
Lost Hollow: A Small Town Science Fiction Romance (Alienville Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick

Lost Hollow: A Small Town Science Fiction Romance (Alienville Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – SciFi Romance
Page Count – 323
Cover Designer – Alexander Von Ness

A woman determined to find her sister.
A man—and a town—determined to keep their secrets.
A woman determined to find her sister.
A man—and a town—determined to keep their secrets.
Dr. Moira McCann worries when her mercurial twin Claire fails to show up for a rare sisterly visit. Claire’s last text was from a small town in the North Carolina mountains—Allenville. And now Claire won’t respond to any texts or calls; her phone is dead. Which means Moira—the responsible sister—has to go looking for her.
Allenville Police Chief Seth Call juggles the usual town disputes and the everyday trouble outsiders get into in his remote county. But early summer brings a special kind of chaos: it’s mating season in these mountains for a certain vicious species, and anyone is prey if they wander too far off the known paths.
When Moira seeks his help finding her sister, Seth can’t hint at any of the real dangers she faces. Despite his instant attraction to this woman, Seth has his secrets to keep—about his town, about his people and their history, about what Claire’s true fate may have been. But Moira already believes there’s more to the cute little town of Allenville—and its sexy Police Chief—than it seems. And she won’t stop until she’s discovered the unearthly truth.




Click here to view the Book Trailer for Lost Hollow: A Small Town Science Fiction Romance (Alienville Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Lost Hollow: A Small Town Science Fiction Romance (Alienville Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick

Donna S. Frelick has been a journalist, a Peace Corps Volunteer and an author of STAR TREK fan fiction. She was an RWA® Golden Heart® Double Finalist in 2012 for the first two novels in her contemporary SFR Interstellar Rescue series, and an SFR Galaxy Award winner in 2016 and 2018 for the third and fourth books in the series. She lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina with her husband, two dogs and two cats. When she’s not writing, she teaches taiji and qigong, and reviews films and television for her weekly podcast.

Author Interview With Donna S. Frelick




King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Melissa Saxton

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trevyn, who previously a hunter of thrane is stuck in the legacy of his families brutality which is well known by many. He manages to break free of his families legacy and became captain of a ship of the anti slavery interstellar rescue squad.

Lael, a shape-shifting Hinarr survives a broken heart after the death of her father at the hands of Thrane and fights everyday for her people who are considered “less” as they lack the telepathic ability of the Thrane.

The thrane rule their home planets making the Hinarr slaves, but the deep secrets, conspiracy and political intrigue about to be uncovered is deeper than both of them could ever know.

Trevyn receives orders to intercept a pirate ship smuggling weapons for slavers and finds Lael leading the charge, and begins to question everything he knows.

Thrown togethet by fate, needing to rely on their differences to keep them both alive , can these enemies mend their broken hearts with unexpected Romance?

this was an outstanding read, fast paced, action packed and much like the other books in the series leaves you breathlessly wanting more

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Unchained Memory(Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Melissa Saxton

Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue, #1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Asia wakes on the side of the road and realizes she’s lost 3 hours of her life with no memory of what happened, and what’s happened will shake her to the core.

cue Ethan a psychiatrist specialist in odd cases comes into the story to try and help Asia. At first Ethan is just there to help her while he realizes he has a few similar cases. however their relationship soon develops long past what’s appropriate for patient and doctor, and as they delve into discovery of the truth they have to outrun operatives bent on maintaining secrets of mind control, aliens, slavery and so much more together.

this story is well written, hooked me from the prologue and the characters are well developed with the stories dual perspective writing kept you wanting more

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Cindy Rushin

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All I can say is wow. This book was so good. It was a roller coaster from beginning to end. Trevyn and Lael’s story was full of adventure and suspense. This novel was epic and if you love space adventures, epic adventure, and love then this is the book for you. I am putting this author on my must read list.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Ashleyann Sanabria

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great read! I definitely need to look into more from this author, because the the characters and the world are so complex that it feels like you have left the real world behind and are now living in the book. I will admit, I definitely skipped a few books in the series, so I can’t say if that would have made this a better experience or not, but I was able to keep up and understand the story none the less. The dynamic between Trevyn and Lael was so well done. I also love it when a book is told in multiple POVs and I definitely think it added to the story here. A fast paced, action filled read that will remain glued to your hands until you finish. Now, I must read the rest of the books in this series!

