
BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Jess Engel

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! Boy Released is the gripping sequel to Boy on Hold, by JD Spero. We pick back up with the Trout family years after their ordeal. We learn more about each of them and how they, especially Tyler, are coping with life now and Tyler’s diagnosis. Then, tragedy strikes again, but this time it’s Marcella, Tyler and Hen’s mom who is attacked. Again, Tyler is suspect number one! What really happened? Will there be justice?

The depth of the character and world development makes this one truly special. The light shed on mental illness and how it affects individuals, as well as those around them make this book different than others in the genre. Another great, page-turning read!

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Jess Engel

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Boy On Hold by JD Spero is a suspenseful, engaging story that reels you in from the beginning.

Spero writes the story from multiple points of view and carefully crafts this mystery. The characters are well-developed throughout the book and you can’t help but endear yourself to most of them. The reader immediately finds themself engulfed in a mystery witnessed by small little Hen (who sees monsters come the crime against a beloved neighbor and friend) and it all unravels from there. Could it be his brother, his brother’s best friend, or someone else entirely? Spero’s storytelling is excellent. The development of the mystery with special attention to the characters and shedding light on mental illness make this must-read. It will have you turning the page to the very end.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Erin Wolf

Hazard in HawaiiHazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1) by Heather Silvio, 5 stars.

This book was so different from any I have read before. First of all it takes place in Hawaii, which is always a great location to set a mystery. Then there are people mysteriously dying. These are all things you may have seen in books before. The unique part is why they are dying and what causes it. I do not want to give anything away, so I will not go into any more detail, but it was very unique to me. But this is not the only thing that makes this story so good. The characters are fantastic, setting up this series to be very enjoyable. The story itself, the many things happening during their investigation, are written so well, I felt like I was part of the case. I could not put this book down until I was finished and anxiously await the next in the series.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book from Author Heather Silvio and I really enjoyed this paranormal cozy mystery story. Sarah, who is an assistant investigator, is asked to fly to Hawaii with her boss when a client hires them to find out how this fever-based illness that people are contracting has now become deadly. The story really unravels and you piece together whom the victims of this illness are and how they are linked. The paranormal aspect on how this illness comes about was well played, and I really thought I had it figured out. Will Sarah and her team figure out where this illness comes from and hope to save the people effected by it before it is to late? Definitely read this book and and find out. There were a few twists in this story and overall if you love a good cozy mystery with some paranormal aspects, you will enjoy this book.

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by S. Bittles

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**The synopsis for Boy Released gives away a detail for the first book, Boy On Hold; I highly recommend reading the first book before reading this book or this review.**

Although I recommend to read this series in order, you can start with this book. The synopsis gives the reader an understanding of the Trout family’s past if you haven’t read Boy On Hold.

Again, I was on the edge of my seat reading this book! Fast forward 10 years and we are following Tyler’s release from psychiatric rehab and the Trout family’s new dealings with the justice system.

Spero’s writing continues to flow smoothly and not falter between characters views or jumps to the past and present. Definitely want these books on my shelf!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and possibilities by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Melissa Pongracz

Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and PossibilitiesNotebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book, set in the 1800’s brings the reader on a number of mysterious adventures, along with main character Emma who presents as a strong female lead. Emma seems to always be at the forefront of new developing crimes and town deceptions. Alongside Emma’s ever evolving crime cases, you will be witness to Emma’s personal affairs including her budding romance. The character development in this book is fast paced with new characters emerging frequently. New characters were hard to keep up with at times and could have a slower paced introduction into the story. Overall I enjoyed this book as it grabbed my attention, and kept me engaged with the fast faced, ever evolving story.

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Notebook Mysteries by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Kelsey Mueller

Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and PossibilitiesNotebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins

Notebook Mysteries- Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins
An amazing tale of a young woman in the 1700s and her adventures of helping others with her detective skills. Reminded me of my younger days reading Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew. Definitely a must read for young adults and adults that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. As well always help people in need and they will help you in return. Looking forward to more from this author love the narrator parts to really connect the story to the reader.

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Reviewed by Kelsey Mueller

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sarah Danger is an assistant investigator while also working towards her doctorate in comparative mythology and counselling, she enjoys all the parts of her life, however, this trip to Hawai’i with her boss to investigate his latest case is a once in a lifetime opportunity, although the reason they are investigating is less than happy. The client who has hired them has asked them to investigate a mysterious illness which is currently affecting one of their family members, it is an illness which causes the affected person to have a progressive nausea, a headache, a fever which cannot be treated and which raises until the person’s organs fail and someone has already perished.

