He knows he’ll recognize her when he sees her, because he’s had visions of her for more than half his life. But when he finds her, she isn’t at all what he expects; she’s a mouthy little brat with an attitude, and he yearns to tame her.

Alice has sworn off Doms. She’s had too many awful experiences, and not a single guy has lived up to the promises they’ve made. But when Reuben Weston starts paying her attention, she can’t help but give in and try one more time. Maybe, if she’s very brave, or very lucky, she’ll find someone worth breaking for.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray

Lindsay is a graduate of Western Carolina University. When she isn’t caught up living in the world in her head, you can find her at one of her favorite bottle shops, a local craft store, or planning her next vacation to the mountains.

She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with her husband and cat. (And her twenty-seven imaginary friends.)

Author Interview with Lindsay Murray



Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm

☆❥•*•🌹•*•❥☆ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ☆❥•*•🌹•*•❥☆
Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 335
Cover Designer – Sarah Paige

Kristopher Simon

A career, marriage, children. Kristopher had it all. Unlike the other Titans, he was on top of the world until he realized the glass house he lived in was full of cracks. Left with no choice but to end his marriage, he was content with his soon-to-be bachelorhood. His only focus was on:

– His family

– His promotion

That all changed one sultry night in the Bahamas at a medical retreat where he meets the newest physician at his hospital.

Alessia Johnston

Fresh off of her residency, Alessia lands a job in the emergency room of a local hospital. After years of hard work and other sacrifice, she now has her whole life ahead of her. Her focus is on:

– Her career

– Her family

Never did she imagine she would end up back in the world of the Titans, especially after she was once a surrogate for Anton and Elsa Kingston back in college. Fate had other ideas, though. After being thrown into the path of the Dr. Kristopher Simon, she gives in to a night of passion that changes everything for the both of them. If their professional relationship isn’t enough to keep them apart, his messy, and public, divorce should be. Things aren’t always what they seem, however, and Kristopher becomes embroiled in a scandal that sends everything between them up in flames. When the dust settles, will there be anything left to salvage?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm

Anise Storm is a USA Today Bestselling author of Contemporary and Dark Romance. A Southern transplant, Anise is married with children. She has a love of football, shoes, and tall, dark heroes. When not spending time with family or traveling, she can be found either curled up with a good book or writing. 



Remember to Forget Me (Too Lost to Love Book 1) by Hazel Storm

💛 ༻•✨•༺💛 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💛 ༻•✨•༺💛 •
Remember to Forget Me (Too Lost to Love Book 1) by Hazel Storm
Buy Now Now –
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 325
Cover Designer – Alex Hayes
Ten years ago, my teenage dreams ended with a kiss and a bully’s fist.
The target of a brutal attack, Wesley became lost to me, his mind wiped of the six months we spent together, writing songs and creating a bond that ran soul-deep.
Blamed for the tragedy and forced to remain at a distance, I watched Wesley’s rise to fame as he sang the songs we wrote, the only things he remembered from that lost period of his life.
When a decade-old songbook I published comes to light, accusations fly that I’m a plagiarist, stealing Wesley’s lyrics.
What a joke.
But after facing down his lawyer, I wipe clean a personal debt and make a quick exit.
Only I don’t get far. Because Wesley is outside, waiting.
His mind may have forgotten me, but as soon as our eyes meet, something in him recognizes something in me.
The chemistry between us is explosive, and I can’t resist the moth-to-flame tug into his world — even if it’s only for one night.
This could be our second chance… Unless his instant attraction means his memories are returning.
And if they do…
He’ll wish he’d remembered to forget me.





Click here to view the Book Trailer for Remember to Forget Me by Hazel Storm

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Remember to Forget Me by Hazel Storm

Hazel Storm lives in Western Colorado. She writes romance novels, including contemporary, paranormal, reverse harem and suspense. She loves the 3C’s — Cats, Coffee and Chocolate. She also loves the 3S’s — Sunshine, Smiles and Steam. She is an advocate for the compassionate treatment of all living creatures.

Author Interview With Hazel Storm





Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Lauren West

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story tested the true bounds of love and the meaning that opposite the track. I enjoyed their story very much, and i appreciated the differences that they had, but the way they were able to embrace each other. Aimee was such a free spirit and Independent woman. She may not have had much but her life was simple and she enjoyed it. Qadir was much more complex, and quite the alpha male. Watching their love story play out danced upon a variety of emotions. The way he watched over her and protected her displayed his devotion. I enjoyed the story very much and I’m happy that I discovered this hidden gem.