Reviewed by @asanabr1

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Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Ashleyann Sanabria

Unchained Memory ( Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ll admit, I am not a huge Sci-Fi reader, but this book was awesome. I was invested from the very beginning. As if missing three hours of your life wasn’t confusing enough, the sequence of events that follow as Asia tries to uncover what happened and why was a roller coaster of emotion, action, and romance that I will definitely be reading again! The characters are all so complex and beautifully written, making it so easy to get hooked into the story. If you are thinking of taking a chance on this book, then my advice would be get a comfortable chair, a nice snack, and a warm beverage because when you start this book, you definitely wont want to put it down.

Reviewed by @asanabr1

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by stephanie nicole

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I am not usually a Sci-Fi reader I thought that this sci-fi romance might change my mind and boy was I right. While I have not read the previous installments in this series it can be read as a stand alone but I do plan to read the previous four. This book was full of multiple Pov’s, two broken hearts, old wounds, slavery, shapeshifters and more it really pulled me in from the beginning and kept me turning the pages. This is the first book that I have read by this author but it will not be my last. This book was also full of suspense, mystery, and adventure, and this author weaves a beautiful story full of fantastic characters and a wonderful plot. So if you like Sci-fi or your looking for a new genre to try, I highly recommend this story.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Katrina Evanochko

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. Lael Saphora is Hinarr, a race of people who can shapeshift into snow cats. Trevyn Dar is Thane, the race of people who subjugate the Hinarr, and who count hunting the Hinarr in their cat shapes to be the ultimate sport. Star-crossed is definitely a descriptor to use for them.

This story is more than a sci-fi romance, there is suspense, danger, and conspiracy everywhere. There are multiple factions Lael and Trevyn have to beware of, and they are forced to rely on each other to survive. There are interesting creatures, the settings are described vividly, and if you read the previous books, there are appearances by a few characters you might recognize. Definitely give this a read!

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King of Pain: Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5 by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trevyn Dar is from a planet called Thrane, he is one of the ruling class of the Thrane and is the son of one of the many Ruling Houses, the House of Dar, however, he isn’t anything like his father, known as the Butcher of the Four Systems, or brother and cannot understand their bloodlust or violent way of life, so he makes the decision to escape from that legendary heritage and strike out on his own and is now a member of the Interstellar Council of Abolition and Rescue. Lael Saphora is a woman also from the planet Thrane, however, she is from the other race who live on the planet, she is a Hinarr, a snow cat shifter who shares a mind and body with her Companion and who from a young age has experienced prejudice, violence and hatred from the ruling class who think because they don’t have telepathic abilities, that they are a lesser species and that they are only useful as something to hunt.

One day, Lael is bringing home a shipment of goods which her people are in need of, but on the way, she is arrested and detained by Rescue and her goods seized, however, when she sees that the person who has boarded her ship is a Thrane, she is even more angry. Meanwhile, Trevyn is trying to figure out why Lael has been arrested and when it is shown that she is a slaver, he knows that this is not possible because of her being a Hinarr and realises that she is a victim of an injustice in her own right, especially when he is told to deliver her to the Thrane Inquisitors for questioning. Trevyn knows that if she is sent back to Thrane that she faces torture and a slow and painful death at their hands, so even though he isn’t welcome on his home planet, he decides to escort her and delay her mistreatment as long as he can while he investigates the treasons for her arrest.

As Trevyn investigates and calls in some favours, he uncovers a deeper plot which encompasses more than just Thrane and has much farther reaching consequences than originally thought, but can a Thrane and a Hinarr overcome the barriers between them and a tragic past event to lead the Uprising, or will the conspirators win out in the end? This is a fast paced race to free the wrongly imprisoned before time runs out while love is trying to win over hate and prejudice in this story which will hook you in and take you on a whirlwind ride through rugged terrain and the peaks and troughs of an emotional rollercoaster all at the same time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Unchained Memory: Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1 by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue, #1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Asia Burdette is a woman who has experienced a lot of loss in her life, first she lost three hours of her life which she has tried to remember, but failed at every attempt and because of these three lost hours, Asia lost everything else she cared about and now she is using drugs and alcohol to keep the nightmares caused by this at bay. As she tries to hold down her job and live a normal life, she enlists the help of a psychiatrist to try and help her to come to terms with the event of her past which has so entirely destroyed her, he comes highly recommended, but she is doubtful that he will able to help. Ethan Roberts is a psychiatrist with a haunted past, although he doesn’t stop him from helping others, he still carries round the weight of his past and cannot seem to let it go.