As they prepare to arrive in Hawai’i, Sarah’s boss asks her to come up with a plan for when they land, she decides to conduct the interviews with the patient and their family members first, followed by the doctor treating them and finally the family of the person who died, they agree that it is the best course of action before going for a meal and settling in so that they can get an early start the next day. As the investigation progresses, Sarah has to call on her clairempathy during the interview to try and find out about the emotions the interviewee is feeling and how it corresponds with the answers they were giving, however, things don’t quite go as planned when one of the team ends up in hospital and another has to be brought in and Sarah is thrust into a leadership role she is not sure she is comfortable with.

As more information is found and more cases are found, a pattern emerges and t is looking more likely to be a supernatural rather than a biological nature, this is where Sarah’s expertise really comes to the fore as she researches into the new possibilities with her team. Will they be able to figure out who and what is behind the mysterious illness and how they can remedy it before those affected succumb to its affects? This is a cozy mystery with a supernatural element, which will draw you in and keep you reading through the twists and turns until the conclusion.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Beverly Finnie

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

J.D Spero, followed Boy on Hold up fantastically with Boy Released. Boy Released puts us back into a world 10 years after the Murder of Miss. Sally. Hen is almost of age to come into his inheritance of Miss. Sally’s estate.
Miss Sally was the neighbor who used to help out and babysit Hen as a child, until one night his older brother Tyler had a mental break and accidentally killed her.
Tyler, recently released from a mental hospital, is living in one of the cabins in the resort his mother(Marcella) and Bernie own. Now that Tyler is back home with his family it’s a process to reintegrate him back into the world and everyday life. It also brings about animosity and some long repressed feelings from long ago, amongst them all.
Till one night Tyler watches through his cabin’s window his mother being attacked in the resort office. An attack that he admits taking the blame for so he could get the 1 clue to the right person, “For 300 m&m’s.”
A story of redemption of sorts for Tyler, as Boy Released progresses forward. If you choose to view it that way. It dives deeper into the realms of mental illness and the impact that has on one’s life and those around them. If you enjoy this author like I do and enjoy a fantastic psychological thriller/with a story of redemption thrown in, J.D Spero does not disappoint! Wonderfully written, with easy to follow character arcs it’s worth the read TRUST ME!

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Beverly Finnie

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

J.D Spero has a knack for bringing the readers into a world that could very much be someone’s reality. Boy on Hold being no exception. A psychological thriller in its own right, could be a trigger warning for someone else. Boy on Hold dives deep into a world of mental health as the novel moves forward.
Tyler, being the oldest of Marcella’s 2 children, is on the brink of a mental break. Hen, 10 years Tyler’s junior, idolizes his brother for who he knows him to be. Until Cabbage Night 1991, that’s when everything changed. Changed in ways a 7 year old could not even begin to understand, but he was smart enough to realize what happened.
Influenced by his best friend Derek and drugs, Tyler goes through a whirlwind of suffering the consequences for his actions, as the book progresses.
I’m not sure if I was the biggest fan of the constant jumping around from different points of view, however the author masterfully wove it all together so that it works very well. Highly recommended and also looking forward to reading book 2!


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Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio – Review by Ashley Westerman

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love finding new authors! Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvo was excellent. It caught my attention quick, the characters felt relatable. It was fast paced, and had me quickly turning pages to find out what happened next. I especially related to the main character, Sarah. I found her to be funny and likable. Relating to main characters always makes it an easier and better read. Heather Silvo’s attention to detail throughout the story helped me feel like I was right there watching it happened. There’s no foul language so if you’re put off by that then this is the book for you. I think that you’ll enjoy it, like I did. I’m excited to read other books by Heather Silvo and will be waiting for the next book in the series.

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Reviewed by @mombiex3

Boy Released by J.D. Spero – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is ten years after Tyler Trout was sent to psychiatric rehab after his mental illness caused a psychotic break and his family are still reeling from the murder of their next door neighbour Sally Hubbard and to help with their grief, they moved to the small resort town of Lake George Village and bought the Blue Palm Motel where they now live and work. Hen has grown up into a handsome young man and helps out doing the domestic work in the rooms while his mum, Marcella and Bernie, her partner handle the finances and the odd jobs, meanwhile Tyler has just returned and is living in one of the cabins as he starts to work towards some sort of independence.