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Princess of Prias by Courtney Davis – Reviewed by Jasmin Slagle

Princess of PriasPrincess of Prias by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elle is an orphan until one day she discovers that she’s not. Elle is actually a princess. Throw in Locan, a spaceship and some aliens and you’ve got yourself an adventure. Great book, really enjoyed it.

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Rivals (Mafia Elite #7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Angela Hayes

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Rivals is the seventh amazing book in the Mafia Elite series by Amy McKinley. Again, another fantastic instalment in this stellar series- which I have said with every book that has released, but it’s true- the series just gets better and better with each new instalment, and now I am hard-pressed to choose a favourite from amongst them all because they are all so brilliant!
IAs with the rest of the series, this is a fantastic mafia romance- a romantic suspense, with an enemies to lovers element, plenty of action, danger, drama, intrigue, mafia politics, chemistry, passion, steam, tension, emotion, hidden agendas, dramatic developments, and so much more.
This is Mia and Nico’s story- and wow, you’d better buckle yourself in for this one. When Mia needs help, she turns to Nico for help… Nico is intrigued, but she’s the enemy. With far more than their hearts at stake, and you know what they say about ‘no good deed goes unpunished’- so what happens here makes for quite a riveting read.
You won’t want to miss this exciting story… but be prepared to develop a taste for Ms. McKinley’s stories. One book won’t be enough.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Amy McKinley!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Jo Frizzell

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From word one, I was stuck into this story, needing to know everything! Joel’s mental state and the protectiveness he felt from the very beginning to the other side of the coin in the more recent years of the story drew me in. I wanted to know the truth of what happened in 1932 and what happened to lead Joel to where he was in 1991 when Garrison first comes to him chasing answers. The alternating points of view and differing points in time that the story is told are fascinating, and it’s such an amazing way to share this story. If you enjoy mysteries with an emphasis on family secrets and the relationships those same secrets can change through existence, this is definitely the read for you!

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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Beverly Finnie

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t want this to be the end….. Rivals was right up there with the rest of the mafia elite series, I loved them all! I guess now it’s time to start over. If you’ve read them, get this book right now and read it. If you have to go get book one and begin it now, I’ll see you again when you’re done book 6. lol This book, just like the rest, is well written with wonderful characters.
Now let’s start with the characters of book 7, Mia and Nico. Coming from rival families they aren’t exactly friends. Mia comes to Nico with a preposition Nico can’t refuse. Marriage and protection, in exchange Mia marriage and protection, but in exchange Mia will give up info to save women and be kidnapped in a trafficking production. That they will tear down and destroy
Will they let her sacrifice herself?
What about Nico and Mia, what will happen between them?
So many questions but reading this book I had all the answers.


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Taylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines – Review by Whisper Hymer

Taylor's LawTaylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jennifer Raines takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions in Taylor’s Law. The story follows Ella’s journey if loss, love, and grief as she tries to keep custody of her deceased sisters daughter. We see Ella’s passion and love for her niece, Tessa, throughout the story even as Ella’s head is turned by the handsome, pirate-ish lawyer Jake. The love story isn’t written by Hallmark but is still worth the read. The lies, secrets, and unspoken truths will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end! Enjoy!

Reviewed by @WhisperHymer

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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Dawn Brown

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this seventh book in the series, Mia, a daughter from the New York mafia, escapes her father and seeks out Nico’s help. Nico, a member of the Chicago mafia, is enemies with Mia’s family and he suspects she is trying to infiltrate them. However, Mia is earnest and asks for a marriage to prove herself trustworthy. Mia’s father, however, is not happy with the marriage.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, if you like mafia romances, this series is a must. How Amy McKinley is able to come up with new plots for each subsequent book is beyond me. This book was straight out fabulous. Full of stubborn, strong characters, the clashes could almost be (fictional) comical if lives weren’t at stake. The twist at the end was shocking and satisfying.
The best part is that there is another book coming soon. This book will focus on the New York mafia that was tied to Mia.

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Amber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg – Review By Jess Engel

Amber Waves of GraceAmber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an engaging and ultimately heartwarming story! I really enjoyed the authors development of the characters and story.

For me, the characters and setting made this story. The small town, hardworking community that bands together and help one another is heartwarming, even in the midst of tragedies, trials, and tribulations. I was expecting relationships and romance, but wasn’t expecting the twists and turns that kept me turning the pages. I look forward to additional stories from this author!