The moment that Asia Burdette walks into Ethan Roberts’s office, he knows that he is in trouble, she is beautiful and smart, but he can see how the lack of sleep thanks to the nightmares have begun to affect her on a day to day basis however, as the treatments starts, he asks her to try something different in the way of therapy and after a few sessions, she realises that she is actually feeling better, but the entire way through the sessions she has been trying to ignore how she feels about Ethan.

Meanwhile, Ethan is under pressure from a colleague to update them about Asia’s progress, he has also been trying to suppress his feelings for Asia, however, when they embark on a necessary journey together, something has to give and that is the barriers between them, but they face more than just an emotional battle when they are attacked by black ops operatives and nearly kidnapped, but as they dig deeper into the mystery of Asia’s lost hours and the new nightmares she is experiencing that makes and how they don’t make any sense, but seem so real, they discover more than they bargained for.

Will Asia and Ethan be able to band together to solve this mystery which her nightmares unveil, or will their pasts be their undoing? In this thrilling extra-terrestrial race against the enemy, will their budding romance be strong enough to fight for each other, or will the opposition get to them before they even have a chance to try?

Reveiwed by @roxsannel

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Rachel Moss

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really interesting read. The world building is unique and interesting and so was the storyline and plot. However, I don’t think this is meant to be a standalone, and I haven’t read any of the previous books in this series. The storyline felt like a standalone but I think all thr world building has been done in previous installments and I just feel like if I would have read them first I would have enjoyed this book more. This is a Sci-Fi novel, and one that is unique in my opinion just because I haven’t read another book like it before. Overall I did enjoy this book I just think I would have understood it better and enjoyed it more if I had read the first novels in the series before hand.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Rayne East

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sci-fi drama, supernatural and suspense
This is the 5th book in the series. It’s full of suspense, intrigue and action. This story focuses on Trevyn and Lael and their journey to each other while fighting for their beliefs across the galaxy. Multiple POV, which I love, as it gives a depth to the storyline. There are new characters and it was also great to come across characters from previous books. This is a cleverly multi-layered and interwoven sci-fi story that easily draws the reader into a place that’s out of this world.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Naomi McDonald

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the fifth book in the series but I was able to pick it up and read it as a standalone. I’m sure I would have gotten even more impact if I’d read the previous books, as I understand some characters from those appear in this book. However, I didn’t feel like I was missing anything.
Superb tension throughout the story. This book had more suspense in it than an entire eight book series I just read that was specifically supposed to be suspense. You don’t want to stop turning the pages, that’s for sure.
I enjoyed that there was depth to the story outside of the romance as they are dealing with some serious subject matter.
Good action. Great flow to the story. Excellent read.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick

King of Pain is the fifth book in the Interstellar Rescue Series . This is a wonderfully written Sci-Fi/ Romance that will pull you in from the beginning and kept me turning the pages till the end. I pretty much tuned everything around me out and focused solely on this book and all the things that were happening. I’m a huge fan of this author and she’s one of the reasons I got turned on to this genre. I used to not like to read Scifi but I liked watching certain Sci-Fi shows on television. I would recommend reading this series in order as it will help with what’s been going on but can be read as standalone. Grab yourself a drink and get ready for quite the ride with fast paced action packed Enemies to lovers and more. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Corine Lombardi-Quiles

Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue, #1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So let me tell you how book five makes way more sense now.
This is an amazing series I need to read them all.
This author is so dynamic I could not imagine everyone not reading this.
If you love SCI-FI this is for you 100%.
The romance and adventure its so dramatic that it seriously sucks you in.
This author is masterful at world building.
Read all of the books in order and you will not regret it.
Don’t give up on this, there comes a point that the story lines all jumble wand chaos breaks out within the plot because it is so complex.
I am guessing this entire series is just an add on of the story before.
It is everything. I wish I read them in order.
Five stars. Worth every word.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Corine Lombardi-Quiles

