This contains all three books in the sci-fi thriller Alterations trilogy. The trilogy follows Gigi, Ellen and Lilly in the aftermath of the implantation of a mind-control chip to alter something about themselves. The premise of the storyline was great, I was intrigued and was hooked wanting to see the 3 face the consequences of the chip and whether they would achieve their happily ever afters. The idea behind the chips and how far people would go to change things about themselves was interesting to me. I do think reading the trilogy in this set is the best way to go about it as there were moments (particularly within the second book) which slowed down considerably. I don’t think this was a problem when reading it all together, but don’t think this would have the same impact if reading separately. The author was descriptive, paining vivid imagery of scenes and characters allowing you to step into the story. The writing flowed well, but there were frequent point of view changes. This wasn’t an issue for me as I quite enjoyed seeing things from multiple perspectives and getting to know the characters more, but it is not for everyone. Overall I enjoyed this trilogy, it had a brilliant premise and was engaging and thought-provoking. My main issue would be the pacing previously mentioned, but as a whole this doesn’t detract from my enjoyment reading these books. 16:55:532023-10-10 07:54:21ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras
This trilogy is easy to read in one or two setting. Each book in this series is around 100 pages or so.
This book is interesting, creepy, and downright scary at times with the options available to people these days. While this is a work of science fiction, it could easily become a reality, if it hasn’t already.
Three women, all with differing sorts of body image issues, submit to Dr. Kite and his experimental microchips. Each chip is designed to “fix” the image issue that the person is facing. In Alterations, the focus is on the change that takes place within each of these three. Game Changer is about a life changing experience for each of them and Primal Will is their resolve to get away from the chip itself.
These stories are situations that are very real to many people and the resulting experiment proves that science is a good answer but not always the right one!!
This author is very quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I’ve read a few of her books now and she doesn’t disappoint!! She writes excellent books with a psychokiller thriller slant! Johnson Johnson2023-10-01 20:30:412023-10-02 12:12:48ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Julie Johnson
This is a set of captivating sci-fi thriller novels. Why would someone agree to be implanted with a mind-controlling chip? The concept of the plot is intriguing and suspenseful. I feel like the books can be read as stand-alones but would recommend reading them in order. There is definitely plenty of twists and turns in the Alterations trilogy! Lilly, Gigi, and Ellen POV’s add to the plot as we experience how the chip effects each one of them. Still not sure if I like or hate the brilliant doctor… Vaughn Vaughn2023-09-30 22:15:532023-10-09 14:39:52ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Brandy Vaughn
There’s a microchip for that? This is the first work by the creative Jane Suen that I have read, and wow was it a rollercoaster of a place to start. Honestly this book from chapter one had me pondering and completely intrigued. Told from multiple perspectives from start to finish we see the story unravel and the characters evolve. Gigi, Ellen, and Lilly are all everyday women that have one great desire, be it to stay young, lose weight, find love, or forget the pain of lost love this technothriller takes you on journeys you never knew you needed a peek at. While originally, I was put off by Dr Kite’s introduction, his multi-level price points to make his invention accessible for as many people as possible was a high point. Fake taxicab trolling the city looking for “low risk” people that won’t be missed if gone for a few hours, microchips implanted without their knowledge, and covering up when he finds a defect. Dr Kite is not really a doctor but is a doctor I never knew I needed a look inside his mind. Book one Alterations begins with Gigi on the edge, after her recent upgrade to her chip something is wrong, but what? Book two Game Changer picks up a little over a year after the events of book one, Dr Kite has lost his warehouse, and Ellen soon discovers an alteration to her body, how is it possible? Book three Primal Will picks up in the same moment that book two ends with Tiffany having to make an impossible choice or risk refusing and seeing what happens. From start to finish the author keeps you engaged, guessing, and intrigued by the plot and how it could possibly come to an end. Is there a happy ending for any of them? Does Dr Kite succeed? How does it all end? While originally confused but intrigued each new chapter, each insight and ultimately each book answered more questions while also adding a few new ones. Seeing how Gigi, Ellen, and Lilly make it to the other side made this a very satisfying Saturday read. I look forward to looking into some of the author’s other works and seeing what mysteries and suspense await me. Phipps Phipps2023-09-30 20:58:032023-10-09 14:38:09ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Ayla Phipps
