
Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Christine Baranek

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leaving No Traces
By: P J Mann

This is another wonderful Detective Scala tale. It is part of a series, but honestly each book functions as its own. This is a complex case from the start, it features what appears to be one case of a murder, or maybe an abduction because there is no body, just a car and a lot of blood in the driver’s seat. However, there ends up being more than one body and definitely lots more to this case including the mafia. Plus there’s the added drama of a witness who has to stay alive in order to testify about anything.
This is definitely filled with twists and turns and I loved every minute of it. As a character, I love Detective Scala. But the truth is, it is the cases he solves that keeps me coming back for more. This one had a little bit of everything and literally kept me up way past my bedtime. Everytime I thought I had it figured out, another twist would make me change my mind! I definitely recommend this one and the rest of the series!!!

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leaving No Traces is Book Five in A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome Series. It is an action-packed, fast-paced, crime thriller that centers around the character of Detective Scala. In his newest case, Detective Scala is attempting to solve the mysterious circumstances around a missing woman whose car is discovered abandoned at a service station. Blood splatter on the driver’s seat indicates that the woman has been murdered and Detective Scala is determined to find her killer and bring the person to justice. As he works to unravel the clues and solve the murder, he finds himself deep in the underbelly of the criminal world where lives do not matter. Detective Scala finds himself fighting for survival against an evil villain. The ensuing story is full of action, suspense, danger, murder, intrigue, corruption, criminals, villains, and twists and turns that will keep you riveted to the very end. The storyline is multi-layered and well written, and the characters are engaging. Detective Scala will stop at nothing to solve a mystery and is ruthless in his quest for justice. I love that he follows the clues and found myself following them as well and trying to solve the murder. This book will keep you reading to the end to find out whodunit. I highly recommend this book!

View all my reviews@tarab

Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann

I wish I could have read the 1st book to really get into the mystery but reading this I want to go back to the 1st book and read the other books of P.J Mann. This was amazing loving how each page was something to think about.
Detective Maurizio took me to every part of the crime to see who really was it, I was living on the edge and wondering how but why. This story was amazing… The part that was crazy was that either he finds out who did it or the mafia finds him. It was a page-turner for me. Love it!!!

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Jo Wright

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

She expects the worst out of everyone. She drinks to hide from the pain. She is hard-headed and stubborn as a mule… she was me mentally 3 years ago. I really loved the adventure in this book! The traveling and detective skills she picks up looking for this missing woman spark my wanderlust and sense of adventure! Can she be honest with herself and quit punishing herself? I guess I have to find out if she follows through in 2024! I’m eating my heart out wanting to know what direction her and Angus will take and if she’ll stick to her new found dreams or if she’ll shut down and fold into the person she was before the epiphany she has at the end of the book!

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Rayne East

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

With a strong lead character and suspenseful writing, Mr Lucky is the first book in the Trentbridge Tales series. The story just draws you in and has you questioning, what would you do in this situation? To have it all, lose it and then to only gain more than you could ask for, Detective James Sheldon has so much to look forward to. In a twist of fate. Life does not go as planned. The author has a really engaging writing style and takes the reader on a thrilling journey. I enjoyed the fast pace and originality of the story. Recommend.

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book #1) by Lee Wood – Review by Angela Hayes

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Mr Lucky is the first book in the Trentbridge Tales series by Lee Wood. This is the first book that I have read by this author, so I really didn’t know what to expect from one of his stories. But I love a great thriller, so I excitedly snapped up a copy and didn’t hesitate to dive in.
What I discovered is a gritty crime thriller, and a bit of a surprise package. It wasn’t what I expected- and that made it even more intriguing, for me.
Detective James Sheldon is down on his luck until he wins millions in the lottery. This life changing event should have been the catalyst he needs for a fresh start, or to ‘make-over’ his life. But instead, he finds himself in a dangerous situation, pitted against the dark underworld- while forced to confront his demons. This makes for a great psychological mystery and has given me a taste for more of this series.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Lee Wood!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Kayla Octaviano

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such a good novel! Reading this book is just like watching a crime show on television except with more time for plot twists, murders, and sneaky messages. The detective is relatable and the clues are constant! Read this if you like being on the edge of your seat, you will keep coming back for more!

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Toni Sellers

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tequila Midnight is a very well-paced, good suspense, twists and turns, action, drama, family betrayals all the makings of a great book. Kathryn Dodson’s writing was fantastic. I was drawn in by the first page and didn’t want to put it down. All the characters are well written, I really liked Jessica and found I was rooting for her throughout the book. She had a hard life as young girl and is battling those traumas as an adult. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait for more.

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Suspenseful, crime drama, lies, deceit…. gripping as I turn each page seeing what is going to happen next….this story was fantastic. The storyline had me at the edge of my seat and gave me plenty of twists and turns along the way. I cannot wait to see more from this series…..