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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I cannot get enough of this series!!! This book of Nico and Mia is fantastic fantastic fantastic!! I recommend reading this series in order as the “families” continue to be part of each book each character continues to evolve.

Mia…wow….she is tough as nails but what she endured…my heart truly broke in a million pieces between her father using her as a pawn and her step brother Ricco, whom I totally despised. When enough was enough, is bravely flees away from her family. Mia know how bad it is, especially her step brother Ricco. Mia has a purpose…take down her own family.

Nico is quiet, loyal and fierce. He will do everything to protect the “families” no matter what. When Mia seeks NIco out with a proposal….this is where it gets interesting. Mia wants protection from none other than NIco…but what is the cost? Family secrets, bartering..will Nico break down his own walls and protect Mia and help her?

This series of books is just fantastic and I cannot get enough. The characters, story line..all of it really grabbed me from beginning to end. I truly enjoyed Nico and Mia’s story that really captured me from page 1……intrigue, deceit, trust but the spark and sizzle that goes along with Nico and Mia was perfect!

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Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Ashley Westerman

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved every minute of reading this book! I was immediately hooked, and it kept me that way the entire time. So much happening! This author took me for a wild ride. I wish I had the opportunity to go back and read for the first time again! This is a definite re-read in the future. Don’t miss out on this one. READ IT!!!

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Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Book 1) by Armand Rosamilia – Review by katie stapleton

Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Series)Shake Down by Armand Rosamilia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love when an author can seamlessly weave different character’s viewpoints into a single storyline. This book did not disappoint!! Mystery, intrigue, thrills, suspense, and just enough information about the characters to keep you needing more. I was thrilled to see this is a series and I cannot wait to read more about Clayton, Jimmy, Neil, Xavier and the rest of the characters we have met so far. I also really enjoyed the pace of the book. I wanted to keep reading and was on the edge of my seat. Armand gets you started with enough details, but doesn’t get hung up on adding fluff. Very enjoyable!!

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Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Amber Howard

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was cute and action packed. Literally a romantic comedy. Aimee is adorable yet fierce. Qadir is well a typical good looking guy sleeping around for fun until Aimee catches his eye. They both change each others lives for the better. Through a series of events their relationship is truly tested. By the end of the book I shed a tear or two.

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Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Jess Engel

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This may be my favorite read of the year so far! What a well-written, researched, and gripping story!

The author developed a page-turner with their ability to create tension and the need to know what happens next in this mystery that spans across time. The characters are developed well throughout the entirety of the story and the reader finds themself rooting for and relating to them. The author also has a unique way of creating setting and bringing the reader inside the story and feel like you are really there. The details really bring this story to life.

The author tackles many challenging subjects within the context of the story and does so very well and with integrity.

Ultimately, I look forward to more by this author and encourage you to pick this one up for sure!

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This Time Around by Jane Suen – Review by Daryian Lucas

This Time AroundThis Time Around by Jane Suen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.7/5 Stars
This was my first read by this author and I like the concept, but I felt more like I was reading about teens than adults. Katie & Chase are 28 and they’re both still affected by their high school breakup. Not saying that events that happen to us when we’re young don’t have any affects on us, but Katie doing what she did was not worthy of 10 years of anguish for either character in my opinion. It was a reasonable thing to do and actually very mature given her age. However, for it to seem like a fresh wound 10 years later was a bit much in my opinion. The writing is very solid and the book has a lot of potential. I just couldn’t get into the after effects of the breakup.

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Bake Happy (Bake Believe Series Book 3) by Cori Cooper – Review by stephanie nicole

Bake HappyBake Happy by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an absolute amazing way to end this trilogy. I have read both of the previous installments in this book and when I saw this one I knew I had to read it right away. The one thing that i would say is if you are new to this series I would make sure to read these books in order. But with each book there is great character development, fantastic recipes, and of course a great plot. So if your looking for a great new book make sure you run and pick these ones up today. Trust me I’ll be watching for more great works from this author.

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This Time Around by Jane Suen – Review by Carla Clemmons

This Time AroundThis Time Around by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this quick romance! Its such a sweet story about coming back to a love you had before. Seeing if its possible to rekindle a romance that once was is exactly what Katie and Chase do. You never know if there’s to much pain that is still lingering from the past. I really enjoy the characters in the story and how you get to know their back stories as well. We don’t always make the best decisions but sometimes we get to go back to see if our mistakes can be forgiven.

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