This trilogy is made even scarier by how realistic it could be! I could definitely see this being a reality in the very near future. I read another book recently by this same author and find their writing style easy to read. I like the way the story moved along so that it was not hard to follow and jumped right in. I definitely recommend having all three books ready because it leaves you on a cliffhanger for each book. I really love all three main characters in the books but especially Gigi’s character. I finished this series in two days because it was so intriguing. I will definitely be reading more from this author very soon! 19:03:282023-10-09 14:34:04Alterations Trilogy : Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Carla Clemmons
This really was a trilogy of thought provoking sci-fi thrillers, which kept me gripped throughout. I loved having all three books in one collection as I could then ‘binge read’ the series! The intriguing storyline follows Gigi, Ellen and Lilly who all want to change their lives in some way and so take the drastic decision to go to Dr Kite. He has developed a mind controlling chip which the three women agree to have implanted, however although this gives them an easy and quick fix it comes with consequences. Gigi, Ellen, and Lilly were prepared to risk everything for love, health, and happiness, and Dr Kite’s novel chip implant offers them a mind controlling solution. However, Dr Kite is a secretive figure and when the city is plunged into chaos by unforeseen issues his warehouse is destroyed. It is then discovered that two of the implanted chips are defective and suddenly his plans go horribly wrong. In the aftermath of the disaster one of the woman seeks revenge for Dr Kite’s failings, but she may also have found an opportunity to save herself. I was hooked from start to finish by this original story, and was kept happily turning the pages to find out if Gigi, Ellen, and Lilly get their happily ever after. The characters and the setting were brought vividly to life by the descriptive narrative and I was fully immersed in the story. Gordon Gordon2023-09-29 12:06:562023-10-09 14:22:25ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Jennifer Gordon
An amazing set of dystopian type books about fixing what we view as our body issues. A totally creepy Dr. Kite wants to help women fix their issues. The books build on the previous stories and it’s great that they now come together. I found them exciting and thrilling just because of the creepy factor. The characters are easy to relate to. We all have these issues being dealt with and look for easy fixes. This author did a fantastic job with this story. I couldn’t put it down. Kittell Kittell2023-09-27 08:35:242023-10-09 14:08:49ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Shelly Kittell
Flanks the line between fantasy and reality This trilogy was fascinating. As always this author delivers a brilliant suspense thriller mystery. Gigi, Ellen and Lilly along with Dr. Kite bring their POV to the story. Micro chips delivering dreams or false hopes. It took a little while for the story to take off and once it did I was hooked until the end. The character’s stories are interwoven well and the suspense built across the books, so it is worth reading them in order. Recommend. East East2023-09-27 03:59:472023-11-22 08:28:38ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Rayne East
Intriguing, suspenseful and interesting sci fi trilogy that was quite enjoyable. This is a perfect box set and the books are meant to be read as a series and definitely not a stand alone.
This series of events from the books has Dr. Kite offering an implant to help and where we meet Gigi, Lilly and Ellen. This implants alters/changes they way they see them-self. Ellen is trying desperately to lose weight and feel good about herself, Gigi is looking for love and Lilly trying to get through her feelings from a divorce. With Dr. Kite’s game changing offer….will this help Ellen, Lilly and Gigi….until he finds out there is some defects in the microchips…
As the story continues in book 2, the ladies try and move on with their life, making sense of it all. You get more from Lilly, Gigi and Ellen as they navigate their next steps…..what is Dr. Kite up to next…..and the epic conclusion in book 3 find out what happens to the end……definitely a roller coaster ride of twists and turns ……… Hoerner Hoerner2023-09-26 20:15:282023-10-09 14:06:54ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Lorralei Hoerner
This set includes all three books in the trilogy: Alteration, Game Changer, and Primal Will. I liked the concept of this dystopian, sci-fi series; however, there were times where I found myself lost and having to go back and re-read. I also felt like Suen jumped around sometimes causing the reader to question themselves. But overall I enjoyed the suspense and mystery of the books and I would recommend them. I would suggest reading them in order and going ahead and getting the set because you are going to want to start the next book as soon as you finish. Reviewed by @meggs1717 Kimley Kimley2023-09-26 09:51:112023-10-09 14:10:31ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Megan Conley