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very complex read that I enjoyed.
This story is told from many point of views and that makes it dynamic and deep.
The lies and romance gives an atmosphere of addiction.
As the story goes on it gets better and better.
This is book five of this series and I am a little disappointed because you obviously have to read the books in order.
This author is great at creating worlds.
I was interested because of the cover art but the story is worth it.
With a female and male protagonist this story is well versed in character development and full of suspense.
Creative and balanced that brings this world to life even though I did not read the rest of the series.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Liz Vrchota

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was excited to start this fifth installment of the Interstellar Rescue Series. I have been following and reading from the very beginning, but you can enjoy this read on its own if you’d like without any hiccups. This author has a knack for world building and really makes you feel as if you are transported right into the novel as you read. I really felt as if I was along for the journey and it was quite the adventurous space travel that is for sure! I loved how this included so many different layers. From romance, intrigue, action, adventure, sci-fi moments that make you think, to racial indifferences and more. I was never bored and they all flowed so beautifully. I loved the characters and developed a soft spot in my heart for Lael. I look forward to seeing what will come next!

Review by @lizaileen
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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Daryian Lucas

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author and my first Sci-Fi romance read. At the beginning I was a little confused by the language, but that’s just because I’m not used to the genre. After the first chapter I had a good handle on understanding what was going on and I am glad I kept reading! This is such a good book and intro to Sci-Fi romance! It’s an engaging story that really keeps your attention. This book has sparked an interest in me to keep reading Sci-Fi romance novels.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Tausha Treadway

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick. This was a fun book to read, I’m not a huge Sci Fi fan but I really enjoyed this story. It was the 5th book in the series and I believe it really helps to read them in order. This is the story of Trevyn Dar who is part of the Interstellar Rescue System and when he meets Lael sparks fly. Unkown to him Lael is determined to set her people free from slavery and they don’t hit it off on their first meet. Lael is also wanting to avenge her fathers death. Lael thinks Trevyn is her enemy and wants nothing to do with him. Can Lael and Trevyn get past their past lives to make a relationship work? There are broken hearts, broken promises, adventure, challenges and steamy scenes throughout this book. Old characters are immersed in the story as well. Such a fun series and this was one of my favorites. Do yourself a favor and read The Interstellar Rescue Series!

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Michelle Austin

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 5th book in the Interstellar Rescue Series and it was a great 5 star read. I was pulled in right from the beginning. Trevyn is part of the interstellar rescue operation and is sent to intercept a ship carrying weapons when he meets Lael. Lael is determined to free her people from slavery when she is caught. Is she really the enemy? There is something off about the situation and Trevyn is determined to find out what is going on. Will Trevyn get the answers he is looking for?

Overall I really enjoyed the storyline and all of the characters new and old. We got multiple POV and I really liked that, I feel like it adds more to the story when you can see what the characters are thinking. We get action, danger, adventure, romance and so much more. I was on the edge of my seat several times and we got some unexpected twists that added a great element to the story. The author does such a great job with her writing detail you feel like you’re right there with the characters. If you’re looking for a great sci-fi read. 1-click and get started today on this series. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Anastasia Dodson

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

King of Pain is the 5th book in the Intersteller Rescue Series and it is the first book I have read by this author. It was an awesome sci-fi story that had a little bit of everything. Action, Enemies to lovers, rivalry & so much more. I enjoyed all of the main characters and I would recommend this to a friend! I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!
Happy Reading!

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Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Erica Shoebridge

Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue, #1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Asia’s lost memories from the night her children died have haunted her as she’s tried to move forward with her life. She can’t get over the fact that she has no idea what happened to her for three missing hours… hours that she might have been enough to save her babies. When she meets Ethan, the two of them develop a very special connection, and together they become determined to get Asia some closure. As they start to track down the clues to figure out this mystery, it becomes more and more clear that what happened that night may not be of this world.
I thought this book was written very well and Frelick did an excellent job of making the unbelievable seem believable. I was very engaged throughout the story, the characters were fantastic and the plot hummed along at a great pace. Ida Micken is a hilarious character that became crucial to the plot, and I was totally here for it. A great sci-fi, even for those who may not typically read the genre – there is more than enough to keep you hooked!