Jessica Watts work dealings with some very shady people..feeling like this is her way to “deal” with life in general as her upbringing only brought her pain and feeling abandoned by her own parents and the yoyo relationship with her friend Angus, trying to sort out feelings. When Jessica’s boss gives her a new job with a man that is known to be very powerful, Jessica feels like this is just a job that she has to do….all Velasco wants is to know where his daughter went……what happens when the layers are pealed back on the hunt for a missing daughter and the dangers of being tied to a very powerful man…

This story is highly recommended and hard to put down. I really loved this story.

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Shannen Kern

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book as a standalone, but I have picked up the first book in the series after reading this one because it’s spectacular! I enjoy the crime and mystery genres, so this was right up my alley. I feel like most times I have a good handle on what is going to happen next, but this book actually kept it hidden from me which makes it that much more enjoyable! The author brilliantly leads you into Detective Scala’s world as if you’re standing right alongside them in this suspenseful and engaging read. I thought the flow of the story was incredible, and the characters were a perfect fit for the scenes. I can’t imagine anything missing from this book, so it comes as a high recommendation from me!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Mr. Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Alison Risher

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a fabulous book! Having been homeless myself, the storyline really resonated with me. The protagonist and the antagonist had actually crossed paths several times. The theme of irony is prevalent throughout the story. I made it to the very end of the book before realizing I had read the first in a series of what I am sure are several more amazing tales, I am elated- and I know what I am reading next!

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Jennifer Crain

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Typical Italian Scala (“eating in a hurry without time to enjoy is a waste of time. Hopefully, the detectives stomach would also agree”) is back again, this time unraveling an intermingled web of families with drama and interconnections. As with the other Commissario Scala books, I really enjoyed the realistic crime scenes and aftermath that author PJ Mann sets up.

Comical relief between Scala and his colleagues lighten up some of the more intense moments in the book. I have truly enjoyed this series so far, and can’t wait to read the next one.

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Sheri Schrader

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tequila Midnight: A Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Novel is the first book in this series. Set in El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, we get into the life of Jessica Watts. This is a gritty story of a stubborn woman trying to find a Mexican tycoon’s missing daughter. Jessica has lived a tough life and does not trust easily. I liked this story which had suspense, crime, and more. The characters and setting are realistic and put you right into the story. I liked that this explored how someone handles trauma and uses their experience to help themself find new and different pathways. Jessica is a relatable character which makes her story more interesting. Because she is relatable, it pulled me further into the story, and I wanted to know what would happen. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more in this series.

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Felicia Bates

Leaving No Traces: An Italian Murder Mystery (Book 5)Leaving No Traces: An Italian Murder Mystery by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

PJ Mann is a new author to me having never read any of the previous books in this series. My genre of choice is mystery or thriller so after reading the synopsis of Leaving No Traces I was eager to see if this was a series I could find myself getting into after. I really did like this book, I felt that it really hit the ground running from the very beginning with twisty unraveling until the end. I like that the book itself wasn’t too long, about 200 pages start to finish with a sneak peek of what is to come.

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Amanda Swindle

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tequila Midnight follows the journey of Jessica Watts, a real estate agent that deals in cross-border relations. The picturesque writing really sets the tone for the vastly dry desert that is El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico. Riddles with a dark past, Jessica takes on a job to locate Doraliz Velasco, the missing daughter of one of Mexico’s richest tycoons. The case takes Watts all over the world, from Harvard campus to Belize, and back to Mexico. The journey comes at quite a price, as she is captured, beaten and drugged. While Jessica is pursuing the lost girl, she is also facing her own past demons. The only comfort she can find is at the bottom of tequila bottles and in the beds of strangers. The main character is a train wreck from the start, even before being commissioned on an impossible journey. Will she find the missing girl, and herself along the way? Will she find the answers she is looking for? Will she ever soften her heart and find love? I absolutely was drawn into this book and the constant swirl of drama and excitement over and over again. I am looking forward to reading the next one!

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Amanda Swindle

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Secrets they Hide is book two in the five book Commissario Scala Mystery set. I have only read book four in this set so far, so these books can be read as standalone or out of order. Reading them in order will most likely help with understanding character development, and I do recommend reading them all. A young man is found dead in a cemetery with a note that talks about secrets and hints that their may be other victims. Now Detective Scala must find out who this mystery killer is before any other bodies show up. As a no-nonsense detective, Scala is invested in making sure this murderer is found and brought to justice. What is the murderer after and why did he kill this man? Are the other murders linked to this one, and if so what is the connection? The Secrets they Hide is full of mystery, drama, suspense and plot twists. The author has a knack for setting the scene with very descriptive and vivid wording, and the character building is spot on. I am becoming more and more intrigued with the Scala mysteries and intend to read the rest of the series.