Prepare for a thrilling ride with this series that will keep you thinking about the possibilities for many nights to come. A med school drop out and brilliant engineer unlocks the secrets of human cellular structure and can implant a chip to cure chronic debilitating disease, help you lose and maintain the perfect body weight or become youthful and beautiful all over again. Would you take the plunge? Sounds too good to be true right? What could possibly go wrong. Whelp… possibly everything. Meet 3 women who all chose their chip for different reasons , and the mysterious Dr Kite. Watch as these chips all get implanted only to find out two have a dangerous defective flaw that causes utter chaos and absolute devestation for the rising doctor who was so close to perfecting mind control with his chips. After nearly losing everything you follow Dr Kite in book 2 who is in the depths of despair and the 3 women trying to move on with their lives, but someone hasnt let that night of destruction go and the threads that tie the entire story and all 4 lives together are about to come together in an ending you didnt see coming….Dr Kite still has two chips left and hes got his eyes set on a young girl struggling to survive…or is she??? I literally yelled “What?!?!?” Out loud at 1130 at night in the final section of this trilogy. This is a very fast paced book, you have to enjoy quick plot development and many POV changes to truly enjoy this series as otherwise it may be too abrupt for some. I felt it was Brilliant! 20:58:372023-10-09 14:04:27Alterations Trilogy: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen- Review by Melissa Saxton
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart is a funny and good read that had me wanting more and more. Poppy and Mac are complete opposites but so belong together. While reading about them, there were times that I laughed, wanted to scream and smack them, but overall I swooned and fell in love with two great characters and a story line that I loved. I found this to be the perfect combination of Wit, drama, and HOTNESS! This was my first book by this author and I will say it will NOT be my LAST! I was held from the beginning and until the end and left me longing for more and more. I give this book five stars and HIGHLY recommend!
Small town girl..big city boy. One open emotionally the other is closed. One silly and the other is Intense. Can they ever match? This was a slow starter for me. I understand why later it’s because the author has a lot of setting up to do for the end of the book. That’s where thing really got happening. It all seemed to come full circle. Poppy’s job and Mac’s job. Poppy’s family and Mac’s family. Poppy’s friends and Mac’s friends. Look who is matching now!
This is listed as a romantic comedy but I honestly didn’t feel it was. There were a few times but mostly it seemed darker and more serious. That could be attributed to the male lead. He is a alpha male who is dark and broody. She refers to him as a dragon or King Kong multiple times. He says he doesn’t have a word limit a day but between you and me…I think he does. So getting his story out of him is like pulling teeth.
I enjoyed the sister, Iris, and a co worker, Naveed of Poppy. They both added some flair to the story. Even Bunny, Bobby Lee and Cookie were some nice additions.
This isn’t my first book by this author. I love her Carolina Series. This just seemed to reach quite that high. The story was good and the characters had growth. The author did a good job relaying the intense attraction the two MC’s had for each other. I was saddened and irritated a few times while reading. Then I did get that big “O” of shock. I didn’t see that coming. This is a good story to me though not a rom com Helmick Helmick2019-08-20 05:27:052019-08-20 11:50:54Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Lisa Helmick
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart is a standalone but is connected to another book by a different author and I didn’t even realize it until I got to the very end.
Poppy is adorable! She’s brand new to New York from Georgia and is trying to show no fear. She does okay about half of the time. She’s has no idea how different her life will be. Now that she’s in the big city.
Mac, oh what can I say about Mac? He is a giant, built, tattooed man who has so many layers to him. He is quiet, thoughtful, loving, artistic and vulnerable. He has been hurt by people he trusted and so he tends to keep to himself.
I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like this story. Why does the Southern Belle always leave her hometown to go to the big city and try to reinvent herself? Too often but it worked so well in this story.
Ms. Stewart is a name I’m always looking for when I’m trying to find a new book read. I can’t wait to see what she releases next. Rankin Rankin2019-08-19 21:20:332019-08-19 21:43:39Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Robin Rankin
This was a sweet and funny romance story that I really enjoyed. Poppy and Mac had good chemistry and really interacted well with each other. The story was well done and flowed. This story kept my invested in the story and the characters. I definitely recommend this story! Ullery Ullery2019-08-19 21:12:042019-08-19 21:42:01Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Renee Ullery
Game Changer was a great 5 star read by Sylvie Stewart. I really enjoyed this read, Poppy and Mac were great. I had so many LOL moments.