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Erica Shoebridge

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another excellent book by Donna Frelick! I was a little trepidatious because the book sounded bloody and harsh, I wasn’t sure it would be quite my cup of tea, but I know the authour is great, so I gave it a go. Very happy I did! The story is phenomenal, very action-packed with lots going on.
The two races on the planet, the Thrane (ruling class) and the Hinarr (poor and maligned) have been at odds for centuries. The Hinarr are treated abysmally, with few rights and are little better than slaves. A lot of the interactions echoed the racism that occurs in our world today, and so it was very relevant despite being set in a fictional world. The clash between these sects ultimately becomes one of the main themes in this book.
This book has romance, adventure, space travel, fantasy and shape-shifting snow cats! What’s not to love? Read this book.

Review by @ericalorraine
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Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Rayne East

Unchained Memory ( Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Intriguing and compelling
A very unexpected find and the first book I have read by this author. I absolutely loved it. The characters were well developed and the concept was fascinating. A sci-fi romance thriller, I was glued to each page. The writing while descriptive, allows for the reader to make the connections. There are a lot of emotions involved which tugged a bit at my heartstrings. An excellent series starter that left me wanting more.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Piper Foster

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sci fiction romnace I read this book and it was okay. I couldn’t connect to the characters or get into thier world I knew I was reading a book. It was your typical romance trope. It’s a quick read and definitely one for someone who who enjoys science fiction . Some of the challenges these characters go through are extremely hard. I was excited to read this book but the writing style was not for me I think I will revisit another time. X

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Jacque Flynn

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The fifth Interstellar Rescue Book in a series, this is the first book I’ve read by this author. She has characters battling conditions, both mental and physical, while defending people against genocide. Constantly surprised in my predictions of what I thought would happen, this book left me feeling pleasantly surprised. Frelick using other-word language had me wishing for a Thrane dictionary to figure out which endearment was actually being used. She also had me feeling cold with such descriptive scenes of blizzard conditions. I would recommend reading this book with a cup of hot cocoa or in the tub, but it’s definitely worth it.

Reviewed by @jacqueflynn

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thrane is a world where the Onlys have the ability to mind-link and are superior to the Hinarr, or Others. Trevyn Dar is the son of one of the deadliest murderers in the known universe. Once a Hunter of Thrane, Trevyn has left that life behind to join an interstellar rescue operation. Lael Saphora is the daughter of the Hinarr resistance movement, trying to free their people from slavery by the Ruling House of Thrane. Can Trevyn And Lael get past the years of animosity between their cultures and bring down those that would see the Hinarr wiped out? The mind is truly a battlefield in this story.

Reviewed by Terri Jo McAllister

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by La Toya Lewis

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though her first book is my favorite, King of Pain is a wonderful addition to the Interstellar Rescue Series. I truly did not know what to expect with this enemies to lovers (one of my favorite tropes) type sci-fi romance. I jumped right in and was hooked immediately, just like with all the other books in this series. I loved seeing old characters pop up so that the stories are all tied together. It was heartbreaking from the start and adventurous to boot. I hope to read more books in this series.

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King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5) by Donna S. Frelick – Review by Katie Matthews

King of Pain (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5)King of Pain by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Book 5 in this series and what an amazing instalment it was! I have really enjoyed the other books so I was looking forward to this one and it didn’t disappoint. There was so much going on and although science fiction isn’t a genre I would normally choose, I find these books so good to read I almost forget that element of it at times and I’m completely swept up in what I’m reading. The author’s writing is really engaging and her world building is excellent. I can really imagine some of the scenes that I’m reading.
A fantastic read that I’m sure any sci-fi romance lover would enjoy!

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Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue Series Book 1) by Donna S. Frelick-Review by Elena Tobar

Unchained Memory (Interstellar Rescue, #1)Unchained Memory by Donna S. Frelick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an edge of your seat romance with a sci-fi twist. I’ve never read a sci-fi romance before and I am so happy that I did and that this was my first one. This story absolutely sucked me in from the very first page. Poor Asia randomly loses three entire hours of her life and when she comes to, she realizes that everything that matters to her is suddenly gone. No mother should ever have to go through what she did. On her quest for answers and peace she ends up meeting Ethan who comes to mean so much more to her than simply a psychiatrist. The energy between them both from their very first meeting is magical and I absolutely loved watching them grow closer. There is so much mystery and danger that you never know what will happen next. The ending for this book was beautiful and this is a book that you definitely don’t want to miss.

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