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Carla Clemmons

The Secrets they Hide (Commissario Scala #2)The Secrets they Hide by P.J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great thriller read with lots of plot twists! I was not expecting all the twists and turns in this story. Detective Scala has to use his instincts to solve these murders. I did not realize this was the second book in this series until after I had already started the book and I will say it was not needed to read the first. I am sure you miss some character background so I will be reading the first one. I enjoyed the writing style and this book made for a quick read since I was anxious to know what happened next. Detective Scala has so much compassion for his victims that I feel it makes him a better detective. There were plenty of twists and turns in the plot to keep me wanting more. I am excited to read the rest of the books in the series with Detective Scala. If you are looking for a good mystery/thriller then I definitely recommend picking up this series!

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Kerry Carr

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a gripping story that had me turning pages so fast. The author immediately draws you into the story and the action starts from the page. The main character Jessica is a strong determined woman but she is also hurting and carrying a lot of pain around from her childhood which she hides by drinking too much Tequila and one night stands. My heart went out to her but also to her best friend Angus who tries so hard to help her save herself and stop her destructive ways. As someone who has watched a loved one drown in drink it is part of the story I can’t relate to.

Jessica is a Real Estate agent. She is used to crossing the borders and securing deals. So when she is offered a job of finding the missing daughter of a rich Mexican she thinks it will be an easy job with great payment.
As she starts to investigate she realises she knows nothing at all about this type of things and her investigating brings her to the attention of some very dangerous people. Can she find the missing girl? Will she pay for her searching with her life?
Add to this the constant battle she has already going on inside herself with demons from the past and this is because a fast paced story where Jessica doesn’t know who she can trust, and who is spinning her lies.

I loved this story and I couldn’t put it down until I reached the end. Jessica is an amazing character, I loved how strong and resilient she is, how determined she is to make things work and see things through no matter the cost. The author does an amazing job of showing the audience the internal struggle that Jessica goes through as she starts to fight and overcome her demons from her past.

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author which I enjoyed and look forward to seeing what is next for him. I enjoyed how the author used details to make the story come to life on each page. The characters pull you into their world with ease and keep you there until the end. They have great growth and made the story easy to read. I found this book well written and hard to put down. A story where one day you have everything in life and the next you are out on the streets. He now finds himself in a world of crime bosses, drug dealers and just trying to survive. I enjoyed Detective Sheldon’s character. He is strong and determined. I had to feel for him in some cases. His twists and turns had me sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what would happen next. This is a great suspense story that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Rayne East

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This suspenseful thriller will have you guessing til the end. The fifth book in A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome series, Leaving No Traces is an intense, action- packed murder mystery. With twists and turns at every corner, there are a lot of layers to the story. This was a race against time, intriguing story that suspense lovers would enjoy. Highly recommend.

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Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala Mystery Series Book #5) by P.J. Mann – Review by Angela Hayes

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


When he arrived at the car, he regretted not having had coffee. Lunch had been plentiful, and something to help him with digestion would have been appropriate. “Well, if this turns out to be a murder, soon I won’t even remember what a full belly feels like,” he said, looking at his belly. “Prepare yourself, my friend. This could be the beginning of another fasting period.”

Something I have in common with Scala- a love of coffee, food, and a great mystery.
Leaving No Traces is the fifth intriguing instalment in the Commissario Scala Mystery series by P.J. Mann. I am really enjoying following Scala along on each of his investigations, and this one didn’t disappoint.
It’s another engrossing and well-woven crime & investigation mystery, a bit of a whodunnit that starts with a murder that leads Detective Scala into a complex case that has him pitted against a cold-hearted villain. This cat and mouse game results in a story that has plenty of tension, secrets, lies, corruption, danger, high-stakes, action, police procedures, dramatic developments, and where Scala (and us) are thrust into a race against time to solve the case before it’s too late. Again, Ms. Mann doesn’t disappoint, delivering a suspenseful story.
Looking forward to more Commissario Scala mysteries.
Happy reading…

Thank you, P.J. Mann!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Leaving No Traces: An Italian Murder Mystery (Book 5)Leaving No Traces: An Italian Murder Mystery by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites. I enjoy her writing style and attention to details that bring her stories to life before your eyes. I enjoyed the suspense and the twist and turns that had me sitting on the edge of my seat. This is a story about a murderer that only leaves a car and blood behind to figure out this mystery. Detective Scala has a determination like no other to figure this case out. I enjoyed the characters in this story and what they added to the entertainment value of the story. I found this book to be fast paced and hard to put down. A story that suspense will keep you coming back for more. I highly recommend this book and to check out the other books in this series

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Review by @bjwagner

Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Another fantastic book by this author and gave me everything that I love full of crime, mystery, suspense, deceit, lies and the tense moments I had that left me at the edge of my seat trying to see what happens next.