Mac is a true alpha male, he had some bark but no bite to him. Poppy was a great southern belle who knows how to stand her ground. I loved the bantering between these two.
You could feel their chemistry coming off of the pages. The storyline was great, it had a slow build that moved forward very well. The characters were great which always makes the read enjoyable. This is a great opposites attract story. There are several unexpected twists and turns. I enjoyed the cookie wisdom as well. If you’re looking for a great read, 1-click and get started today. I look forward to reading more from Sylvie Stewart. Austin Austin2019-08-19 20:59:072019-08-19 21:40:26Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Michelle Austin
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart was a fun book! It was quite humorous and I really liked the characters. It’s full of witty banter and such a sweet romance. I really liked Poppy and Mac’s chemistry. I really liked Poppy being from Savannah and her sassy ness. Overall I liked it and enjoyed the writing! 4 star rating! R Lange R Lange2019-08-19 18:28:452019-08-19 18:52:13Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Amber Lange
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart was a great read for me. I have read a few books by this author and have loved everything I read so far. This was no different for me. This book had all the feels. There was happy, sad, scared, anxiety and heat. Poppy James leaves Savannah for NYC to follow her dreams. She meets Mac who is tall, dark, sexy and tatted but he’s very grumpy. They first see each other when Poppy is caught looking in his window staring at his sexiness while he is working out. Poppy never thought her first subject she would need to interview would be none other then that big, hulking man. Luckily for Poppy, Mac never does interviews but one look at her and he changes his mind. Poppy and Mac have a lot of chemistry and all it takes is a visitor from Savannah to get that ball rolling.
Poppy and Mac make a great couple. She gets him to loosen up at times and he loves her sassy attitude almost as much as he loves her sexy body. Mac has reasons for his grumpiness which you will find out about in the book. What will happen when one of Mac’s closest friends who he trusts more then anyone else sets him up and blames someone else. Will Poppy and Mac be able to overcome all of the bad stuff being done? Loved this book. You don’t want to miss out on this 5 star read! Mulvey Mulvey2019-08-19 17:20:352019-08-19 17:43:49Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Michelle Mulvey
Game Changer is the newest romantic comedy from Sylvie Stewart, and holy hotness is about the best way to put into words how I felt after reading this book. I adored Poppy and Mac. Poppy is the sweet and sassy southern red head that finds herself transplanted right into the hustle and bustle of New York City life. Mac is quite possibly the strong opposite to Poppy. He’s a quiet and withdrawn, and often growly alpha male. He truly is balanced whenever Poppy is around. Both of their personalities shine in both the comedic relief and steamy scenes. Sylvie Stewart once again drew me in those first few pages so intently that it was next to impossible to be able to put this book down. I found myself reading well past my bedtime to find out how this book would come to a culmination. I am not even one bit sorry for the grumpy mood that ensued the next day from lack of sleep lol. Well worth every moment spent laughing and swooning with Poppy and Mac! I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book by the ever talented Sylvie Stewart! Vrchota Vrchota2019-08-19 16:08:202019-08-19 16:19:50Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Liz Vrchota
Game Changer is one of the funniest and most engaging stories I have read this year. This gem is the work of Sylvie Stewart and is hands down my favourite book of hers that I’ve read (so far)! This book is a romantic comedy- but there is so much more to this superb story- because woven through the storyline is some wonderful tension, sizzling chemistry, steamy encounters, dramatic moments, a little angsty push-pull, and lots of heartfelt emotion. I was introduced to Ms. Stewart through her Carolina Connections series and was immediately hooked. I didn’t think this story could beat the other books I’d read- but I was wrong! If I could give this more than 5 Stars, I would. It was so much fun to read, wonderfully engaging, with all the feels to give it even more depth and connectivity. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Poppy James has spread her wings and has set flight to make her dreams come true. This down home Georgia peach has left everything and everyone she loves back home to move to New York to join a national magazine as Creative Director. That’s if the team can give the publication a complete makeover, and win over the board of directors in the process. There is a lot riding on their success. This is her big chance to change her life and she’s determined not to mess it up. She is desperate to be taken seriously, so she says “Goodbye” to Georgia Poppy, and “Hello” New York Poppy. But the annoying and impossible to ignore subject of her artisan showcase interview throws an anvil in her plans and becomes a huge distraction for her- distraction with a capital D. Mac is what we’d call tall, dark, and brooding. He’s a hot hunk of tattooed goodness, the strong silent type, who has such an intensity about him that he scares most people away. That suits him fine. He doesn’t ‘do’ people. He has his workshop, his forge, and his creations- they won’t let him down. But people do. He comes with quite a lot of baggage which really weighs him down. Poppy will have her work cut out for her to even get him to agree to speak with her, let alone give her anything much to write about. But fate has a way of interfering. I LOVED Poppy and MAC- they are really wonderful characters who were so perfect for each other. Their chemistry was off the charts- electrifying!!! They really made this one deliciously Hot and Sexy read. But all the characters played their part to make this story stand out from the crowd- this was a stellar cast- with secondary characters who made an impact. Some were so loveable, like Cookie and Naveed- as well as some not so nice personalities who added an element of drama to the whole story. They all made this a very entertaining read. The wit and humour were so on point- with such funny banter, quips, and antics- I was laughing out loud quite a lot through the book. I love the addition of the ‘southernisms’ and the ‘Cookie Quotes’- it was very clever of Ms. Stewart and added more personality to the story. Poppy cracked me up with some of her analogies, and self-talk! This story was so well written I could ‘hear’ Poppy’s voice, southern accent and all, in my head as I read along. When Mac grunted or ‘spoke’ with his eyebrows, I could see/feel it. There wasn’t an element of this story that was left untouched by Ms. Stewart’s attention to detail and vividly descriptive touches- and because of that, the whole book came alive and ‘played out’ before my eyes. It takes true talent to achieve that! On an interesting note, this book seems to be a crossover with Rule Breaker by Phoebe Alexander, as the two books share characters, and other major details. I have really enjoyed both books, and the clever, entertaining, and original stories both authors have produced using the shared elements. While both books can be read as standalones, I really recommend reading both! I cannot recommend “Game Changer” highly enough! Seriously, do yourself a favour and grab yourself a copy to enjoy. You really won’t regret it! Superb!! Hayes Hayes2019-08-19 14:41:332019-08-19 15:11:10Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Angela Hayes
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart is a romantic comedy. This is not my first book by this author and it will not be my last. Stewart creates a great story and characters that you can become apart of easily. I found that this was a fast paced story. I was reading the story and even my puppy was looking at me funny because I was laughing so hard. This is a story that proves that opposites attract. I recommend this story to anyone who needs a laugh. Fish Fish2019-08-19 14:40:312019-08-19 15:12:11Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Erica Fish
I have been an avid fan of Sylvie Stewart’s books since her very first one. I have loved every single one of them and they keep getting better and better!
I loved just how Mac and Poppy were the perfect fit for one another. They were complete opposites but it worked so well that the match up complemented each other instead of feeling off. I loved the banter between the two and the chemistry that burned the pages.
To say I inhaled this book is a complete understatement. It was one of those books I wanted to savor and slow down but I kept telling myself “one more chapter” and suddenly it was 230am and the book was done. Definitely a 5 star read! Mowdy Mowdy2019-08-19 08:46:532019-08-19 09:46:25Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Susan Mowdy
Game Changer was another great read by Sylvie Stewart. I always enjoy picking up one of her new releases as I know that I am most definitely going to be in for a good read. I was easily lost in Ms Stewarts writing and I loved the characters Poppy and Mac. This really was a sweet read, it made me laugh and it definitely made my heart all warm and fuzzy. Poppy was such a wonderful character to read about her, I really admired her tenacity and I loved the quirky side to her personality. Mac was one of those characters that whilst I knew straight away that I was going to love him he made me work for it! I definitely had to get to know him! I loved reading their story and I think it is definitely one of my favourites of 2019! Game Changer was a fantastic 5 star read that I highly recommend! Matthews Matthews2019-08-19 07:09:532019-08-19 07:46:35Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Katie Matthews
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart is an opposites attract romantic comedy. This is not the first book I’ve read by this author and I was not disappointed.