As they are all settling into a routine, Tyler is managing to hold down a job at a local store, but his mental health takes a dive when someone from his past turns up and sets back the progress he has made, meanwhile, Hen is taking on more responsibility as the busy summer season starts and preparing for the transition to adulthood in just one short year when he will have to make some serious decisions about his future, whether that involves college or continuing to work at the motel, as well as deciding what to do with his inheritance money once he comes of the age to take ownership of it, all while trying to support his mum and keep up some semblance of normality by spending time with his friends.

All this comes crashing down around the Trout’s when Marcella is attacked at the office and Tyler is the only witness to the altercation, however, the information is locked inside his mind and the turmoil in which it constantly spins, however, when he approaches the office after the attack happens and incriminating himself in the process, his family have to confront Tyler’s illness all over again. Will Tyler be able to make anyone understand the information he holds in his mind and how important it is, or will they believe that he is capable of hurting his family and keep him in detention? Can his family overcome their own personal views of Tyler and help him to reintegrate into society, or will they fail to see beyond his diagnosis? This is a heart rending tale of mental illness and how it can affect those around them, as well as being an emotional rollercoaster of emotions as you become invested in the lives and trials of a family many can relate to.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Angela Packard

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Boy Series and is set ten years after the first one ends. Tyler is out of the psychiatric rehab, Marcella bought a hotel, and Hen is 17 now and looking at his future. Sounds like things are looking up. Then Marcella is attacked, and Tyler is arrested for the crime. How much can this poor family go through?
My heart ached for Marcella who just wanted the best for her boys. I cried for Hen who was thrown into memories of the past watching his brother get arrested again. I could never imagine having a brain like Tyler’s due to his schizophrenia that takes in things differently than we think is “normal”. Can this family survive another disaster? Or does this once again remind them how much they love each other? JD Spero did it again, a heart wrenching story that made me feel every emotion to the core.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Angela Packard

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an incredible emotional story! Hen is a 7-year-old boy, who wants nothing more than to catch a hedgehog as a pet in his back yard. He falls asleep in his play tent to wake up to yelling at Miss Sally’s, the neighbor’s house. Miss Sally is like a second mom to him, she babysits him after school. Hen struggles with what he sees that night, did he see it correctly? When his 17-year-old brother, Tyler, is arrested for the crime, his life is torn apart. Marcella, their single mom is distraught, how to save her son.
Drugs, murder, and a psychiatric condition make for the beginning of a horror story. This was a story filled with love, concern, and family first. I cried for Hen, I cried for Tyler, and as a single mom, I cried for Marcella. JD Spero ripped my heart out, stomped on it, then put it back together. Families are never perfect, but when love is the foundation, they can survive anything.

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Samantha Bassett

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Samantha Bassett

This is the second book in the series and JD Spero takes us 10 years after the first book. Tyler is released from the psychiatric facility and going to be living with his mom Marcella. This is a new neighborhood in a motel in a resort community.
The past is coming back when everyone is trying to adapt to their new lives. Add to that Hen is trying to figure things out with his impending inheritance and the burden it carries. An attack on Marcella leaves everyone believing the worst about Tyler. Could it really be him?
Another good book that kept me reading all the way through.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Ayla Eddy

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio is the first book in her series A Doctor Danger Mystery. It is a paranormal mystery book that is a fast, but good read. From the beginning of the story she hooks you in with the start of a curious mystery that the main character Sarah is on the way to investigate. Off to Hawaii to solve a mysterious death with her empath abilities and knowledge in mythology. A man has an unexplained death after heating up with no response to medical intervention. Now another man, a relative to her boss’s friend, is facing the same unknown illness. Reading the adventure as Sarah takes over the investigation and searches for the answer was a thrilling read. She touches on the culture of Hawaii while mixing in the supernatural world. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by April McCoy

Hazard in HawaiiHazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I seriously LOVED this book so much! It was such a good read and such a page turner! I could NOT put it down. The mystery was so intriguing and it was definately something I couldn’t wait to get to the bottom of! I can’t wait to read more from the author and this series!!!

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Boy Released by J.D. Spero is the second book to Boy On Hold. This book takes place ten years after the murder that Tyler, then a little boy, witnessed. He is released from a psychiatric institution and reunited with his brother, Hen, and their family. Boy Released takes on mental illness and is full of suspense and thrills. This book, like the one before it, is HARD to put down. I recommend reading the first book before this one, but even if read on its own, this book would be enjoyable. The characters are so well-written, and climbing inside Tyler’s schizophrenic mind is intriguing and this family’s story will hook you until the very end. I was swept away and came to love this family from the first book, and it was no different with this one.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Trish Ann

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a pretty interesting read. Since the book was short, the action was fast moving which I appreciated as I believe that if the book was longer, it would have been drawn out. I enjoyed the supernatural hook into the Hawaiian culture. I would be interested to read others in the Doctor Danger series to see other links to culture and the supernatural in other places. Overall, the plot made sense, the story was engaging and I would definitely read more in the series.