Detective Scala is back…..but this time he must put the puzzle pieces together on a missing woman, leaving behind her vehicle with evidence of blood at a gas station. Trying to figure out the whole who done it, brings Detective Scala in parts unknown as he digs deeper…..but will Detective Scala be able to solve this puzzling mystery while trying to protect a witness who is key and twists and turns on every level?

I highly recommend these books…they really keep you engaged and intrigued…..questioning at every turn of the page what will happen next.

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

This is my first book that I have read from this author and I totally loved it. This is book 2 in the series and it could be read as a standalone…and I am definitely wanting to circle back on the beginning of the series, but I did not feel like I missed anything by reading this book first.

Detective Maurizio Scala is on a manhunt, trying to figure out whom murdered a young man and leaving his body in a cemetery. This mystery man is also leaving notes behind…poetic in sorts… possibly more bodies may be piling up…..revenge. Will Detective Scala be able to stop this murderer with a poetic mind before it is to late and more murders are ensued?

This book is a great crime, drama, suspense, corruption, secrets, lies and full of twisty turns as I tried to piece together the who’s who in connecting all the dots to the end. Very highly recommended and looking forward to reading more from this author.

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Julie Johnson

The Secrets they Hide (Commissario Scala #2)The Secrets they Hide by P.J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first read by this author and I’m looking forward to reading more by her! This is the second book in a series but was easily read as a standalone. I’m going to go back and read the first book in this series though!

This book held me from the beginning and didn’t let up until the end. It’s a riveting police procedural featuring a setting in Rome. What could be more interesting than a murder in a place known for their love? Just when you think you might have “whodunit” figured out, more plot twists and turns come up that will have you on the edge of your seat until the end.

Very enjoyable read!

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Melissa Fink

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Secrets They Hide is the second book in this series. The story takes place in a beautiful place in Rome. What I love most about this book is the twist and turns that it had. You can try to predict what’s going to happen and then the author tricks you and a twist comes. The plot of the story was amazing. This was a page turner and had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened next. I will definitely be reading more books by this author.

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fifth book in the A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome series. Although it is not essential to read the rest of the series to understand what is happening, I would recommend doing so to understand characters and background better.

I enjoy the author’s descriptive writing and their ability to paint a clear picture of what’s happening and the characters within the scenes.

Scala is a determined character, not taking the easy option by accepting the convenient answers. He is determined to find the truth, even when the case twists and turns as much as this one – nothing is what he expects.

I enjoyed the plot and where the story led in this instalment. There were moments which surprised me, moments which tugged on my emotions but there was never a dull moment.

I’m enjoying reading this series, and would recommend those who enjoy a good mystery book to give this a try.

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Jenni Bishop

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mr Lucky is Lee Wood’s first novel in the Trentbridge Tales. It is an interesting and original tale set in England UK. I think readers will be surprised by this story and it’s twisty and unusual plot.
Mr Lucky is not so lucky he is suffering from a heart-wrenching loss. Detective James Sheldon had it all and hit rock bottom, but fate had other plans for him. Some say a win is a good thing but not when it brings trouble to your doorstep. He has many demons to overcome and dangers to face.
There are characters that you will like and some not at all. The villain is a truly despicable person but that comes through the intriguing narrative.
Mr Lucky is psychological crime thriller that had me on the edge of my seat at times and at others my heart breaking.
If you like British crime thrillers, then you will enjoy Mr Lucky.
I look forward to more of James Sheldon and his adventures.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Jenni Bishop

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Leaving No Traces is the fifth book in the A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome crime series. Even though this book is part of a series, you can read it just as easily as a standalone novel.
The story is well paced with lots of tension, suspense, and mystery. There are realistic interactions between the characters some likeable and some not. The plot and world building are intriguing as we journey along with Detective Scala and others in solving this latest murder mystery.
It is easy to become invested in the outcome of the story with its drama that is entertaining and interesting.
Detective Scala must tread carefully when trying to wade through another web of deceit and corruption. What he finds just leads him to the underbelly of a world that criminals reside. A place where lives mean nothing.
His goal is to catch the killer, protect a key witness and keep himself alive doing so.
If you like whodunnits with ruthless villains, then you will enjoy this tale by P. J. Mann.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Kerry Baker

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is another great story I a brilliant series. I was caught up in the mystery right from the start and had to see how things would play out. It was an exciting story, full of twists and turns. I never quite knew where it was going to go next.
This is the only series I have read by this author but it ilhad been a great way to become familiar with their work. I am.really enjoying their writing style and how fast paced and full on each book seems to be. I will certainly be reading more from them in the future.

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