Poppy leaves behind all expectations and heads to New York City. It seems like she may have left some of herself behind too as she tries to hide her southern accent. She thinks she needs to fit a New York City polished image. It isn’t until she meets Mac that everything she thought is turned upside down. Mac isn’t easy to get to know at first but Poppy realizes Mac might be the only one that understands.
Poppy and Mac’s story unfolds slowly but with a lot of laughs and a lot of feels. It doesn’t get better than that! Frazzini Frazzini2019-08-18 20:58:522019-08-18 21:21:06Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Angelina Frazzini
Game Changer is a standalone by Sylvie Stewart. I have read most of what she has written and as I love her way of sharing the Southern way of being with us then I was excited to pick up a copy of Game Changer and as usually, she didn’t disappoint! She gives us Poppy with her whole Southern family that cracks you up (I mean just picture Cookie and her B&B in the real world and you would get ready to make a booking and head down to Savannah on your next vacation), and then we have Mac, a beast of an Alpha that plays a totally different game … add to this mix New York and Poppy’s dream job and you are set for the whole weekend with that 412 page of goodness! You get everything you could imagine wanting – humour, friends, loving family and a genuine Southern Belle who will take on Fate any time! Teppih Teppih2019-08-18 17:10:352019-08-18 17:29:28Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Jana Teppih
Game Changer is a romance comedy by an author that is new to me. There were some very comical moment while reading but also some that made me want to scream. It’s a story that revolves around Poppy and Mac. Poppy gets like a golden opportunity for a career and she takes it to move from Georgia to NYC. Mac is more like the silent type while poppy is like a talkative parrot. There are many other characters that are involved and maybe there is a possible book 2 for involving two of them. I would recommend for anyone that enjoys the rom-com and the banter to pick this book up. Cortes Cortes2019-08-18 03:35:572019-08-18 08:18:02Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Ana Cortes
I love this author! Seriously, I don’t feel like I’m reading, I’m immersed in every scene. I enjoyed reading about Poppy and her new adventure moving to New York. Her first weekend in town she gets lost and, well you need to read for yourself as that was one of the best first meetings ever. This had ups and downs and I didn’t expect what happened at all. And I really loved the interweaving of another stories characters from Phoebe Alexander’s Rule Breaker. Will be on the lookout for more from this author as its always amazing. Fairley Fairley2019-08-17 20:58:542019-08-17 22:08:36Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Lyndsey Fairley
Oh my word! I love everything about this book- Such lovable, realistic characters; amazingly Vivid descriptions. I could not put this book down. I wanted to be Poppy. I vacillated from wanting to give Mac a giant hug to screaming in his face! Please continue this into a second book! 5 stars! Horstman Horstman2019-08-17 01:44:332019-08-17 12:11:24Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Kari Anne Horstman
Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart is a winner. It is a wonderful romance story that just melts the heart. It is fun, it is hot, it is sad and most of all it has everything needed to keep you in your seat for hours just devouring it and laughing out loud, whilst also trying to keep the tears away in some places. I know whenever Sylvie’s name comes up for reading books I jump at the chance because she never lets me down. I know I am in safe hands as she take me on a journey with characters that you will love and a couple that you will not. If only we could have had more of the story in his POV as well, it would have added so much more value overall to the story but that is my opinion.
Poppy finds herself in a new town with a new job trying to be something she is not. Now she has found the one person she can be herself with, things take a turn she did not see coming.
Mac is a man of few words a little moody, ok he is a lot moody and has dealt with a lot in his life, so when he is thrust in the lime light he doesn’t cope very well. What doesn’t come easily and what he needs is a relationship, one with the beautiful red head, who is a walking contradiction, he cannot get off his mind. Bishop Bishop2019-08-17 00:26:212019-08-17 12:01:37Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Jenni Bishop
Pure fun. Absolutely 100% couldn’t put it down. This was the perfect book to pick up for my afternoon and I flew through it. The characters – living in the south I ADORED the character of Poppy. All of the characters were extremely well written. This page turner is staying at the top of my list and will be one I gladly pick up on my next lazy afternoon. Wonderful writing – cannot wait to read more from this author. Lovelace Lovelace2019-08-16 22:47:422019-08-16 22:47:42Game Changer by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Heather Lovelace
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