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Tausha Treadway

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio. I love Heather Silvio books and this one is no exception. This is a fun read full of mystery, death and even a little paranormal action. Its the story of Sarah Danger who is a Private Investigator in training for her friend Jeff and she is also an empath so she will use that power if needed. A case comes up in Hawaii that needs their attention so Sarah is excited to get there and get this case underway. Once they arrive Jeff has a minor heart attack and Sarah has to take over. She is excited and unsure all at the same time. Once she starts interviewing people and getting more comfortable she uncovers all kinds of weird and mysterious things. Uncovering secrets, lies and betrayals she makes some people very upset and puts herself in a very dangerous situation. Can Sarah solve this case before she becomes the next victim and is it a case of natural causes or is their paranormal activity going on? Read Hazard in Hawaii to find out!

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Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery BOOK 1) by Heather Silvio – Review by Heather Lloyd

hazard-in-hawaii” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Hazard in Hawaii (A Doctor Danger Mystery Book 1)Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book from start to finish and I hope that it is the first in a long line of books by Heather. Sarah is a great character and you feel like you are right there along for the ride the whole time you are reading. I especially enjoyed the Hawaiian culture and history that was incorporated in the book. I will be on the look out for more books by this author.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Ashley Dover

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sunshine Baker is the young adult librarian in Bryce Beach. She loves books, but she has discovered that she has a knack for amateur sleuthing.

Betrayal at the Beach
In the first installment of the Dangerous Curves series, Sunshine organizes the Friends of the Library Gala with the help of the committee. The gala is especially prosperous with nearly one hundred thousand dollars. With funds for the library depleting, raising this money was important to Sunshine and her fellow librarians keeping their jobs. Unfortunately, the money goes missing during the major announcement at the same time the cherished bible of the town’s founder disappears. Sunshine and her fellow librarians, Molly and Evangeline, turn on their sleuthing caps to try to solve the mystery and save their jobs.

Mystery at the Marina
Not long after solving the theft at the library, Molly and Sunshine are walking on the beach when they come upon a group of dead fish. During the course of the next few days, larger fish, horseshoe crabs, and even a small whale wash up on the beach. Sunshine knows there is something going on that is causing the fish to die on their beach. After checking in with the chief of police, Sunshine starts her own investigation learning that the test results from the dead fish have disappeared. Sunshine finds that this mystery takes her into the port area several times interacting with the fisherman. During her trips, she notices that the Coast Guard has been around the bay at Bryce Beach more frequently than normal. Solving this fishy mystery is so important to Sunshine that she finds herself in a harrowing situation. Can Sunshine solve the case before she loses her life?

Shooting at the Shore
Sunshine has had a very successful summer with her young adult program. So successful that she has an awards ceremony to highlight the achievement of her teenage patrons. She speaks with Mrs. Willa Bryce Monroe, the town’s matriarch, and a huge supporter of her library programs including one of the prizes handed out at the ceremony. Mrs. Monroe speaks of the “riffraff” that has moved into Bryce Beach. She tells Sunshine that she will make sure that the town council understands that Bryce Beach is a family place and not a place for a “house of ill repute” (a restaurant with scantily clad waitresses). On Tuesday, Tom, the reference librarian, mentions that Mrs. Monroe wasn’t at the council meeting which concerns Sunshine. She debates going to check on Mrs. Monroe when a teenage boy attempts to steal the wish box money that is associated with the town bible. The police show up and catch the boy when they get a dead body call. Sunshine knows in her heart that it’s Mrs. Monroe which she confirms. She knows that she has stepped into another mystery and sets her sights on solving Mrs. Monroe’s murder.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Samantha Bassett

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Samantha Bassett
I love this series and I had no idea I liked cozy mysteries but now I am hooked and can’t wait to read the next book. K.L. Montomery is a great writer and doesn’t feel the need to make the main character have a love interest, this is something I enjoy in a book. I love a story with a strong woman who doesn’t feel the need to have a significant other.
Sunshine Baker is working at the library in Bryce Beach, which is a small seaside town. She figures out that she is very good at solving mysteries with her friends. The police chief is not thrilled with this in the beginning but learns to live with it and knows that Sunshine and her friends can actually help him out. This leads to some very precarious positions and many twists and turns. There may be moments when you think you have it all figured out and then something else comes up.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Amanda Glaspie

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dangerous Curves, Box Set 1 by K.L. Montgomery was a quick and entertaining read. The books follow Sunshine Baker, the young adult librarian at the Bryce Beach public library while she solves mysteries that pop up within her town. Much to the chagrin of the Chief of police, she finds herself enjoying the solving of mysteries and takes each mystery on as her personal responsibility even being told to leave it to the police. The twists and turns K.L. Montgomery takes will keep you wanting more. Excited for more mysteries that Sunshine partakes in.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dangerous Curves box set is books 1-3 of the the Cozy Christian Mysteries series.
Sunshine Baker was so relatable in many ways for me and im jealous of her job, well “jobs” .
I enjoyed all 3 of these books and after finishing each it became my favorite. These are perfect for an afternoon read to cuddle up in a comfy spot and get lost in the pages. Cant wait for more!

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Carly Vogler

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1 contains 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery

I actually read book one, Betrayal at the Beach, before I even knew it was part of a boxed set. I loved the story so much, I got the box set as soon as I found it!

These mysteries are light hearted and utterly perfect. To read these stories, is to be plopped right in the middle of Sunshine’s small town. You get to know the characters, and fall in love with all their little quirks.

The books included in the set are as follows: Betrayal at the Beach, Mystery at the Marina and Shooting at the Shore.

Betrayal at the Beach introduces us to Sunshine while she is trying to figure out who stole a famous town artifact and the money she raised from the Gala to fund the library.

Mystery at the Marina follows Sunshine on a sea adventure when several animals wind up dead on the shore. With more secrets than Sunshine can handle, how does she protect herself?

The final installment in the set is Shooting at the Shore. This is almost what I would consider the “most intense” story of them all. When Sunshine is the last person to have talked to the victim, things get a little hairy. Can Sunshine figure out what has happened before it is too late?

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BOY RELEASED (BOY SERIES BOOK 2) by JD Spero – Review by Katie Kearney

Boy ReleasedBoy Released by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy Released by JD Spero. First off wow just wow. I knew I’d probably like this book since book one was great but I didn’t just like it I loved it. This author knows how to write a story that gripped me from the get go. Not once did I feel like this story needed anything. I do recommend you reading these in order. This one takes place several years after book 1 but it’s a very well done transition. The characters are complex and pull you so completely into their story that I forgot time all together. The storyline is one of the best I’ve read this yea. I couldn’t put this book down and I’m thankful to not only find this book but this author. Five huge stars and highly recommended!

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Rachel Moss

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you’re looking for a quick, enthralling, clean cozy mystery set to read, this is the boxset for you! It was entertaining, enthralling, funny, with some great Mysteries! I could hardly put this set down once I started reading them. I’m not a new ready to K.L. Montgomery and she definitely did not disappoint with this series. I highly recommend reading this series! I don’t know if I can pick a favorite out of this set, but all I know is I can’t wait to read the other books in this series! These books can also be read as standalones. Or at least I took it that anyway.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Alexandra Nay

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first time reading K.L. Montgomery’s work, and I am glad I did!
‘Dangerous Curves’ is a box set of three novellas, all taking place in the sleepy town of Bryce Beach. Readers are introduced to main characters that continue through the series-centering on Sunshine Baker-a curvy, Christian, YA librarian. Sunshine and her friends are put up against robberies, unexplainable dead sea creatures washing up onto the shore, and classic ‘who dun it’ murder. Montgomery’s stories are as easy to enjoy as they are to read, and although the main character is Christian, it did not feel like a pushy theme.
My favourite thing about all three of these novellas is how relatable and adorable the characters were. This is an excellent set to take to on vacation to the cabin.

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Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Krista Vaughan

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian MysteriesDangerous Curves Boxed Set 1: 3 Cozy Christian Mysteries by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dangerous Curves Boxed Set #1 (Dangerous Curves Books 1-3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Krista Vaughan

A feel-good collection of mysteries that remind me of “Murder She Wrote”. Sunshine Baker seems to be able to unravel clues that no one else can, solving mysteries with her young friends, her sharp wit and her faith. She hates her name and can’t bake to save her life but mysteries are no problem for this amateur sleuth. You’ll meet her family and friends thoroughly the set and each play a part in helping her solve the mysteries. Sunshine starts by solving a missing donations crime, followed a dead sea life crime and then a dead body floats up into shore! She’s also trying to figure out who her secret admirer is throughout the set!

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